Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 19:52:35 GMT -5
Welcome one and all to the oregon jungle Before it is all over 15 of you will have bungled Follow the directions as well as you can A victory here and you will avoid the ban
Welcome to challenge jungle. Your task is quite simple.
Chop through the wilderness for victory
Your goal is to make words using the letters in the above italicized phrase. Each person need to make a list of five 3-letter words, five 4-letter words, five 5-letter words, etc up to 10-letter words. So I need 320 words from each tribe.
1.) You can only use the letters in the aformentioned phrase and only as many times as they appear. EX you can't spell zoo (no Z) or sisters (only 2 S's).
2.) Check each other's list because if you have repeat words they won't count. If four of you have victory, then it only counts once.
3.) I will be using to check the word. If it isw not in there, then it won't count.
You can't make a worksheet thread if you want, please label it as such. If not, it will count as your entry.
You have until 5:00 PM PST on Wednesday.
Survivors Ready? GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 19:58:41 GMT -5
Below are a list of words I came up with using: words cee, cep, chi, cis, cod, cog, col, con, coo, cop, cor, cos, cot, cow, coy, cry, cud, cue, cup, cur, cut, dee, dei, del, den, des, dev, dew, dey, die, dig, din, dip, dit, doc, doe, dog, dol, don, dor, dos, dot, dow, dry, due, dug, dui, dun, duo, dup, dye, ecu, edh, eel, efs, eft, ego, eld, elf, els, end, eng, ens, eon, ere, erg, ern, err, ers, ess, eth, eve, ewe, eye, fed, fee, feh, fen, fer, fet, feu, few, fey, fid, fie, fig, fil, fin, fir, fit, flu, fly, foe, fog, foh, fon, fop, for, fou, foy, fro, fry, fud, fug, fun, fur, ged, gee, gel, get, gey, ghi, gid, gie, gin, gip, git, gnu, god, goo, gor, got, gul, gun, gut, guv, guy, gyp, heh, hen, hep, her, hes, het, hew, hey, hic, hid, hie, hin, hip, his, hit, hod, hoe, hog, hon, hop, hot, how, hoy, hue, hug, huh, hun, hup, hut, hyp, ice, ich, icy, ids, ifs, ins, ion, ire, its, ivy, led, lee, leg, lei, let, leu, lev, ley, lid, lie, lin, lip, lis, lit, log, loo, lop, lot, low, lug, luv, lye, nee, net, new, nil, nip, nit, nod, nog, noh, noo, nor, nos, not, now, nth, nus, nut, ode, ods, oes, oft, oho, ohs, oil, old, ole, one, ons, ooh, oot, ope, ops, opt, orc, ore, ors, ort, ose, oud, our, out, owe, owl, own, ped, pee, peg, peh, pen, per, pes, pet, pew, phi, pht, pic, pie, pig, pin, pis, pit, piu, ply, pod, poh, poi, pol, pot, pow, pro, pry, psi, pud, pug, pul, pun, pur, pus, put, pye, rec, red, ree, ref, reg, rei, rep, res, ret, rev, rho, rid, rif, rig, rin, rip, roc, rod, roe, rot, row, rue, rug, run, rut, rye, sec, see, seg, sei, sel, sen, ser, set, sew, she, shh, shy, sic, sin, sip, sir, sis, sit, sly, sod, sol, son, sop, sos, sot, sou, sow, soy, spy, sri, sty, sue, sun, sup, syn, ted, tee, teg, tel, ten, tet, tew, the, tho, thy, tic, tie, til, tin, tip, tis, tit, tod, toe, tog, ton, too, top, tor, tot, tow, toy, try, tug, tui, tun, tup, tut, two, tye, udo, ugh, uns, upo, ups, urd, urn, use, uts, vee, veg, vet, vie, vig, vin, vis, voe, von, vow, vug, wed, wee, wen, wet, who, why, wig, win, wis, wit, woe, won, woo, wos, wot, wry, wud, wye, wyn, yeh, yen, yep, yes, yet, yew, yin, yip, yod, yon, you, yow, yup
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 19:59:11 GMT -5
4-letter words cede, cedi, cees, ceil, celt, cent, cepe, ceps, cere, cero, cess, cete, chef, chew, chic, chid, chin, chip, chis, chit, chon, chop, chow, chug, cine, cion, cire, cist, cite, city, clef, clew, clip, clod, clog, clon, clop, clot, cloy, clue, coco, code, cods, coed, coft, cogs, coho, coif, coil, coin, coir, cold, cole, cols, colt, coly, cone, coni, cons, cony, coof, cool, coon, coop, coos, coot, cope, cops, copy, cord, core, corf, corn, cory, cosh, coss, cost, cosy, cote, cots, coup, cove, cowl, cows, cowy, coys, crew, cris, croc, crop, crow, crud, crus, cuds, cued, cues, cuif, cult, cups, curd, cure, curf, curl, curn, curr, curs, curt, cusp, cuss, cute, cuts, cyst, deco, deep, deer, dees, deet, defi, deft, defy, deil, dele, delf, deli, dels, dene, dens, dent, deny, dere, devs, dews, dewy, deys, dhow, dice, diel, dies, diet, digs, dine, ding, dins, dint, diol, dips, dipt, dire, dirl, dirt, disc, dish, dite, dits, dive, docs, doer, does, doge, dogs, dogy, doit, dole, dols, dolt, done, dong, dons, door, dope, dopy, dore, dorp, dorr, dors, dory, dose, doss, dost, dote, doth, dots, doty, dour, dove, down, dows, dree, dreg, drew, drip, drop, drug, drys, duce, duci, duct, duel, dues, duet, dugs, duit, duly, dune, dung, duns, dunt, duos, dupe, dups, dure, durn, duro, durr, dust, duty, dyer, dyes, dyne, eche, echo, ecru, ecus, edge, edgy, edhs, edit, eels, eely, eery, efts, eger, egis, egos, eide, elds, elhi, else, ends, engs, enol, enow, envy, eons, epee, epic, epos, ergo, ergs, erne, erns, eros, errs, erst, eses, espy, etch, eths, etic, etui, euro, even, ever, eves, evil, ewer, ewes, eyed, eyen, eyer, eyes, eyne, eyre, feds, feed, feel, fees, feet, fehs, felt, fend, fens, feod, fere, fern, fess, fete, fets, feud, feus, fice, fico, fido, fids, figs, file, filo, fils, find, fine, fino, fins, fire, firn, firs, fisc, fish, fist, fits, five, fled, flee, flew, fley, flic, flip, flit, floc, floe, flog, flop, flow, flue, flus, foci, foes, fogs, fogy, fohn, foil, foin, fold, fond, fons, font, food, fool, foot, fops, ford, fore, fort, foss, foul, four, fowl, foys, free, fret, frit, froe, frog, frow, frug, fuci, fuds, fuel, fugs, fund, funs, furl, furs, fury, fuse, fuss, fyce, geds, geed, gees, geld, gels, gelt, gene, gens, gent, genu, gest, gets, ghee, ghis, gids, gied, gien, gies, gift, gild, gilt, gins, gips, gird, girl, girn, giro, girt, gist, give, gled, glee, glen, gley, glop, glow, glue, glut, gnus, gods, goer, goes, gold, golf, gone, good, goof, goon, goop, goos, gore, gorp, gory, gosh, gout, gowd, gown, gree, grew, grey, grid, grin, grip, grit, grot, grow, grue, gude, guid, gulf, gulp, guls, guns, gush, gust, guts, guvs, guys, gyps, gyre, gyri, gyro, gyve, heed, heel, heft, hehs, heil, heir, held, help, hens, hent, herd, here, herl, hern, hero, hers, hest, heth, hets, hewn, hews, hide, hied, hies, high, hili, hilt, hind, hins, hint, hips, hire, hisn, hiss, hist, hits, hive, hods, hoed, hoer, hoes, hogs, hold, hole, holp, hols, holt, holy, hone, hong, hons, hood, hoof, hoop, hoot, hope, hops, horn, hose, host, hots, hour, hove, howe, howf, howl, hows, hoys, hued, hues, huge, hugs, huic, hung, hunh, huns, hunt, hurl, hurt, hush, huts, hype, hypo, hyps, hyte, iced, ices, ichs, icon, ides, idle, idly, idol, idyl, iglu, inch, info, inly, inro, inti, into, ions, ired, ires, irid, iris, iron, isle, itch, iwis, lech, leer, lees, leet, left, legs, lehr, leis, lend, leno, lens, lent, lept, less, lest, lets, leud, levo, levy, lewd, leys, lice, lich, lido, lids, lied, lief, lien, lier, lies, lieu, life, lift, line, ling, lino, lins, lint, liny, lion, lips, lire, lisp, list, lits, litu, live, loch, loci, loco, lode, loft, loge, logo, logs, logy, loin, lone, long, loof, loon, loop, loos, loot, lope, lops, lord, lore, lorn, lory, lose, loss, lost, loth, loti, lots, loud, loup, lour, lout, love, lowe, lown, lows, luce, lude, lues, luge, lugs, lune, lung, lunt, luny, lure, lush, lust, lute, luvs, lwei, lyes, lyre, lyse, need, neep, neif, nerd, ness, nest, nets, nett, neve, nevi, news, newt, nice, nide, nidi, nigh, nils, nips, nisi, nits, node, nodi, nods, noel, noes, nogs, noil, nolo, nope, nose, nosh, nosy, note, nous, nows, nowt, nude, nurd, nurl, nuts, odes, odic, odor, odyl, ogee, ogle, ogre, ohed, oils, oily, olds, oldy, oleo, oles, olio, once, ones, only, onto, onus, oohs, oops, oots, oped, open, opes, opts, opus, orcs, ordo, ores, orgy, orle, orts, oses, otic, otto, ouch, ouds, ouph, ours, oust, outs, oven, over, owed, owes, owls, owns, owse, oyer, oyes, pech, pecs, peds, peel, peen, peer, pees, pegs, pehs, pein, pele, pelf, pelt, pend, pens, pent, peon, peri, pert, peso, pest, pets, pews, pfui, phew, phis, phon, phot, phut, pice, pics, pied, pier, pies, pigs, pile, pili, pily, pine, ping, pins, pint, piny, pion, pirn, pish, pith, pits, pity, pled, plew, plie, plod, plot, plow, ploy, plug, plus, poco, pods, poet, pogy, pois, pole, polo, pols, poly, pond, pone, pong, pons, pony, pood, poof, pooh, pool, thingy, poor, pore, porn, port, pose, posh, post, posy, pots, pouf, pour, pout, pows, pree, prey, prig, prod, prof, prog, pros, prow, psis, psst, puce, puds, pugh, pugs, pule, puli, puls, pung, puns, punt, puny, pure, puri, purl, purr, purs, push, puss, puts, putt, pyes, pyic, pyin, pyre, recs, rede, redo, reds, reed, reef, reel, rees, refs, reft, regs, reif, rein, reis, rely, rend, rent, repo, reps, resh, rest, rete, rets, revs, rhos, rhus, rice, rich, ride, rids, riel, rife, rifs, rift, rigs, rile, rind, ring, rins, riot, ripe, rips, rise, rite, rive, rocs, rode, rods, roes, roil, role, rood, roof, root, rope, ropy, rose, rosy, rote, rotl, roto, rots, roue, roup, rout, rove, rows, rude, rued, ruer, rues, rugs, ruin, rule, rune, rung, runs, runt, ruse, rush, rust, ruth, ruts, ryes, rynd, ryot, scop, scot, scow, scry, scud, scup, scut, secs, sect, seed, seel, seen, seep, seer, sees, sego, segs, seif, seis, self, sels, send, sene, sent, sept, sere, serf, sers, sets, sett, sewn, sews, shed, shes, shew, shin, ship, shiv, shod, shoe, shog, shoo, shop, shot, show, shri, shul, shun, shut, sice, sics, side, sift, sigh, sign, sild, silo, silt, sine, sing, sinh, sins, sipe, sips, sire, sirs, site, sith, sits, sled, slew, slid, slip, slit, sloe, slog, slop, slot, slow, slue, slug, slur, very *friendly* person, sned, snip, snit, snog, snot, snow, snug, snye, sods, soft, soil, sold, sole, soli, solo, sols, sone, song, sons, soon, soot, soph, sops, sord, sore, sori, sorn, sort, soth, sots, soul, soup, sour, sous, sown, sows, soys, spec, sped, spew, spin, spit, spiv, spot, spry, spud, spue, spun, spur, sris, step, stet, stew, stey, stir, stop, stow, stud, stun, stye, such, suds, sued, suer, sues, suet, sugh, suit, sung, suns, supe, sups, surd, sure, surf, swig, swop, swot, syce, syli, sync, syne, teds, teed, teel, teen, tees, tegs, tele, tels, tend, tens, tent, tern, test, teth, tets, tews, thee, then, thew, they, thin, thio, thir, this, thou, thro, thru, thud, thug, thus, tics, tide, tidy, tied, tier, ties, tile, tils, tilt, tine, ting, tins, tint, tiny, tipi, tips, tire, tirl, tiro, titi, tits, tivy, tods, tody, toed, toes, toft, tofu, togs, toil, toit, told, tole, tolu, tone, tong, tons, tony, tool, toon, toot, tope, toph, topi, tops, torc, tore, tori, torn, toro, torr, tors, tort, tory, tosh, toss, tost, tote, tots, tour, tout, town, tows, towy, toyo, toys, tree, tref, tret, trey, trig, trio, trip, trod, trop, trot, trow, troy, true, trug, tuft, tugs, tuis, tule, tune, tung, tuns, tups, turf, turn, tush, tuts, twee, twig, twin, twit, twos, tyee, tyes, tyne, type, typo, tyre, tyro, udos, ughs, ugly, unci, unco, unde, undo, undy, unit, unto, updo, upon, urds, urge, uric, urns, used, user, uses, veep, veer, vees, veil, vein, veld, vend, vent, vert, very, vest, veto, vets, vice, vide, vied, vier, vies, view, vigs, vile, vine, vino, vins, viny, viol, virl, vise, voes, void, vole, volt, vote, vows, vrow, vugh, vugs, weds, weed, weel, ween, weep, weer, wees, weet, weft, weir, weld, welt, wend, wens, went, wept, were, wert, west, wets, whee, when, whet, whey, whid, whig, whin, whip, whir, whit, whop, whys, wich, wide, wife, wigs, wild, wile, wilt, wily, wind, wine, wing, wino, wins, winy, wipe, wire, wiry, wise, wish, wisp, wiss, wist, wite, with, wits, wive, woes, wold, wolf, wons, wont, wood, woof, wool, woos, word, wore, worn, wort, wost, wots, wove, wren, writ, wych, wyes, wyle, wynd, wyns, wyte, yech, yeld, yelp, yens, yeti, yett, yews, yins, yipe, yips, yird, yirr, yodh, yods, yogh, yogi, yond, yoni, yore, your, yowe, yowl, yows, yuch, yule, yurt, ywis
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 19:59:38 GMT -5
5-letter words ceder, cedes, cedis, ceils, celts, cense, cento, cents, ceorl, cepes, cerci, cered, ceres, ceric, ceros, cesti, cetes, cheep, cheer, chefs, chert, chess, chest, cheth, chevy, chews, chewy, chico, chics, chide, chief, chiel, child, chile, chili, chine, chino, chins, chips, chiro, chirp, chirr, chits, chive, chivy, choir, cholo, chops, chord, chore, chose, chott, chows, chugs, churl, churn, churr, chute, chyle, cider, cinch, cines, cions, cires, cirri, cisco, cissy, cists, cited, citer, cites, civet, civic, civie, civil, clefs, cleft, clepe, clept, clews, clift, cline, cling, clips, clipt, clods, clogs, clone, clons, cloot, clops, close, cloth, clots, cloud, clour, clout, clove, clown, cloys, clued, clues, clung, cocos, codec, coden, coder, codes, codon, coeds, cogon, cohog, cohos, coifs, coign, coils, coins, coirs, colds, coled, coles, colic, colin, colog, colon, color, colts, conch, condo, coned, cones, coney, conge, congo, conic, conte, conto, conus, cooch, cooed, cooee, cooer, cooey, coofs, cools, cooly, coons, coops, coopt, coots, coped, copen, coper, copes, copse, cords, cored, corer, cores, corgi, corns, cornu, corny, corps, corse, cosec, coses, coset, cosey, cosie, costs, coted, cotes, couch, coude, cough, could, count, coupe, coups, court, couth, coved, coven, cover, coves, covet, covey, covin, cowed, cower, cowls, cowry, coyed, coyer, coypu, credo, creed, creel, creep, crepe, crept, crepy, cress, crest, crews, cried, crier, cries, cripe, crisp, croci, crocs, croft, crone, crony, croon, crops, crore, cross, croup, crowd, crown, crows, crude, cruds, cruel, cruet, cruor, cruse, crush, crust, crwth, crypt, cuifs, cuing, cuish, culch, culet, culti, cults, cupel, cupid, curch, curds, curdy, cured, curer, cures, curet, curfs, curie, curio, curls, curly, curns, currs, curry, curse, curst, curve, curvy, cusec, cushy, cusps, cusso, cutch, cuter, cutes, cutey, cutie, cutin, cutis, cutty, cycle, cyclo, cyder, cynic, cysts, cyton, decor, decos, decoy, decry, deeps, deers, deets, defer, defis, defog, deice, deify, deign, deils, deist, deity, deles, delfs, delft, delis, delve, denes, dense, dents, depot, depth, derry, deter, deuce, devel, devil, devon, dhole, dhoti, dhows, dhuti, dicer, dices, dicey, dicot, dicty, diene, diets, dight, digit, diner, dines, dinge, dingo, dings, dingy, dints, diols, dipso, direr, dirge, dirls, dirts, dirty, disci, disco, discs, dishy, ditch, dites, ditsy, ditto, ditty, diver, dives, divot, doers, doest, doeth, doges, dogey, dogie, doily, doing, doits, dolce, dolci, doles, dolor, dolts, donee, dongs, donor, donsy, donut, dooly, doors, doper, dopes, dopey, dorps, dorrs, dorty, doser, doses, doter, dotes, dotty, douce, dough, douse, doven, doves, dowel, dower, dowie, downs, downy, dowry, dowse, doyen, drees, dregs, dress, drest, drier, dries, drift, drily, drips, dript, drive, droit, drone, drool, droop, drops, dropt, dross, drove, drown, drugs, drupe, druse, dryer, duces, duchy, ducts, duels, duets, duits, dulse, dunce, dunch, dunes, dungs, dungy, dunts, duper, dupes, duple, dures, durns, duroc, duros, durrs, durst, dusts, dusty, dutch, duvet, dwelt, dwine, dyers, dying, dynel, dynes, eched, eches, ecrus, edger, edges, edict, edify, edile, edits, educe, educt, eerie, egers, egest, egret, eider, eidos, eight, elder, elect, elegy, elfin, elide, elint, elite, eloin, elope, elude, elute, elver, elves, ender, endow, endue, enols, enows, enrol, ensue, enter, entry, enure, envoi, envoy, eosin, epees, ephod, ephor, epics, epoch, epode, erect, ergot, ernes, erode, erose, erred, error, erses, eruct, erugo, erupt, ervil, escot, ester, estop, ether, ethic, ethos, ethyl, etude, etuis, etwee, euros, evens, event, evert, every, evict, evils, evite, ewers, eyers, eying, eyres, eyrie, eyrir, feces, feeds, feels, feign, feint, feist, felid, felon, felts, fence, fends, feods, feres, ferly, ferns, ferny, ferry, fesse, fetch, feted, fetes, fetid, fetor, fetus, feuds, feued, fever, fewer, feyer, fices, fiche, fichu, ficin, ficus, fidge, fidos, field, fiend, fiery, fight, filch, filed, filer, files, filet, filos, filth, finch, finds, fined, finer, fines, finis, finos, fiord, fired, firer, fires, firns, firry, first, firth, fiscs, fishy, fists, fitch, fitly, fiver, fives, fleer, flees, fleet, flesh, flews, fleys, flics, flied, flier, flies, fling, flint, flips, flirt, flite, flits, flocs, floes, flogs, flong, flood, floor, flops, floss, flour, flout, flown, flows, flued, flues, fluid, flung, fluor, flush, flute, fluty, fluyt, flyer, flyte, focus, foehn, fogey, fogie, fohns, foils, foins, foist, folds, folio, fonds, fondu, fonts, foods, fools, foots, footy, force, fordo, fords, fores, forge, forgo, forte, forth, forts, forty, fosse, fouls, found, fount, fours, fowls, foyer, freed, freer, frees, frere, fresh, frets, fried, frier, fries, frise, frith, frits, fritt, froes, frogs, frond, frons, front, frore, frosh, frost, froth, frown, frows, frugs, fruit, fryer, fudge, fuels, fugio, fugle, fundi, funds, fungi, fungo, furls, furor, furry, fused, fusee, fusel, fuses, fusil, fussy, fusty, futon, fyces, fytte, geese, geest, gelds, gelee, gelid, gelts, genes, genet, genic, genie, genii, genip, genre, genro, gents, genus, geode, geoid, gesso, geste, gests, getup, ghees, ghost, ghoul, gifts, gilds, gilts, gipon, gipsy, girds, girls, girly, girns, giron, giros, girsh, girth, girts, gists, given, giver, gives, glede, gleds, gleed, glees, gleet, glens, gleys, glide, glint, glops, glory, gloss, glost, glout, glove, glows, glued, gluer, glues, gluey, gluon, gluts, glyph, godly, goers, gofer, golds, golfs, gonef, goner, gonif, gonof, goods, goody, gooey, goofs, goofy, goons, goony, goops, goopy, goose, goosy, gored, gores, gorps, gorse, gorsy, gourd, gouts, gouty, gowds, gowns, greed, green, grees, greet, greys, gride, grids, grief, grift, grind, grins, griot, gripe, grips, gript, gripy, grist, grith, grits, groin, grope, gross, grots, group, grout, grove, growl, grown, grows, gruel, grues, grunt, gudes, guess, guest, guide, guids, guild, guile, guilt, guiro, guise, gulch, gules, gulfs, gulfy, gulps, gulpy, gurry, gursh, gushy, gussy, gusto, gusts, gusty, gutsy, gutty, guyed, guyot, gyred, gyres, gyron, gyros, gyrus, gyved, gyves, heder, hedge, hedgy, heeds, heels, hefts, hefty, heigh, heils, heirs, heist, helio, helot, helps, helve, hence, henry, hents, herds, heres, herls, herns, heron, heros, herry, hests, heths, heuch, heugh, hewed, hewer, hider, hides, highs, hight, hilts, hilus, hinds, hinge, hints, hired, hirer, hires, hists, hitch, hived, hives, hocus, hoers, hoise, hoist, holds, holed, holes, holey, holts, honed, honer, hones, honey, hongs, honor, hooch, hoods, hooey, hoofs, hooly, hoops, hoots, hooty, hoped, hoper, hopes, horde, horns, horny, horse, horst, horsy, hosed, hosel, hosen, hoses, hosts, hotch, hotel, hotly, hound, houri, hours, house, hovel, hover, howdy, howes, howfs, howls, hoyle, huger, hunch, hunts, hurds, hurls, hurly, hurry, hurst, hurts, hussy, hutch, hydro, hying, hyoid, hyped, hyper, hypes, hypos, hyson, ichor, icier, icily, icing, icons, ictic, ictus, idiot, idler, idles, idols, idyls, igloo, iglus, ileus, incog, incur, incus, indie, indol, indow, indri, indue, inept, inert, infer, infos, ingle, ingot, inlet, input, inset, inter, intis, intro, inure, iodic, iodin, ionic, irids, iring, irone, irons, irony, isled, isles, islet, issei, issue, istle, itchy, ither, ivied, ivies, ivory, ledge, ledgy, leech, leers, leery, leets, lefts, lefty, leger, leges, legit, lehrs, lends, lenes, lenis, lenos, lense, lento, leone, leper, letch, lethe, letup, leuds, levee, lever, levin, lewis, lichi, licht, licit, lidos, liege, liens, liers, lieus, lieve, lifer, lifts, liger, light, lindy, lined, liner, lines, liney, lingo, lings, lingy, linos, lints, linty, lions, lipid, lipin, lirot, lisps, lists, liter, lithe, litho, litre, lived, liven, liver, lives, livid, livre, lochs, locos, locus, loden, lodes, lodge, loess, lofts, lofty, loges, logic, logoi, logos, loins, loner, longe, longs, looed, looey, loofs, looie, loons, loony, loops, loopy, loose, loots, loped, loper, lopes, lords, lores, loris, lorry, loser, loses, lossy, lotic, lotos, lotto, lotus, lough, louie, louis, loupe, loups, lours, loury, louse, lousy, louts, loved, lover, loves, lowed, lower, lowes, lowse, luces, lucid, lucre, ludes, ludic, luged, luges, lunch, lunes, lunet, lunge, lungi, lungs, lunts, lupin, lurch, lured, lurer, lures, lurid, lusts, lusty, luted, lutes, lweis, lycee, lying, lynch, lyres, lyric, lysed, lyses, lysin, lysis, lytic, needs, needy, neeps, negus, neifs, neigh, neist, nerds, nerdy, nerol, nerts, nerve, nervy, nests, netop, netts, netty, never, neves, nevus, newel, newer, newie, newly, newsy, newts, ngwee, nicer, niche, nicol, nides, nidus, niece, nieve, nifty, nighs, night, nihil, nisei, nisus, niter, nitid, nitre, nitro, nitty, nodes, nodus, noels, nohow, noils, noily, noise, noisy, nolos, noose, north, nosed, noses, nosey, notch, noted, noter, notes, novel, nowts, nuder, nudes, nudge, nudie, nurds, nurls, nurse, nutsy, nutty, occur, ocher, ochre, ochry, octet, octyl, odeon, odist, odors, odour, odyle, odyls, often, ofter, ogees, ogive, ogled, ogler, ogles, ogres, ohing, oiled, oiler, olden, older, oldie, oleic, olein, oleos, olios, olive, ology, onery, onset, ontic, oohed, oorie, ootid, opens, opine, oping, opsin, opted, optic, orcin, order, ordos, orgic, oriel, orles, orlop, ornis, orpin, orris, ortho, osier, other, otter, ottos, ought, ounce, ouphe, ouphs, ourie, ousel, ousts, outdo, outed, outer, outgo, outre, ovens, overs, overt, ovine, ovoid, ovoli, ovolo, ovule, owing, owlet, owned, owner, owsen, oyers, pechs, pedes, pedro, peels, peens, peers, peery, peeve, peins, peise, peles, pelfs, pelon, pelts, pence, pends, penes, pengo, thingy, peons, peony, perch, perdu, perdy, peril, peris, perry, perse, pesos, pesto, pests, peter, petit, petti, petto, petty, pewee, pewit, phone, phono, phons, phony, photo, phots, phuts, phyle, picot, picul, piece, piers, piety, piing, piled, pilei, piles, pilis, pilot, pilus, pinch, pined, pines, piney, pingo, pings, pinot, pinto, pints, pions, pious, pirns, pirog, pisco, piste, pitch, piths, pithy, piton, pivot, plews, plied, plier, plies, plods, plots, plows, ploys, plugs, plush, plyer, podgy, poesy, poets, pogey, poilu, poind, point, poise, poled, poler, poles, polio, polis, polos, polys, ponce, ponds, pones, pongs, pooch, poods, poohs, pools, thingys, poori, porch, pored, pores, porgy, porno, porns, porny, ports, posed, poser, poses, posit, posse, posts, potsy, potto, potty, pouch, poufs, poult, pound, pours, pouts, pouty, power, poyou, preed, preen, prees, prese, press, prest, preys, price, pricy, pride, pried, prier, pries, prigs, print, prior, prise, priss, privy, prods, profs, progs, prole, prone, prong, proof, prose, proso, pross, prost, prosy, proud, prove, prowl, prows, prude, prune, pryer, pseud, psych, puces, pudgy, pudic, puled, puler, pules, pulis, pulse, punch, pungs, punto, punts, punty, puree, purer, purge, purin, puris, purls, purrs, purse, pursy, puses, pushy, girl thingy, puton, putti, putto, putts, putty, pyins, pylon, pyoid, pyres, pyric, recon, recti, recto, recur, recut, redes, redip, redly, redon, redos, redry, redye, reeds, reedy, reefs, reefy, reels, reest, reeve, refed, refel, refer, refit, refly, refry, reges, reifs, reify, reign, reins, reive, relet, relic, relit, rends, renew, renig, rente, rents, reoil, repeg, repel, repin, reply, repos, repot, repro, rerun, resee, reset, resew, resid, resin, resod, resow, rests, retch, retie, retro, retry, reuse, revel, revet, revue, rewed, rewet, rewin, rewon, rhino, riced, ricer, rices, ricin, rider, rides, ridge, ridgy, riels, rifer, rifle, rifts, right, rigid, rigor, riled, riles, riley, rinds, rings, rinse, riots, riped, ripen, riper, ripes, risen, riser, rises, rishi, risus, rites, rived, riven, river, rives, rivet, rodeo, roger, rogue, roils, roily, roles, rondo, roods, roofs, roose, roost, roots, rooty, roped, roper, ropes, ropey, rosed, roses, roset, rosin, rotch, rotes, rotls, rotor, rotos, rotte, rouen, roues, rouge, rough, round, roups, roupy, rouse, roust, route, routh, routs, roved, roven, rover, roves, rowdy, rowed, rowel, rowen, rower, rowth, ruche, ruder, ruers, ruing, ruins, ruled, ruler, rules, runes, rungs, runic, runts, runty, rupee, ruses, rushy, rusts, rusty, ruths, rutin, rutty, rynds, ryots, scend, scene, scent, schul, scion, scold, scone, scoop, scoot, scope, scops, score, scorn, scots, scour, scout, scowl, scows, scree, screw, scrip, scrod, scudi, scudo, scuds, sculp, scups, scurf, scute, scuts, secco, sects, seder, sedge, sedgy, seeds, seedy, seels, seely, seeps, seepy, seers, segni, segno, segos, segue, seifs, seine, seise, selfs, sends, sengi, senor, sense, senti, sepic, sepoy, septs, sered, serer, seres, serfs, serge, serif, serin, serow, serry, serve, servo, seton, setts, setup, seven, sever, sewed, sewer, sheds, sheen, sheep, sheer, sheet, shelf, shend, shent, sheol, sherd, shewn, shews, shied, shiel, shier, shies, shift, shily, shine, shins, shiny, ships, shire, shirr, shirt, shist, shive, shivs, shlep, shoed, shoer, shoes, shogs, shone, shool, shoon, shoos, shoot, shops, shore, shorl, shorn, short, shote, shots, shott, shout, shove, shown, shows, showy, shoyu, shred, shrew, shris, shrug, shuln, shuls, shuns, shunt, shush, shute, shuts, shyer, sices, sides, sidle, siege, sieur, sieve, sifts, sighs, sight, sigil, signs, silds, silos, silts, silty, since, sines, sinew, singe, sings, sinhs, sinus, siped, sipes, sired, siree, siren, sires, sirup, sited, sites, situp, situs, siver, sleds, sleep, sleet, slept, slews, slice, slide, slier, sling, slipe, slips, slipt, slits, sloes, slogs, sloid, sloop, slope, slops, slosh, sloth, slots, slows, sloyd, slued, slues, slugs, slung, slurp, slurs, slush, very *friendly* persons, slyer, slype, sneds, sneer, snide, snipe, snips, snits, snogs, snood, snool, snoop, snoot, snore, snort, snots, snout, snows, snowy, snugs, snyes, socle, sodic, softs, softy, soils, soldi, soldo, soled, solei, soles, solid, solon, solos, solus, solve, sonde, sones, songs, sonic, sonly, sonsy, sooey, sooth, soots, sooty, sophs, sophy, sopor, sords, sorel, sorer, sores, sorgo, sorns, sorry, sorts, sorus, soths, sotol, sough, souls, sound, soups, soupy, sours, souse, south, sowed, sower, specs, speed, speel, speer, speil, speir, spelt, spend, spent, spews, spice, spicy, spied, spiel, spier, spies, spile, spilt, spine, spins, spiny, spire, spirt, spiry, spite, spits, spivs, split, spode, spoil, spoof, spool, sthingy, spoor, spore, sport, spots, spout, spree, sprig, sprit, sprue, sprug, spuds, spued, spues, spurn, spurs, spurt, steed, steel, steep, steer, stein, stele, steno, steps, stere, stern, stets, stews, stich, stied, sties, stile, stilt, sting, stint, stipe, stirp, stirs, stogy, stoic, stole, stone, stony, stood, stool, stoop, stope, stops, stopt, store, story, stoup, stour, stout, stove, stowp, stows, strep, strew, strid, strip, strop, strow, stroy, strut, studs, study, stung, stuns, stunt, stupe, sturt, styed, styes, style, styli, sucre, sudor, sudsy, suede, suers, suets, suety, sughs, suing, suint, suite, suits, sulci, sulfo, super, supes, surds, surer, surfs, surfy, surge, surgy, surly, sushi, swede, sweep, sweer, sweet, swept, swift, swigs, swine, swing, swipe, swirl, swish, swith, swive, swoon, swoop, swops, sword, swore, sworn, swots, swoun, swung, sycee, syces, sylis, sylph, synch, syncs, synod, synth, syren, syrup, techy, teels, teens, teeny, teeth, teiid, teind, teles, telic, teloi, telos, tench, tends, tenet, tenor, tense, tenth, tents, tenty, tepee, tepid, tepoy, terce, terne, terns, terry, terse, tests, testy, teths, teuch, teugh, tewed, theft, thegn, thein, their, thens, there, these, thews, thewy, thief, thigh, thine, thing, thins, thiol, third, thirl, thole, thong, thorn, thoro, thorp, those, thous, three, threw, thrip, throe, throw, thuds, thugs, thurl, tides, tiers, tiger, tight, tigon, tilde, tiled, tiler, tiles, tilth, tilts, tinct, tined, tines, tinge, tings, tints, tipis, tipsy, tired, tires, tirls, tiros, titer, tithe, titis, title, titre, titty, tofts, tofus, togue, toile, toils, toits, toled, toles, tolus, tondi, tondo, toned, toner, tones, toney, tongs, tonic, tonus, tools, toons, tooth, toots, toped, topee, toper, topes, tophe, tophi, tophs, topic, topis, topoi, topos, torch, torcs, tores, toric, torii, toros, torot, torse, torsi, torso, torte, torts, torus, toted, toter, totes, touch, tough, tours, touse, touts, towed, towel, tower, towie, towns, towny, toyed, toyer, toyon, toyos, treed, treen, trees, trend, tress, trets, trews, treys, trice, tried, trier, tries, trigo, trigs, trine, triol, trios, tripe, trips, trite, trode, trois, trone, troop, trope, troth, trots, trout, trove, trows, troys, truce, trued, truer, trues, trugs, truly, truss, trust, truth, tryst, tufts, tufty, tules, tulip, tuned, tuner, tunes, tungs, tunic, turfs, turfy, turns, turps, tushy, tutee, tutor, tutti, tutty, tuyer, tweed, tween, tweet, twerp, twice, twier, twigs, twine, twins, twiny, twirl, twirp, twist, twits, twyer, tyees, tying, tyned, tynes, typed, types, typic, typos, tyred, tyres, tyros, tythe, ulcer, uncle, uncos, uncoy, undee, under, unfed, unfit, ungot, unhip, unify, unite, units, unity, unled, unlet, unlit, unpeg, unrig, unrip, unset, unsew, untie, until, unwed, unwit, updos, updry, upend, uplit, upset, uredo, ureic, urged, urger, urges, urine, users, usher, using, uteri, utile, utter, veeps, veers, veery, vegie, veils, veins, veiny, velds, veldt, vends, venge, vents, venue, verge, verse, verso, verst, verts, vertu, vests, vetch, viced, vices, vichy, video, viers, views, viewy, vigil, vigor, viler, vined, vines, vinic, vinos, vinyl, viols, viper, vireo, vires, virid, virls, virtu, virus, vised, vises, visit, visor, voces, vodun, vogie, vogue, voice, voids, voile, voled, voles, volte, volti, volts, voted, voter, votes, vouch, vowed, vowel, vower, vrouw, vrows, vughs, vulgo, vying, wecht, wedel, wedge, wedgy, weeds, weedy, weens, weeny, weeps, weepy, weest, weets, wefts, weigh, weird, weirs, welch, welds, welsh, welts, wench, wends, wests, wetly, wheel, wheen, wheep, whelp, whens, where, whets, wheys, which, whids, whigs, while, whine, whins, whiny, whips, whipt, whirl, whirr, whirs, whish, whist, white, whits, whity, whole, whoof, whoop, whops, sleeper, whorl, whort, whose, whoso, widen, wider, wides, width, wield, wifed, wifes, wight, wilco, wilds, wiled, wiles, wilts, wince, winch, winds, windy, wined, wines, winey, wings, wingy, winos, wiped, wiper, wipes, wired, wirer, wires, wised, wiser, wises, wisps, wispy, wists, witch, wited, wites, withe, withy, witty, wived, wiver, wives, wodge, woful, wolds, wolfs, wonts, woods, woody, wooed, wooer, woofs, wools, wooly, woops, woosh, words, wordy, world, worry, worse, worst, worth, worts, would, wound, woven, wrens, wrest, wried, wrier, wries, wring, wrist, write, writs, wrong, wrote, wroth, wrung, wryer, wurst, wyled, wyles, wynds, wyted, wytes, yecch, yechs, yelps, yente, yeses, yetis, yetts, yield, yince, yipes, yirds, yirrs, yirth, yodel, yodhs, yodle, yogee, yoghs, yogic, yogin, yogis, yonic, yonis, yores, young, yourn, yours, youse, youth, yowed, yowes, yowie, yowls, yucch, yules, yupon, yurts
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 20:01:41 GMT -5
6-letter words ceders, ceding, ceiled, ceiler, celery, cenote, censed, censer, censes, censor, census, center, centos, centre, ceorls, cercis, cercus, cereus, cering, ceriph, cerise, cerite, cerous, certes, ceruse, cervid, cessed, cestoi, cestos, cestus, cheder, cheeps, cheero, cheers, cheery, cheese, cheesy, chegoe, cherry, cherts, cherty, chests, chesty, cheths, chevre, chewed, chewer, chicer, chichi, chicle, chicly, chicos, chider, chides, chiefs, chield, chiels, chigoe, childe, chiles, chinch, chined, chines, chinos, chints, chiros, chirps, chirpy, chirre, chirrs, chisel, chitin, chiton, chitty, chives, choice, choirs, choler, cholos, choose, choosy, chopin, chords, chored, chores, choric, chorus, chosen, choses, chotts, chough, chouse, choush, chowed, chowse, church, churls, churns, churrs, chuted, chutes, chyles, cicely, cicero, ciders, cilice, cinder, cineol, cipher, circle, circus, cirrus, ciscos, cistus, citers, cither, citied, cities, citify, citing, citole, citric, citrin, citron, citrus, civets, civics, civies, clefts, clench, cleped, clepes, clergy, cleric, clerid, clever, clevis, clewed, cliche, client, clifts, clinch, clines, clings, clingy, clinic, cloche, cloned, cloner, clones, clonic, clonus, cloots, closed, closer, closes, closet, clothe, cloths, clotty, clouds, cloudy, clough, clours, clouts, cloven, clover, cloves, clowns, cloyed, cluing, clutch, clypei, cochin, cocoon, codecs, codein, codens, coders, codger, codify, coding, codlin, codons, coedit, coerce, cogent, cogito, cogons, coheir, cohere, cohogs, cohort, cohosh, cohost, cohune, coifed, coigne, coigns, coiled, coiler, coined, coiner, coitus, colder, coleus, colics, colies, colins, cologs, colone, coloni, colons, colony, colors, colour, colter, colugo, colure, conchs, conchy, concur, condor, condos, coneys, confer, congee, conger, conges, congii, congos, congou, conics, conies, conoid, consol, consul, contes, contos, convey, convoy, coocoo, cooeed, cooees, cooers, cooeys, cooing, cooled, cooler, coolie, coolth, cooped, cooper, coopts, cootie, copens, copers, copied, copier, copies, coping, coplot, copses, copter, corder, cordon, corers, corgis, coring, corned, cornel, corner, cornet, cornus, corody, corpse, corpus, corrie, corses, corset, cortin, corvee, corves, corvet, cosecs, cosets, coseys, coshed, cosher, coshes, cosied, cosier, cosies, cosign, cosily, cosine, cosset, costed, coster, costly, coting, cotter, cotton, cotype, coughs, coulee, counts, county, couped, coupes, couple, coupon, course, courts, cousin, couter, couths, covens, covers, covert, covets, coveys, coving, covins, cowers, cowier, cowing, cowled, cowpie, cowrie, coydog, coyest, coying, coyish, coyote, coypou, coypus, creche, credit, credos, creeds, creels, creeps, creepy, creese, creesh, crenel, creole, creped, crepes, crepey, crepon, cresol, crests, cresyl, cretic, cretin, crewed, crewel, criers, cringe, cripes, crises, crisic, crisis, crisps, crispy, critic, crocus, crofts, crones, croons, crores, crosse, crotch, croton, crouch, croupe, croups, croupy, crouse, crowds, crowdy, crowed, crower, crowns, cruces, cruder, crudes, cruets, cruise, crunch, cruors, cruses, cruset, crusts, crusty, crutch, crwths, crying, crypto, crypts, cudgel, cueing, cuisse, culets, cultch, cultic, culver, cupels, cupids, cupric, curdle, curers, curets, curfew, curies, curing, curios, curite, curled, curler, curlew, curred, currie, cursed, curser, curses, cursor, curter, curtly, curtsy, curved, curves, curvet, curvey, cusecs, cusped, cuspid, cuspis, cussed, cusser, custos, cutely, cutest, cutesy, cuteys, cuties, cutins, cutler, cutlet, cutter, cuttle, cycled, cycler, cycles, cyclos, cyders, cyeses, cyesis, cygnet, cynics, cypher, cypres, cyprus, cystic, cytons, deceit, decent, decern, decile, decoct, decors, decoys, decree, decury, deepen, deeper, deeply, defect, defers, defier, defies, defile, define, defogs, defter, deftly, defuse, degree, degust, dehorn, dehort, deicer, deices, deific, deigns, deists, delete, delfts, delict, delist, deltic, deluge, delver, delves, dengue, denier, denies, denote, denser, dentil, depict, deploy, depone, deport, depose, depots, depths, depute, deputy, derive, derris, descry, desert, design, desire, desist, despot, detect, detent, deters, detest, detour, deuces, devein, devels, devest, device, devils, devise, devoir, devons, devote, devour, devout, dewier, dewily, dewing, dewool, dholes, dhooly, dhooti, dhotis, dhutis, dicers, dicier, dicing, dicots, dieing, dienes, diesel, dieses, diesis, dieter, digest, dights, digits, diglot, dilute, dinero, diners, dinges, dingey, dinghy, dingle, dingus, diploe, dipole, dipsos, direct, direly, direst, dirges, discos, discus, dishes, disown, dispel, distil, disuse, dither, dittos, diuron, divers, divert, divest, divine, diving, divots, docent, docile, doctor, dogeys, dogies, doings, doling, dolors, dolour, donees, donors, donsie, donuts, doolee, doolie, dopers, dopier, doping, dories, dorper, dorsel, dorser, dosers, dosing, dossel, dosser, dossil, doters, dotier, doting, dottel, dotter, dottle, douche, doughs, dought, doughy, dourer, dourly, douser, douses, dovens, dovish, dowels, dowers, dowery, dowing, downer, dowser, dowses, doyens, dreich, dreigh, drench, dressy, driegh, driers, driest, drifts, drifty, drivel, driven, driver, drives, drogue, droits, droner, drones, drongo, drools, droops, droopy, dropsy, drossy, drouth, drover, droves, drowns, drowse, drowsy, drupes, druses, dryers, dryest, drying, dryish, drylot, dueler, dulcet, dulses, dunces, dunite, duolog, dupers, dupery, duping, duress, during, durion, durocs, durrie, duster, duties, duvets, dwines, dyeing, dyings, dynels, dyvour, ecesis, eching, echini, echoed, echoer, echoes, echoey, echoic, ectype, edenic, edgers, edgier, edgily, edicts, ediles, editor, educes, educts, eelier, eerier, eerily, egests, egises, egoist, egress, egrets, eiders, eighth, eights, eighty, either, elders, eldest, elects, elegit, eleven, elevon, elfins, elfish, elicit, elides, elints, elites, eloign, eloins, eloped, eloper, elopes, eluder, eludes, eluent, eluted, elutes, elvers, elvish, encode, encore, encyst, enders, endite, endive, endows, endues, endure, enduro, energy, enfold, engild, engird, engirt, englut, engulf, enisle, enlist, enolic, enosis, enough, enrich, enrols, enroot, enserf, ensile, ensoul, ensued, ensues, ensure, enters, entice, entire, entity, entoil, entree, enured, enures, envied, envier, envies, envois, envoys, eolith, eosine, eosins, ephods, ephori, ephors, epigon, epilog, epochs, epodes, eposes, erects, erenow, ergots, eringo, erodes, eroses, erotic, erring, errors, eructs, erugos, erupts, ervils, eryngo, eschew, escort, escots, escrow, escudo, espied, espies, esprit, essoin, esters, estops, estrin, estrus, etched, etcher, etches, eterne, ethene, ethers, ethics, ethion, ethnic, ethnos, ethyls, ethyne, etoile, etudes, etwees, euchre, eulogy, euripi, evened, evener, evenly, events, everts, evicts, eviler, evince, evited, evites, eyecup, eyeful, eyeing, eyelet, eyelid, eyries, fecund, feeder, feeing, feeler, feigns, feints, feirie, feists, feisty, felids, feline, felons, felony, felted, fenced, fencer, fences, fender, ferine, ferity, ferlie, ferrel, ferret, ferric, ferule, fervid, fervor, fescue, fessed, fester, fetich, feting, fetish, fetors, fetted, fetter, fettle, feuing, fevers, fewest, feyest, fiches, fichus, ficins, ficoes, fidges, fidget, fields, fiends, fierce, fights, figure, filers, filets, filing, filose, filter, filths, filthy, finder, finely, finery, finest, finger, finish, finite, fiords, firers, firing, firsts, firths, fished, fisher, fishes, fisted, fistic, fitchy, fitted, fitter, fivers, fleche, fledge, fledgy, fleece, fleech, fleecy, fleers, fleets, flench, flense, fleshy, fletch, fleury, fleyed, fliers, fliest, flight, flinch, flings, flints, flinty, flirts, flirty, flitch, flited, flites, flocci, flongs, floods, flooey, flooie, floors, floosy, floret, florid, florin, flossy, flours, floury, flouts, flowed, flower, fluent, fluids, fluors, flurry, fluted, fluter, flutes, flutey, fluyts, flyers, flying, flysch, flyted, flytes, fodgel, foehns, foetid, foetor, foetus, fogeys, fogies, foiled, foined, foison, foists, folder, folios, fonder, fondle, fondly, fondue, fondus, foodie, fooled, footed, footer, footie, footle, footsy, forced, forcer, forces, foredo, forego, forest, forged, forger, forges, forget, forgot, forint, forrit, fortes, fortis, forwhy, fossil, foster, fought, fouled, fouler, founds, founts, fourth, fowled, fowler, foyers, freely, freers, freest, french, freres, fresco, fretty, fridge, friend, friers, fright, frigid, fringe, fringy, frises, friths, fritts, frivol, frolic, fronds, fronts, frosts, frosty, froths, frothy, frowns, frowst, frowsy, fruits, fruity, fryers, frying, fucoid, fucose, fudges, fueled, fueler, fugios, fugled, fugles, fuhrer, fulgid, fundic, funest, fungic, furies, furled, furler, furore, furors, furred, furrow, fusees, fusels, fusile, fusils, fusing, fusion, fussed, fusser, fustic, futile, futons, fyttes, geests, gelder, gelees, gender, genets, genies, genips, genius, genres, genros, gentes, gentil, gentle, gently, gentry, geodes, geodic, geoids, gerent, gerund, gestes, gestic, getter, getups, geyser, ghetto, ghosts, ghosty, ghouls, gifted, gilder, gipons, girder, girdle, girlie, girned, girons, girted, girths, givens, givers, gledes, gleeds, gleets, gleety, glider, glides, glints, glitch, glossy, glosts, glouts, gloved, glover, gloves, glowed, glower, gluers, gluier, glunch, gluons, glutei, gluten, glycin, glyphs, gneiss, gnoses, gnosis, godown, godson, godwit, gofers, goiter, goitre, golden, golder, golfed, golfer, golosh, gonefs, goners, gonifs, gonofs, gonoph, goodie, goodly, goofed, gooier, gooney, goonie, goosed, gooses, goosey, gopher, gorhen, gorier, gorily, gorses, gospel, gossip, gothic, gotten, gourde, gourds, govern, gowned, greeds, greedy, greens, greeny, greets, greyed, greyer, grides, griefs, grieve, grifts, grilse, grinds, griots, griped, griper, gripes, gripey, grisly, grison, grists, griths, gritty, grivet, grocer, groins, groove, groovy, groped, groper, gropes, grotto, grotty, grouch, ground, groups, grouse, grouts, grouty, groved, grovel, groves, grower, growls, growly, growth, groyne, gruels, grunts, grutch, guests, guider, guides, guidon, guilds, guiled, guiles, guilts, guilty, guiros, guised, guises, gulden, gulfed, gulped, gulper, gunsel, gurnet, gurney, gushed, gusher, gushes, gusset, gussie, gusted, gutted, gutter, guttle, guyots, gweduc, gyrene, gyrons, gyrose, hectic, hector, heders, hedger, hedges, heeder, heeled, heeler, hefted, hefter, heifer, height, heiled, heinie, heired, heishi, heists, helios, helots, helped, helper, helved, helves, henrys, hented, herder, herdic, herein, hereof, hereon, heresy, hereto, heriot, heroes, heroic, heroin, herons, herpes, hetero, heuchs, heughs, hewers, hewing, hiccup, hiders, hiding, hieing, higher, highly, highth, hights, hilted, hinder, hinged, hinger, hinges, hinted, hinter, hirers, hiring, hirple, hirsel, hirsle, hispid, hissed, hisser, histed, hither, hitter, hiving, hoeing, hognut, hogtie, hoiden, hoised, hoises, hoists, holden, holder, holdup, holier, holies, holing, holist, holpen, honcho, hondle, honers, honest, honeys, honied, honors, honour, hoodie, hoodoo, hooeys, hoofed, hoofer, hoolie, hooped, hooper, hoopoe, hoopoo, hootch, hooted, hooter, hooves, hopers, hoping, hordes, horned, hornet, horrid, horror, horsed, horses, horsey, horste, horsts, hosels, hosier, hosing, hosted, hostel, hostly, hotdog, hotels, hotrod, hotted, hotter, hounds, houris, hourly, housed, housel, houser, houses, hovels, hovers, howdie, howled, howler, howlet, hoyden, hoyles, hugely, hugest, huipil, hunger, hungry, hunted, hunter, hurdle, hurled, hurler, hurley, hursts, hurter, hurtle, hushed, hushes, hustle, hutted, hydric, hydros, hyenic, hyoids, hyphen, hyping, hypnic, hypoed, hysons, hyssop, ichors, icicle, iciest, icings, icones, iconic, idiocy, idiots, idlers, idlest, idling, igloos, ignify, ignite, ignore, incept, incest, inched, inches, incise, incite, inclip, incogs, incult, incurs, incuse, indict, indies, indigo, indite, indole, indols, indoor, indows, indris, induce, induct, indues, indult, inerts, infect, infers, infest, inflow, infold, infuse, ingest, ingles, ingots, ingulf, inhere, inlets, inlier, inpour, inputs, inrush, insect, insert, insets, inside, insist, insole, insoul, instep, instil, insult, insure, inters, intort, intros, intuit, inured, inures, invert, invest, invite, inwove, iodine, iodins, iodous, iolite, ionics, ionise, ireful, irenic, irides, irised, irises, ironed, ironer, irones, ironic, irrupt, islets, isling, isogon, isohel, isolog, isopod, issued, issuer, istles, itched, itches, itself, leched, lecher, leches, lectin, lector, ledger, ledges, leered, lefter, legend, legers, legion, legist, legits, lender, length, lenity, lensed, lenses, lentic, lentos, leones, lepers, lepton, lesion, lessee, lessen, lesser, lesson, lessor, lethes, letted, letter, letups, leucin, leudes, leveed, levees, levers, levied, levier, levies, levins, levity, lewder, lichee, lichen, liches, lichis, lichts, lictor, lieder, liefer, lieges, lierne, liever, lifers, lifted, lifter, ligers, lights, ligure, liners, lineup, linger, linier, linsey, linter, lipide, lipids, lipins, lipoid, liroth, lisped, lisper, listed, listen, lister, litchi, liters, lither, lithic, lithos, litres, litten, litter, livens, livers, livery, livest, livier, living, livres, livyer, locoed, locoes, locust, lodens, lodger, lodges, lofted, lofter, logics, logier, logion, loiter, loners, longed, longer, longes, looeys, looies, looing, looney, looped, looper, loosed, loosen, looser, looses, looted, looter, lopers, loping, lories, losers, losing, lotion, lotted, lottos, louche, louden, louder, loughs, louies, lounge, loungy, louped, loupen, loupes, loured, loused, louses, louted, louver, louvre, lovers, loving, lowers, lowery, lowest, lowing, lowish, lucent, lucern, lucres, luetic, lunets, lunged, lungee, lunger, lunges, lungis, lungyi, lunier, lunies, lunted, lupine, lupins, lurers, luring, lushed, lusher, lushes, lusted, luster, lustre, lutein, luting, lutist, lycees, lychee, lyings, lyrics, lyrist, lysine, lysing, lysins, needer, needle, neighs, nephew, nereid, nereis, neroli, nerols, nerved, nerves, nested, nester, nestle, nestor, nether, netops, netted, netter, nettle, nettly, neuter, nevoid, newels, newest, newies, newish, newsie, nicely, nicest, nicety, niched, niches, nicols, nidget, nidify, nieces, nieves, nighed, nigher, nights, nighty, nihils, niseis, niters, nitery, nitres, nitric, nitrid, nitril, nitros, nitwit, nodose, nodous, nodule, noesis, noetic, noised, noises, noodge, noodle, noosed, nooser, nooses, nordic, norite, norths, noshed, nosher, noshes, nosier, nosily, nostoc, noters, nother, notice, notify, nought, nouses, novels, novice, nowise, nuclei, nudely, nudest, nudger, nudges, nudies, nudist, nudity, nurled, nursed, nurser, nurses, nutlet, nutted, nutter,
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 20:02:12 GMT -5
occult, occupy, occurs, ocelot, ochers, ochery, ochone, ochred, ochres, octets, octopi, octroi, octyls, odeons, odious, odists, odours, odyles, oeuvre, oftest, ogives, oglers, ogress, ogrish, oilcup, oilers, oilier, oiling, oldest, oldies, oldish, olefin, oleine, oleins, olives, onrush, onsets, onside, onuses, oocyst, oocyte, oodles, oogeny, oohing, oolite, oolith, oology, oolong, ootids, opened, opener, openly, operon, ophite, opined, opines, opioid, opsins, optics, opting, option, opuses, orcein, orchid, orchil, orchis, orcins, orders, ordure, oreide, orgies, orgone, oriels, orient, origin, oriole, orison, orlops, ornery, oroide, orphic, orpine, orpins, orrery, orrice, oscine, oscule, osiers, osprey, ossein, ossify, ostler, others, otiose, otitic, otitis, otters, ouched, ouches, oughts, ounces, ouphes, ousels, ousted, ouster, outcry, outers, outfit, outfly, outhit, outing, outlet, outlie, outrow, outsee, outset, outsin, outsit, outvie, outwit, overdo, overed, overly, ovines, ovoids, ovolos, ovonic, ovules, owlets, owlish, owners, oyster, peched, pecten, pectic, pectin, pedler, pedros, peeled, peeler, peened, peered, peerie, peeved, peeves, peewit, peined, peised, peises, pelite, pelted, pelter, peltry, pelves, pelvic, pelvis, pencel, pencil, pengos, penile, pensee, pensil, pentyl, penult, penury, peones, perdie, perdue, perdus, pereon, perils, period, perish, perron, perses, person, perter, pertly, peruse, pester, pestle, pestos, peters, petite, petrel, petrol, petted, petter, pettle, pewees, pewits, pewter, peyote, peyotl, phenol, phenyl, phoned, phones, phoney, phonic, phonos, phooey, photic, photog, photon, photos, phylic, phylon, physed, physes, physic, physis, phytol, phyton, picnic, picots, picric, piculs, pidgin, pieced, piecer, pieces, pieing, pierce, pigeon, piglet, pignus, pignut, pigout, pigsty, pileus, pilfer, piling, pilose, pilots, pilous, pincer, pinder, pinery, pinged, pinger, pingos, pinier, pinite, pinole, pinots, pintle, pintos, piolet, pionic, pirogi, piscos, pished, pishes, pistes, pistil, pistol, piston, pitchy, pithed, pitied, pitier, pities, pitons, pitted, pivots, pledge, plench, plenty, pliers, plight, plinth, plisse, ploidy, plotty, plough, plover, plowed, plower, ployed, plunge, pluses, plushy, plutei, pluton, plyers, plying, podite, podsol, poetic, poetry, pogeys, pogies, poilus, poinds, pointe, points, pointy, poised, poiser, poises, poison, polder, poleis, polers, poleyn, police, policy, poling, polios, polish, polite, polity, ponced, ponces, poncho, ponder, ponged, pongee, pongid, ponied, ponies, pontes, pontil, poodle, poohed, pooled, poorer, pooris, poorly, poring, pornos, porose, porous, ported, porter, portly, posers, poseur, posher, poshly, posies, posing, posits, posset, posted, poster, postin, poteen, potent, potful, pother, potion, potsie, potted, potter, pottle, pottos, pouchy, poufed, poults, pounce, pounds, poured, pourer, pouted, pouter, powder, powers, powter, poyous, precis, precut, preens, prefer, preset, presto, prests, pretor, pretty, prevue, preyed, preyer, priced, pricer, prices, pricey, prides, priers, priest, prince, prints, priors, priory, prised, prises, prison, prissy, privet, profit, proleg, proles, prolog, prongs, pronto, proofs, prosed, proser, proses, prosit, prosos, protei, proton, protyl, proved, proven, prover, proves, prower, prowls, prudes, pruned, pruner, prunes, prutot, pryers, prying, pseudo, pseuds, psocid, psyche, psycho, psychs, pterin, ptoses, ptosis, ptotic, pugree, puisne, pulers, puling, pulsed, pulser, pulses, punchy, pundit, pungle, punier, punily, punish, punted, punter, puntos, pureed, purees, purely, purest, purfle, purged, purger, purges, purify, purine, purins, purist, purity, purled, purlin, purred, pursed, purser, purses, purvey, pushed, pusher, pushes, pusley, pussly, putlog, putons, putrid, putsch, putted, puttee, putter, pylons, pylori, pyoses, pyosis, pyrene, pyrite, pyrone, pyrrol, python, recede, recent, recept, recess, rechew, recipe, recite, recode, recoil, recoin, recons, recopy, record, recoup, rector, rectos, rectus, recurs, recuse, recuts, redefy, redeny, redeye, redfin, reding, redips, redipt, redleg, redoes, redone, redons, redout, redrew, redtop, reduce, redyes, reecho, reechy, reedit, reefed, reefer, reeled, reeler, reests, reeved, reeves, refect, refeed, refeel, refels, refelt, refers, refile, refind, refine, refire, refits, reflet, reflew, reflow, refold, refuel, refuge, refund, refuse, refute, regent, regild, regilt, region, regius, regive, reglet, reglow, reglue, regret, regrew, regrow, reguli, reheel, rehire, rehung, reigns, reined, reived, reiver, reives, relend, relent, relets, releve, relics, relict, relied, relief, relier, relies, reline, relish, relist, relive, reluct, render, renege, renest, renews, renigs, rented, renter, rentes, renvoi, reoils, reopen, repegs, repels, repent, repine, repins, repled, replot, report, repose, repots, repour, repros, repugn, repute, rerise, reroof, rerose, reruns, rescue, resect, reseed, reseen, resees, resend, resent, resets, resewn, resews, reshes, reship, reshod, reshoe, reshot, reshow, reside, resids, resift, resign, resile, resins, resiny, resist, resite, resods, resold, resole, resort, resown, resows, respot, rested, rester, result, retene, retest, retied, reties, retine, retint, retire, retold, retool, retore, retorn, retort, retros, retted, retune, return, retuse, retype, reused, reuses, revels, revere, revers, revert, revery, revest, revets, review, revile, revise, revolt, revote, revues, reweds, reweld, rewets, rewind, rewins, rewire, reword, rewove, rhesus, rhetor, rhinos, rhodic, rhuses, rhyton, ricers, richen, richer, riches, richly, ricing, ricins, rictus, rident, riders, ridgel, ridges, ridgil, riding, ridley, riever, rifely, rifest, rifled, rifler, rifles, rifted, righto, rights, righty, rigors, rigour, riling, ringed, ringer, rinsed, rinser, rinses, rioted, rioter, ripely, ripens, ripest, riping, ripost, risers, rishis, rising, ritter, rivers, rivets, riving, rochet, rococo, rodent, rodeos, rogers, rogued, rogues, roiled, rondel, rondos, roofed, roofer, roosed, rooser, rooses, roosts, rooted, rooter, ropers, ropery, ropier, ropily, roping, roscoe, rosery, rosets, rosier, rosily, rosing, rosins, rosiny, roster, rotche, rotgut, rotors, rotted, rotten, rotter, rottes, rotund, rouche, rouens, rouged, rouges, roughs, rounds, rouped, roupet, roused, rouser, rouses, rousts, routed, router, routes, rouths, rovers, roving, rowels, rowens, rowers, rowing, rowths, ruched, ruches, rudely, rudest, rugose, ruined, ruiner, rulers, ruling, rundle, runlet, rupees, rushed, rushee, rusher, rushes, rusine, russet, rusted, rustic, rustle, rutile, rutins, rutted, scends, scenes, scenic, scents, schist, schlep, school, schorl, schrod, schuit, schuln, scions, scolds, sconce, scones, scoops, scoots, scopes, scorch, scored, scorer, scores, scorns, scotch, scoter, scours, scouse, scouth, scouts, scowed, scowls, screed, screen, screes, screws, screwy, scried, scries, scrips, script, scrive, scrods, scroop, sculps, sculpt, scurfs, scurfy, scurry, scurvy, scutch, scutes, scyphi, scythe, seccos, secede, secern, second, secret, sector, secund, secure, seders, sedges, sedile, seduce, seeder, seeing, seeled, seeped, seethe, segnos, segued, segues, seiche, seidel, seined, seiner, seines, seised, seiser, seisin, seisor, select, selfed, selsyn, selves, sender, sendup, senhor, senile, senior, seniti, senors, senryu, sensed, sensor, sentry, sepoys, septet, septic, serein, serene, serest, serges, series, serifs, serine, sering, serins, serous, serows, served, server, serves, servos, sestet, setons, setose, setous, setout, settee, setter, settle, setups, sevens, severe, severs, sewers, sewing, sheens, sheeny, sheers, sheets, sheeve, shelty, shelve, shelvy, shends, sheols, sherds, sherif, sherry, sheuch, sheugh, shewed, shewer, shield, shiels, shiers, shiest, shifts, shifty, shindy, shined, shiner, shines, shires, shirrs, shirts, shirty, shiver, shives, shleps, shoers, shogun, shooed, shools, shoots, shored, shores, shorls, shorts, shorty, shotes, shotts, should, shouts, shoved, shovel, shover, shoves, showed, shower, shoyus, shreds, shrewd, shrews, shrift, shrine, shrive, shroud, shrove, shrugs, shtetl, shunts, shuted, shutes, shyers, shyest, shying, sicced, siding, sidler, sidles, sieged, sieges, sieurs, sieved, sieves, sifted, sifter, sighed, sigher, sights, sigils, sigloi, siglos, signed, signee, signer, signet, signor, sileni, silent, siloed, silted, silver, sinews, sinewy, sinful, singed, singer, singes, single, singly, sinter, siphon, siping, sirees, sirens, siring, sirree, sirups, sirupy, sister, siting, sitten, sitter, situps, sivers, sledge, sleeps, sleepy, sleets, sleety, sleeve, sleigh, sleuth, slewed, sliced, slicer, slices, slider, slides, sliest, slight, slings, sliped, slipes, sliver, sloids, sloops, sloped, sloper, slopes, sloshy, sloths, slouch, slough, sloven, slowed, slower, sloyds, sludge, sludgy, sluice, sluicy, sluing, slurps, slurry, slushy, slyest, slypes, sneers, sneesh, snider, sniped, sniper, snipes, snitch, snivel, snoods, snools, snoops, snoopy, snoots, snooty, snored, snorer, snores, snorts, snotty, snouts, snouty, snowed, snugly, soccer, socles, soever, soften, softer, softie, softly, soigne, soiled, soiree, solder, soleus, solidi, solids, soling, solion, soloed, solons, solute, solved, solver, solves, sonder, sondes, sonics, sonsie, sooner, sooted, soothe, sooths, sopite, sopors, sordor, sorels, sorely, sorest, sorgho, sorgos, soring, sorned, sorner, sorrel, sorrow, sorted, sorter, sortie, sotols, sotted, soughs, sought, souled, sounds, souped, source, soured, sourer, sourly, soused, souter, souths, soviet, sowens, sowers, sowing, specie, speech, speedo, speeds, speedy, speels, speers, speils, speirs, speise, spelts, spence, spends, spense, spewed, spewer, sphene, sphere, sphery, spiced, spicer, spices, spicey, spider, spiels, spiers, spigot, spiled, spiles, spilth, spined, spinel, spines, spinet, spinor, spinto, spired, spires, spirit, spirts, spited, spites, spleen, splent, splice, spline, splint, splits, splore, splosh, spodes, spoils, spoilt, sponge, spongy, spoofs, spoofy, spools, sthingys, sthingyy, spoors, spored, spores, sports, sporty, spotty, spouse, spouts, sprees, sprent, sprier, sprigs, spring, sprint, sprite, sprits, sprout, spruce, sprucy, sprues, sprugs, sprung, spryer, spuing, spurge, spurns, spurry, spurts, spying, steeds, steels, steely, steeps, steers, steeve, steins, steles, stelic, stench, stenos, stereo, steres, steric, sterns, sterol, stewed, stichs, stifle, stiles, stilts, stingo, stings, stingy, stints, stiped, stipel, stipes, stirps, stitch, stithy, stiver, stodge, stodgy, stogey, stogie, stoics, stoled, stolen, stoles, stolid, stolon, stoned, stoner, stones, stoney, stooge, stools, stoops, stoped, stoper, stopes, stored, stores, storey, stound, stoups, stoure, stours, stoury, stouts, stover, stoves, stowed, stowps, street, streps, strewn, strews, strict, stride, strife, string, stripe, strips, stript, stripy, strive, strode, strong, strops, stroud, strove, strown, strows, stroys, strung, strunt, struts, stucco, studio, stunts, stupes, stupid, stupor, sturdy, sturts, stying, styled, styler, styles, stylet, stylus, succor, sucres, sudors, sudser, suedes, sughed, suints, suited, suiter, suites, suitor, sulfid, sultry, sunder, sundew, sundog, sundry, sunlit, sunset, supers, supine, surely, surest, surety, surfed, surfer, surged, surger, surges, surrey, survey, sutler, suttee, svelte, swedes, sweeny, sweeps, sweepy, sweets, swerve, sweven, swifts, swinge, swings, swingy, swiped, swipes, swiple, swirls, swirly, swishy, switch, swithe, swived, swivel, swives, swivet, swoons, swoops, swoosh, swords, swound, swouns, sycees, sylphs, sylvin, synced, synchs, syndet, syndic, synods, synths, sypher, syphon, syrens, syrups, teched, teeing, teener, teensy, teeter, teethe, teiids, teinds, teledu, telfer, telson, tender, tenets, tenors, tenour, tenrec, tensed, tenser, tenses, tensor, tented, tenter, tenths, tentie, tenues, tenuis, tenure, tenuti, tenuto, tepees, tepefy, tepoys, tercel, terces, tercet, teredo, terete, ternes, terret, territ, terror, terser, tested, testee, tester, testes, testis, teston, tetchy, tether, tetryl, tetter, tewing, thefts, thegns, theine, theins, theirs, theist, thence, theory, theres, theses, thesis, thetic, thieve, thighs, things, thinly, thiols, thirds, thirls, thirst, thirty, tholed, tholes, tholoi, tholos, thongs, thoric, thorns, thorny, thoron, thorpe, thorps, thoued, though, threep, threes, thresh, thrice, thrift, thrips, thrive, throes, throne, throng, throve, thrown, throws, thrush, thrust, thurls, thusly, thyrse, thyrsi, tictoc, tidier, tidies, tidily, tiding, tieing, tiepin, tierce, tiered, tigers, tights, tiglon, tigons, tildes, tilers, tiling, tilted, tilter, tilths, tincts, tinder, tineid, tinful, tinged, tinges, tingle, tingly, tinier, tinily, tinsel, tinted, tinter, tiptoe, tiring, tirled, tissue, titers, titfer, tithed, tither, tithes, titled, titles, titres, titter, tittie, tittle, tittup, tocher, tocsin, todies, toeing, togues, toiled, toiler, toiles, toilet, toited, toledo, toling, toluic, toluid, tondos, toners, tonged, tonger, tongue, tonics, tonier, tonish, tonlet, tonsil, tooled, tooler, tooted, tooter, tooths, toothy, tootle, tootsy, topees, topers, topful, tophes, tophus, topics, toping, torero, tories, toroid, torose, toroth, torous, torpid, torpor, torrid, torses, torsos, torten, tortes, toshes, tossed, tosser, tossup, toters, tother, toting, totted, totter, touche, touchy, toughs, toughy, toupee, toured, tourer, toused, touses, tousle, touted, touter, towels, towers, towery, towhee, towies, towing, townee, townie, toyers, toying, toyish, toyons, treens, trench, trends, trendy, trepid, tressy, trevet, triced, trices, tricot, triene, triens, triers, trifid, trifle, trigly, trigon, trigos, trined, trines, triode, triols, triose, tripes, triple, triply, tripod, tripos, triste, triter, triton, triune, trivet, troche, trogon, trones, troops, tropes, trophy, tropic, tropin, troths, trotyl, trough, troupe, trouts, trouty, trover, troves, trowed, trowel, trowth, truced, truces, trudge, truest, truing, trusts, trusty, truths, trying, tryout, tryste, trysts, tsetse, tsores, tsoris, tsuris, tufoli, tufted, tufter, tulips, tuners, tunics, tupelo, tureen, turfed, turgid, turgor, turned, turner, turnip, turret, turtle, turves, tusche, tushed, tushes, tushie, tusseh, tusser, tussle, tussor, tutees, tutors, tutted, tuttis, tuyere, tuyers, tweeds, tweedy, tweeny, tweets, twelve, twenty, twerps, twiers, twilit, twined, twiner, twines, twinge, twirls, twirly, twirps, twists, twisty, twitch, twofer, twyers, tycoon, typhon, typhus, typier, typing, typist, tyring, tythed, tythes, uglier, uglies, uglify, ulcers, ulster, unchic, uncles, unclip, unclog, uncoil, uncool, undies, undoer, undoes, undrew, unfelt, unfits, unfold, unfree, ungird, ungirt, unholy, unhood, unific, unipod, united, uniter, unites, unless, unlive, unpegs, unpile, unreel, unrest, unrigs, unripe, unrips, unroof, unroot, unrove, unsets, unsews, unshed, unship, unshod, unsold, unstep, unstop, untidy, untied, unties, untold, untrod, unveil, unwept, unwise, unwish, unwits, unwove, upcoil, updive, updove, upends, upflow, upfold, upgird, upgirt, upgrew, upgrow, upheld, uphold, uphove, uphroe, uplift, uprise, uproot, uprose, upsend, upsent, upsets, upshot, upside, upstir, uptilt, uptore, uptorn, uptoss, uptown, upwind, urchin, uredos, ureide, ureter, uretic, urgent, urgers, urines, uropod, ursine, ushers, utters, vector, veered, vegete, vegies, veiled, veiler, veined, veiner, veldts, veloce, velour, velure, vendee, vender, vendor, vendue, veneer, venery, venged, venges, venire, venose, venous, vented, venter, venues, venule, verdin, verged, verger, verges, verier, verify, verily, verist, verite, verity, versed, verser, verses, verset, versos, verste, versts, versus, vertus, vesper, vespid, vessel, vested, vestee, vestry, vetoed, vetoer, vetoes, vetted, vicing, victor, videos, viewed, viewer, vigils, vigors, vigour, vilest, vilify, vinery, vinier, vinify, vinous, vinyls, violet, violin, vipers, vireos, virgin, virile, virion, viroid, virtue, virtus, viscid, viscus, viseed, vising, vision, visits, visors, vitric, vittle, vodoun, voduns, vogues, voiced, voicer, voices, voider, voiles, volery, voling, volost, voltes, volute, voodoo, voters, voting, vowels, vowers, vowing, voyeur, vrouws, wechts, wedeln, wedels, wedges, wedgie, weeder, weened, weenie, weensy, weeper, weepie, weeted, weever, weevil, weighs, weight, weiner, weirdo, weirds, weirdy, welder, weldor, welted, welter, wester, wether, wetted, wetter, wheels, wheens, wheeps, whelps, whence, wheres, wherry, wherve, whiled, whiles, whilst, whined, whiner, whines, whiney, whinge, whirls, whirly, whirrs, whirry, whisht, whists, whited, whiten, whiter, whites, whitey, wholes, whoofs, whoops, whoosh, sleeperd, sleepers, whorls, whorts, whosis, wiches, wicopy, widely, widens, widest, widget, widish, widths, wields, wieldy, wiener, wienie, wifely, wifing, wigeon, wights, wiglet, wilder, wilier, wiling, wilted, winced, wincer, winces, wincey, winder, windle, windup, winery, winged, winger, winier, winish, winoes, winter, wintle, wintry, wipers, wiping, wirers, wirier, wirily, wiring, wisely, wisent, wisest, wished, wisher, wishes, wising, wisped, wissed, wisted, witchy, withed, wither, withes, within, witing, witney, witted, wittol, wivern, wivers, wiving, wodges, woeful, wolfed, wolfer, wolver, wolves, wonder, wonted, wooden, woodie, woodsy, wooers, woofed, woofer, wooing, wooled, woolen, wooler, woolie, worlds, worrit, worsen, worser, worses, worset, worsts, worths, worthy, wotted, wounds, wovens, wrench, wrests, wretch, wriest, wright, wrings, wrists, wristy, writer, writes, writhe, wrongs, wryest, wrying, wursts, wyches, wyling, wyting, wyvern, yclept, yecchs, yeelin, yelped, yelper, yentes, yessed, yester, yields, yirred, yirths, yodels, yodler, yodles, yogees, yogini, yogins, yogurt, yonder, youngs, youpon, youths, yowies, yowing, yowled, yowler, yttric, yupons
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 20:03:23 GMT -5
7-letter words ceilers, ceiling, celeste, cenotes, censers, censors, censure, centers, centile, centred, centres, centric, century, cepheid, ceriphs, cerises, cerites, cerotic, certify, ceruses, cervine, cessing, cession, cesspit, cestode, cestoid, ceviche, cheders, chedite, cheeped, cheeper, cheered, cheerer, cheerio, cheerly, cheeros, cheesed, cheeses, chegoes, cheloid, cherish, cheroot, chervil, chested, chevied, chevies, cheviot, chevres, chevron, chewers, chewier, chewing, chicest, chichis, chicles, chicory, chiders, chiding, chiefer, chiefly, chields, chigoes, childes, chilies, chinchy, chirped, chirper, chirred, chirres, chirrup, chisels, chitins, chitlin, chitons, chitter, chivied, chivies, chloric, chlorid, chlorin, choicer, choices, choired, cholent, cholers, choline, chooser, chooses, choosey, chopine, chopins, choregi, choreic, chorine, choring, chorion, choroid, chortle, choughs, choused, chouser, chouses, chowder, chowing, chowsed, chowses, christy, chronic, chunter, churchy, churned, churner, churred, chuting, chutist, chutnee, chutney, chylous, ciceros, cichlid, cicoree, cilices, cinched, cinches, cinders, cindery, cineole, cineols, ciphers, ciphony, cipolin, circled, circler, circles, circlet, circuit, circusy, cirrose, cirrous, cirsoid, ciscoes, cissoid, cistern, cistron, cithern, cithers, cithren, citoles, citrine, citrins, citrons, citrous, cittern, clefted, cleping, clerics, clerids, clerisy, clewing, cliched, cliches, clients, clinged, clinger, clinics, clivers, cloches, cloners, closers, closest, closets, closing, closure, clothed, clothes, clotted, cloture, cloughs, cloured, clouted, clouter, clovers, clowder, clowned, cloying, clueing, clupeid, cluster, clutchy, clutter, clypeus, clyster, cochins, coconut, cocoons, cocotte, codeine, codeins, codfish, codgers, codices, codicil, codling, codlins, codrive, codrove, coedits, coenure, coenuri, coerced, coercer, coerces, coerect, coesite, cofound, cogency, cogitos, cognise, coheirs, cohered, coherer, coheres, cohorts, cohosts, cohunes, coifing, coigned, coignes, coilers, coiling, coiners, coinfer, cointer, coition, coldest, coldish, colicin, colitic, colitis, cologne, colones, colonic, colonus, colored, colorer, colossi, colours, colters, coltish, colugos, colures, concede, conceit, concept, concert, conches, conchie, concise, concord, concurs, concuss, condoes, condole, condors, conduce, conduct, conduit, condyle, confect, confers, confess, confide, confuse, confute, congeed, congees, congers, congest, congius, congoes, congous, conifer, conoids, consist, console, consols, consort, consuls, consult, contest, contort, contour, control, contuse, convect, convert, conveys, convict, convoys, cooches, cooeyed, coolers, coolest, coolies, cooling, coolish, coolths, coontie, coopers, coopery, cooping, coopted, cooties, copiers, copihue, copilot, copings, copious, coplots, copters, copying, copyist, corders, cording, cordite, cordons, coreign, cornels, corners, cornets, cornfed, cornice, cornier, cornily, cornrow, cornute, cornuto, coronel, coroner, coronet, corpses, correct, corries, corrode, corrody, corrupt, corsets, corslet, cortege, cortins, corvees, corvets, corvine, coshers, coshing, cosiest, cosigns, cosines, costers, costing, costive, costrel, cosying, coterie, cothurn, cotters, cottier, cottons, cottony, cotypes, couched, coucher, couches, coughed, cougher, couldst, coulees, couloir, coulter, council, counsel, counted, counter, country, couping, coupled, coupler, couples, couplet, coupons, courier, coursed, courser, courses, courted, courter, courtly, cousins, couters, couther, couthie, covered, coverer, coverts, coverup, coveted, coveter, covings, cowedly, cowered, cowfish, cowflop, cowgirl, cowherd, cowhide, cowiest, cowling, cowpies, cowries, cowrite, cowrote, cowshed, cowslip, coydogs, coyness, coyotes, coypous, creches, credent, credits, creeled, creeper, creepie, creeses, crenels, creoles, creosol, crepier, creping, crepons, cresols, cresset, crested, cresyls, cretics, cretins, crevice, crewels, crewing, cricoid, cringed, cringer, cringes, cringle, crinite, crinoid, crisped, crispen, crisper, crisply, critics, critter, crittur, crocein, crochet, crocine, crofter, cronies, crooned, crooner, crosier, crossed, crosser, crossly, crotons, croupes, crouton, crowder, crowdie, crowers, crowing, crowned, crowner, crownet, crucify, crudely, crudest, crudity, crueler, cruelty, cruised, cruiser, cruises, crunchy, crunode, crusets, crushed, crusher, crushes, crusily, crusted, cryogen, cryonic, cryptic, cryptos, ctenoid, cudgels, cuishes, cuisine, cuittle, culches, culices, culicid, culotte, culprit, cultish, cultist, culvers, culvert, cupeled, cupeler, cuprite, curches, curdier, curding, curdler, curdles, curette, curfews, curites, curlers, curlews, curlier, curling, current, curried, currier, curries, curring, currish, cursers, cursing, cursive, cursors, cursory, curtest, curtesy, curtsey, curvets, curvier, curving, cushier, cushily, cushion, cuspids, cussing, custody, cutches, cutdown, cutesie, cuticle, cutises, cutlers, cutlery, cutlets, cutline, cutover, cutters, cutties, cutting, cuttled, cuttles, cuvette, cyclers, cycling, cyclist, cycloid, cyclone, cyclops, cygnets, cylices, cyphers, cypress, cystein, cystine, cystoid, cytosol, deceits, deceive, decency, decerns, deciles, decline, decocts, decolor, decoyer, decreer, decrees, decrier, decries, decrown, decrypt, decuple, decurve, deepens, deepest, deerfly, defects, defence, defense, deficit, defiers, defiler, defiles, definer, defines, deflect, defocus, deforce, defrost, deftest, defunct, defuses, defying, degrees, degusts, dehisce, dehorns, dehorts, deicers, deicing, deictic, deifier, deifies, deistic, deities, deleing, deletes, delicts, delight, delists, deliver, delouse, deluges, delvers, delving, dengues, deniers, denotes, densely, densest, densify, density, dentils, dentist, denture, depicts, deplete, deplore, deploys, depones, deports, deposer, deposes, deposit, depress, deprive, deputes, deriver, derives, dernier, derries, dervish, descent, deserts, deserve, designs, desirer, desires, despise, despite, despoil, despots, dessert, destine, destiny, destroy, detects, detente, detents, deterge, detests, detinue, detours, deucing, deveins, develop, devests, devices, devilry, devious, devisee, deviser, devises, devisor, devoice, devoirs, devotee, devotes, devours, dewiest, dewless, dewools, dhootie, dhootis, dhurrie, diciest, dicliny, dicotyl, dictier, diction, diesels, diester, dieters, diether, dieting, digests, diglots, dignify, dignity, digress, diluent, diluter, dilutes, dilutor, dineric, dineros, dinette, dingeys, dingier, dingies, dingily, dingles, dingoes, diocese, diopter, dioptre, diorite, diploes, diploic, diplont, dipoles, diptych, directs, direful, dirling, dirtier, dirties, dirtily, discept, discern, discing, diseuse, disgust, dishful, dishier, dishing, disowns, dispels, disport, dispose, dispute, disroot, disrupt, dissect, dissent, dissert, distent, distich, distils, distort, ditcher, ditches, dithers, dithery, dithiol, ditsier, ditties, diurons, diverge, diverse, diverts, divests, diviner, divines, divisor, divorce, divulge, docents, docetic, doctors, dogfish, dogtrot, doilies, dolours, dolphin, doltish, doolees, doolies, dopiest, dorpers, dorsels, dorsers, dossier, dossing, dotiest, dottels, dotters, dottier, dottily, dotting, dottles, dottrel, doucely, douches, doughty, dourest, dourine, dousers, dousing, dovecot, downers, downier, dowries, dowsers, dowsing, doylies, dreeing, dresser, drifter, drivels, drivers, driving, drogues, droners, drongos, dronish, droplet, dropout, drought, drouths, drouthy, drovers, droving, drowner, drowses, drylots, dryness, duchess, duchies, ductile, ducting, duelers, dueling, duelist, dueness, dulcets, dulcify, dulness, dunches, duncish, dungier, dunites, dunitic, duologs, duopoly, duotone, durions, durries, dusters, dustier, dustily, dusting, duvetyn, dyeings, dysuric, dyvours, eccrine, ecdyses, ecdysis, ecdyson, echelon, echinus, echoers, echoing, eclipse, eclogue, ecocide, ecology, ecotone, ecotype, ectopic, ectypes, edgiest, edifice, edifier, edifies, editing, edition, editors, educing, eductor, eeliest, eelpout, eeriest, eftsoon, egested, egoists, egoless, egotist, eidetic, eidolic, eidolon, eighths, eightvo, eirenic, eldrich, elected, elector, electro, elegies, elegise, elegist, elegits, elenchi, elevens, elevons, elicits, eliding, elision, elitist, eloigns, eloined, eloiner, elopers, eloping, eluders, eluding, eluents, elusion, elusive, elusory, eluting, elution, elytron, enclose, encoder, encodes, encored, encores, encrust, encrypt, encysts, endites, endives, endless, endorse, endower, endures, enduros, endwise, energid, enfever, enfolds, enforce, engilds, engirds, english, engluts, engross, engulfs, enisled, enisles, enlists, enology, enoughs, enroots, enserfs, ensiled, ensiles, ensouls, ensured, ensurer, ensures, entered, enterer, enteric, enthuse, enticed, enticer, entices, entires, entitle, entoils, entopic, entrees, entries, entropy, entrust, entwist, envelop, enviers, envious, enwheel, eoliths, eosines, eosinic, epeeist, epeiric, epergne, epicene, epicure, epidote, epigeic, epigene, epigone, epigoni, epigons, epilogs, episode, epistle, epithet, epsilon, erected, erecter, erectly, erector, erelong, erepsin, erethic, ergodic, ergotic, ericoid, eringos, eristic, erodent, eroding, erosely, erosion, erosive, erotics, errhine, eructed, erudite, erupted, eryngos, eschews, escorts, escoted, escrows, escudos, eserine, espouse, esprits, espying, essence, esthete, estrins, estriol, estrone, estrous, etchers, etching, ethenes, etheric, ethinyl, ethions, ethnics, ethoses, ethylic, ethynes, etoiles, euchred, euchres, eucrite, eugenic, eugenol, euphony, euphroe, euploid, eupneic, eustele, eveners, evenest, everted, evertor, evicted, evictee, evictor, evident, evilest, evinced, evinces, eviting, evolute, eyecups, eyefuls, eyehole, eyeless, eyelets, eyelids, eyeshot, eyesore, eyespot, feeders, feeding, feedlot, feelers, feeless, feeling, feigned, feigner, feinted, felines, felonry, felsite, felting, felwort, fencers, fenders, ferlies, fernery, fernier, ferrels, ferrets, ferrety, ferried, ferries, ferrite, ferrous, ferrule, fertile, feruled, ferules, fervent, fervors, fervour, fescues, fessing, festers, festive, festoon, fetched, fetcher, fetches, fetidly, fetters, fetting, fettled, fettles, fetuses, feuding, feudist, fevered, fewness, feyness, fictile, fiction, fictive, ficuses, fideist, fidgets, fidgety, fielder, fiercer, fierier, fierily, fighter, figured, figurer, figures, figwort, filched, filcher, filches, fileted, filings, filters, finches, finders, finesse, fingers, finises, finites, finless, firedog, firings, firstly, fishers, fishery, fisheye, fishier, fishily, fishing, fishnet, fissile, fission, fissure, fisting, fitchee, fitches, fitchet, fitchew, fitness, fitters, fittest, fitting, fleches, fledges, fleeced, fleecer, fleeces, fleeing, fleered, fleeted, fleeter, flensed, flenser, flenses, fleshed, flesher, fleshes, fleying, flights, flighty, flinder, flinger, flinted, flirted, flirter, fliting, flitted, flitter, flocced, floccus, flooder, floored, floorer, floosie, florets, florins, florist, floruit, flossed, flossie, flounce, flouncy, floured, flouted, flouter, flowers, flowery, flowing, fluency, flueric, fluidic, fluoric, fluorid, fluorin, flushed, flusher, flushes, fluster, fluters, flutier, fluting, flutist, flutter, flyings, flyover, flytier, flyting, focused, focuser, focuses, foetors, foghorn, fogless, fogyish, foiling, foisons, foisted, folders, folding, foldout, folioed, foliose, folious, fondest, fondler, fondles, fondues, foodies, foolery, fooling, foolish, footers, footier, footies, footing, footled, footler, footles, footsie, forceps, forcers, forcing, fording, fordoes, fordone, foregut, foreign, foreleg, forerun, foresee, forests, foretop, forever, forgers, forgery, forgets, forgive, forgoer, forgoes, forgone, forints, forlorn, forties, fortune, forwent, forworn, fosters, foulest, fouling, founder, foundry, fourgon, fourths, foveole, fowlers, fowling, freeing, freight, frescos, freshed, freshen, fresher, freshes, freshet, freshly, fresnel, fretted, fretter, fridges, friends, frights, fringed, fringes, friseur, frisson, fritted, fritter, frivols, frogeye, frolics, fronted, fronter, frontes, frosted, frothed, frounce, frowned, frowner, frowsts, frowsty, fruited, fruiter, fuchsin, fucoids, fucoses, fuehrer, fuelers, fueling, fuhrers, fulgent, fulness, functor, fungoes, fungoid, funicle, furioso, furlers, furless, furling, furlong, furnish, furores, furrier, furrily, furring, furrows, furrowy, further, furtive, fusions, fussier, fussily, fussing, fusspot, fustics, fustier, fustily, futhorc, gelders, genders, generic, geneses, genesis, genetic, genette, genitor, genoise, genteel, gentile, gentled, gentler, gentles, genuses, geodesy, gerents, gerunds, gessoed, gesture, getters, geysers, ghettos, ghosted, ghostly, gilders, gipsied, gipsies, girders, girdler, girdles, girlies, girlish, girosol, girshes, girthed, gittern, gleeted, glenoid, gliders, glinted, glisten, glister, glitchy, glitter, glochid, gloried, glories, glorify, glossed, glosser, glottic, glottis, glouted, glovers, glowers, glucose, gluepot, gluiest, glutens, glutted, glutton, glycine, glycins, glyphic, glyptic, gnocchi, gnostic, godless, godlier, godowns, godroon, godship, godsons, godwits, goiters, goitres, goldest, goldeye, goldurn, golfers, goloshe, gonidic, gonophs, goodies, goodish, goofier, goofily, gooiest, gooneys, goonies, goopier, goosier, gophers, gorhens, goriest, gorsier, gospels, gosport, gossipy, gossoon, gothics, gothite, gourdes, goutier, goutily, governs, greened, greener, greenie, greenly, greenth, greeted, greeter, greisen, greyest, greyhen, greyish, grieved, griever, grieves, grifted, grifter, grilses, grinder, gripers, gripier, grisons, gristle, gristly, gritted, grivets, grocers, grocery, groined, grooved, groover, grooves, gropers, grossed, grosser, grossly, grottos, grouchy, grounds, grouped, grouper, groupie, groused, grouser, grouses, grouted, grouter, grovels, growers, growled, growler, grownup, growths, groynes, grueled, grueler, grunted, grunter, gruntle, grushie, grutten, gruyere, gryphon, guerdon, guessed, guesser, guested, guiders, guidons, guilder, gulches, guldens, gulfier, gulpers, gulpier, gunfire, gunless, gunsels, gunship, gunshot, gurnets, gurneys, gurries, gurshes, gushers, gushier, gushily, gussied, gustier, gustily, gustoes, gutless, gutsier, gutsily, gutters, guttery, guttier, guttled, guttler, guttles, gweducs, gynecic, gyplure, gypsied, gypsies, gypster, gyrenes, hectors, hedgers, hedgier, hedonic, heeders, heedful, heeding, heelers, heeling, hefters, heftier, heftily, hefting, heifers, heighth, heights, heiling, heinies, heinous, heiress, heiring, heisted, heister, helices, helicon, helotry, helpers, helping, helving, hencoop, henries, heptose, herders, herdics, herding, heredes, heretic, heriots, heritor, heroics, heroine, heroins, heronry, herried, herries, herring, herself, hessite, heteros, hiccups, hideous, hideout, hidings, highest, highted, highths, hilding, hilting, hinders, hindgut, hingers, hinters, hipless, hipline, hipness, hipshot, hipster, hircine, hirpled, hirples, hirsels, hirsled, hirsles, hirsute, hirudin, hisself, hissing, histing, histoid, histone, history, hitched, hitcher, hitches, hitless, hitters, hitting, hocused, hocuses, hoedown, hogfish, hognose, hognuts, hogtied, hogties, hogweed, hoidens, hoising, hoisted, hoister, holders, holding, holdout, holdups, holiest, holists, holster, honchos, hondles, honesty, honeyed, honored, honoree, honorer, honours, hooches, hoodies, hooding, hoodoos, hoofers, hoofing, hoopers, hooping, hoopoes, hoopoos, hoosgow, hooters, hootier, hooting, hopeful, hoplite, hordein, hording, hornets, hornier, hornily, hornist, hornito, horrent, horrify, horrors, horsier, horsily, horsing, horstes, hosiers, hosiery, hospice, hostels, hostile, hosting, hostler, hotched, hotches, hotdogs, hotfoot, hotline, hotness, hotrods, hotshot, hotspur, hottest, hotting, hottish, hounder, housels, housers, housing, hoveled, hovered, hoverer, howdies, however, howlers, howlets, howling, hoydens, hueless, huipils, hunched, hunches, hungers, hunters, hurdies, hurdler, hurdles, hurlers, hurleys, hurlies, hurling, hurried, hurrier, hurries, hurters, hurting, hurtled, hurtles, hushing, hustled, hustler, hustles, huswife, hutched, hutches, hutting, hydrops, hydrous, hyenoid, hygeist, hygiene, hyperon, hyphens, hypnoid, hypoing, iceless, ichnite, icicled, icicles, iciness, icteric, icterus, ictuses, identic, idlesse, idolise, idylist, igneous, ignited, igniter, ignites, ignitor, ignored, ignorer, ignores, ileuses, incepts, incests, incised, incises, incisor, incited, inciter, incites, inclips, inclose, include, incross, incrust, incudes, incurve, incused, incuses, indices, indicts, indigos, inditer, indites, indoles, indoors, indorse, inducer, induces, inducts, indulge, indults, indwelt, ineptly, inertly, infects, infests, infidel, infield, infight, inflect, inflict, inflows, infolds, infused, infuser, infuses, ingests, ingoted, ingress, ingroup, ingulfs, inhered, inheres, inherit, inliers, inosite, inpours, insculp, insects, inserts, inshore, insider, insides, insight, insoles, insouls, inspect, inspire, insteps, instils, insults, insured, insurer, insures, inswept, integer, intitle, intorts, introfy, introit, intrude, intrust, intuits, intwist, inutile, inveigh, inverse, inverts, invests, invited, invitee, inviter, invites, invoice, iodines, iolites, ionised, ionises, ireless, irenics, ironers, ironies, ironist, irrupts, isochor, isodose, isogeny, isogone, isogons, isogony, isogriv, isohels, isohyet, isoline, isologs, isopods, isospin, isotone, isotope, isotopy, isotype, issuing, itchier, itchily, itching, ivories, lechers, lechery, leching, lectern, lectins, lection, lectors, lecture, lecythi, ledgers, ledgier, leeched, leeches, leerier, leering, leftest, lefties, leftish, leftist, legends, leghorn, legions, legists, leister, leisure, lenders, lengths, lengthy, lentigo, lentoid, leporid, leprose, leprosy, leprous, leptons, lesions, letched, letches, letdown, letters, letting, lettuce, leucine, leucins, leucite, levered, leveret, leviers, levying, lewdest, lewises, licence, license, licente, licenti, lichees, lichens, lichted, lictors, liefest, liernes, lievest, lifters, lifting, lighted, lighten, lighter, lignify, lignite, ligroin, ligures, lindies, linecut, lineups, lingcod, lingers, lingier, lingoes, liniest, linocut, linseed, linseys, linters, lintier, lioness, lionise, lipides, lipoids, lisente, lispers, lisping, listens, listers, listing, litchis, lithest, lithoed, lithoid, litotes, litotic, litters, littery, liturgy, livened, livener, liviers, livings, livyers, locoing, locusts, lodgers, lofters, loftier, lofting, logiest, logions, logwood, loiters, longers, longest, longies, longish, looneys, loonier, loonies, loopers, loopier, looping, loosens, loosest, loosing, looters, looting, lording, loriner, lorises, lorries, losings, lotions, lotoses, lottery, lotting, lotuses, loudens, loudest, loudish, lounged, lounger, lounges, louping, louring, lousier, lousing, louting, loutish, louvers, louvres, lowered, lowings, lowness, lucence, lucency, lucerne, lucerns, lucifer, luetics, lunched, luncher, lunches, lunette, lungees, lungers, lungyis, luniest, lupines, lurched, lurcher, lurches, lushest, lushing, lusters, lustier, lusting, lustred, lustres, luteins, luthern, luthier, lutings, lutists, lychees, lychnis, lycopod, lynched, lyncher, lynches, lyrists, lysines, lysogen, necrose, needers, needful, needier, needily, needler, needles, neglect, negroid, neguses, neighed, neither, neolith, neology, neotype, nephews, nephric, nepotic, nereids, neritic, nerolis, nervier, nervily, nervous, nervule, nervure, nesters, nestled, nestler, nestles, nestors, netless, netters, nettier, nettled, nettler, nettles, neuroid, neuters, newsier, newsies, nidgets, niduses, niftier, nifties, niftily, nighest, nightie, nightly, nigrify, nitride, nitrids, nitrify, nitrile, nitrils, nitrite, nitroso, nitrous, nittier, nitwits, niveous, noctuid, noctule, nodules, noisier, noisily, noodges, noodles, noosers, norites, noritic, norther, noshers, nosiest, nostocs, nostril, notched, notcher, notches, notedly, noticed, notices, noughts, nourish, novelty, novices, nowhere, nuclide, nudgers, nudists, nursers, nursery, nutlets, nutsier, nutters, nuttier, nuttily, nutwood,
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 20:03:45 GMT -5
occiput, occlude, occults, oceloid, ocelots, ochered, ochring, ochroid, ochrous, octette, octopod, octopus, octrois, octuple, octuply, oculist, odorful, odorous, oersted, oestrin, oestrus, oeuvres, oftener, ogreish, oilcups, oiliest, oilseed, oldness, oldster, oldwife, olefine, olefins, oleines, olivine, ologies, ologist, oloroso, onefold, oneiric, onerier, onerous, oneself, onshore, oocysts, oocytes, oodlins, oolites, ooliths, oolitic, oologic, oolongs, oophyte, oospore, openers, openest, operons, operose, ophites, ophitic, opioids, opsonic, options, opulent, orceins, orchids, orchils, orcinol, orderer, orderly, ordines, ordures, orectic, oreides, orgones, orients, orifice, origins, orioles, orisons, orogeny, oroides, orology, orotund, orphrey, orpines, orrices, orrises, oscines, oscules, ospreys, ossicle, ossific, osteoid, ostiole, ostlers, ostrich, otocyst, otolith, otology, ouching, oughted, ourself, ousters, ousting, outchid, outcrop, outcrow, outdoer, outdoes, outdone, outdoor, outdrew, outdrop, outecho, outfeel, outfelt, outfind, outfire, outfish, outfits, outflew, outflow, outfool, outfoot, outgive, outglow, outgoes, outgone, outgrew, outgrin, outgrow, outhits, outhowl, outings, outlets, outlier, outlies, outline, outlive, outlove, outpity, outplod, outplot, outport, outpost, outride, outring, outrode, outroot, outrows, outseen, outsees, outsert, outsets, outshot, outside, outsing, outsins, outsits, outsold, outsole, outsped, outtold, outtrot, outvied, outvies, outvote, outweep, outwent, outwept, outwile, outwind, outwish, outwits, outwore, outworn, outwrit, outyelp, overcoy, overdry, overdue, overdye, overfed, overfly, overhot, overing, overlet, overlie, overlit, overnew, overply, overrun, oversee, overset, oversew, oversup, overtip, overtly, overtop, overuse, overwet, ovicide, oviduct, ovonics, oysters, peching, pectens, pectins, pedicel, pedicle, pedlers, pedlery, peelers, peeling, peeress, peeries, peering, peeving, peevish, peewits, pegless, peising, pelisse, pelites, pelitic, peloric, pelorus, pelters, pelting, pelvics, pencels, pencils, penicil, thingyes, penlite, penoche, pensees, pensile, pensils, pensive, penster, pentode, pentose, pentyls, penuche, penuchi, penults, peonies, percent, perched, percher, perches, percoid, percuss, perdues, perdure, pereion, perfect, perfidy, perfuse, peridot, perigee, perigon, periled, periods, periwig, perlite, perries, perrons, persist, persons, pertest, perused, peruser, peruses, pervert, pesters, pestled, pestles, petered, petiole, petites, petrels, petrify, petrols, petrous, petters, pettier, pettily, petting, pettish, pettled, pettles, pewters, peyotes, peyotls, peytrel, phenols, phenyls, philter, philtre, phocine, phoneys, phonics, phonied, phonier, phonies, phonily, photics, photoed, photogs, photons, phrenic, phrensy, physeds, physics, phytoid, phytols, phytons, piccolo, piceous, picnics, picolin, picoted, picotee, picrite, picture, pidgins, piecers, piecing, piefort, pierced, piercer, pierces, pierogi, pierrot, pieties, pietist, pigeons, pigfish, piglets, pignoli, pignuts, pigouts, pigsney, pigweed, pileous, pilfers, pilings, piloted, pilsner, pincers, pinched, pincher, pinches, pinders, pinfish, pinfold, pingers, pinguid, pinhole, piniest, pinites, pinitol, pinocle, pinoles, pintles, pintoes, pinweed, piolets, pioneer, piosity, piously, pirogen, piroghi, pirogue, piscine, pishing, pishoge, pissoir, pistils, pistole, pistols, pistons, pitched, pitcher, pitches, piteous, pithier, pithily, pithing, pitiers, pitiful, pitting, pitying, pivoted, pledgee, pledger, pledges, pledget, pledgor, plenish, plenist, plessor, pleuron, plights, plinths, plosion, plosive, plotted, plotter, ploughs, plovers, plowers, plowing, ploying, plunder, plunged, plunger, plunges, plusher, plushes, plutons, plywood, pocosin, podgier, podgily, podites, poditic, podsols, poesies, poetess, poetics, poetise, pointed, pointer, pointes, poisers, poising, poisons, poitrel, polders, poleyns, policed, polices, politer, politic, poloist, polycot, polyene, polygon, ponchos, ponders, pongees, pongids, pontils, pooched, pooches, poodles, poohing, pooling, poorest, poorish, porches, porcine, porcini, porcino, porgies, porrect, portend, portent, porters, portico, porting, portion, poseurs, poshest, posited, posteen, postern, posters, posting, postins, posture, poteens, potence, potency, potfuls, potheen, pothers, pothole, potiche, potions, potline, potshot, potsies, potteen, potters, pottery, pottier, potties, potting, pottles, pouched, pouches, poulter, poultry, pounced, pouncer, pounces, pounder, pourers, pouring, poussie, pouters, poutier, pouting, poverty, powders, powdery, powered, powters, precede, precent, precess, precise, precode, precool, precure, precuts, predict, predive, preedit, preeing, preened, preener, prefect, prefers, prefile, prefire, prelect, prelife, prelude, preriot, present, presets, preshow, preside, presift, presold, presong, presort, pressed, presser, pressor, prester, prestos, preteen, pretend, pretest, pretors, prevent, preview, previse, prevued, prevues, preyers, preying, pricers, pricier, pricing, priding, priests, princes, printed, printer, priorly, prisere, prising, prisons, prissed, prithee, privets, privier, privies, privily, privity, proceed, process, proctor, procure, prodigy, produce, product, proette, profess, profile, profits, profuse, progeny, prolegs, proline, prologs, prolong, pronely, pronged, proofed, proofer, prosect, prosers, prosier, prosily, prosing, prosody, prossie, prostie, protect, protege, proteid, protein, protend, protest, proteus, protist, protons, protyle, protyls, prouder, proudly, provers, provide, proving, proviso, provost, prowess, prowest, prowled, prowler, prudent, prudery, prudish, pruners, prurigo, prussic, prutoth, prythee, pschent, pseudos, psocids, psyched, psyches, psychic, psychos, pterins, puccoon, pudency, pudgier, pudgily, puerile, pugrees, puisnes, pulings, pulsers, pulsing, pulsion, pulvini, punched, puncher, punches, pundits, pungled, pungles, puniest, punster, punters, punties, purfled, purfles, purgers, purines, purists, purline, purling, purlins, purloin, purring, pursers, pursier, pursily, pursing, purveys, purview, pushers, pushier, pushily, pushing, pushrod, pusleys, girl thingyr, pussley, putlogs, putrefy, puttees, putters, puttied, puttier, putties, putting, pyloric, pylorus, pyrenes, pyretic, pyridic, pyrites, pyritic, pyrogen, pyrones, pyrosis, pyrrhic, pyrrole, pyrrols, pythons, recedes, receipt, receive, recency, recepts, rechews, rechose, recipes, recited, reciter, recites, recline, recluse, recodes, recoils, recoins, recolor, records, recount, recoupe, recoups, recover, recross, recrown, recruit, rectify, rectors, rectory, recurve, recused, recuses, recycle, redeyes, redfins, redfish, redlegs, redline, redness, redoing, redouts, redress, redries, redrive, redroot, redrove, redtops, reducer, reduces, redwing, reedier, reedify, reedily, reeding, reedits, reefers, reefier, reefing, reelect, reelers, reeling, reendow, reenter, reentry, reerect, reested, reeving, refects, refeeds, refeels, refence, refight, refiled, refiles, refinds, refined, refiner, refines, refired, refires, reflect, reflets, reflies, reflood, reflown, reflows, refocus, refolds, reforge, refound, refresh, refried, refries, refront, refuels, refuged, refugee, refuges, refunds, refused, refuser, refuses, refuted, refuter, refutes, regency, regents, regilds, regions, regiven, regives, reglets, regloss, reglows, reglued, reglues, regosol, regreen, regreet, regress, regrets, regrind, regroup, regrown, regrows, reheels, rehinge, rehired, rehires, rehouse, reified, reifier, reifies, reigned, reincur, reinter, reissue, reivers, reiving, relends, relents, releves, relicts, reliefs, reliers, relieve, relievo, relight, relined, relines, relists, relived, relives, relucts, relying, renders, reneged, reneger, reneges, renests, renewed, renewer, renters, rentier, renvois, reoccur, reoiled, reopens, reorder, repents, repined, repiner, repines, replete, replevy, replied, replier, replies, replots, reports, reposed, reposer, reposes, reposit, repours, repower, repress, reprice, reprint, reprise, reproof, reprove, reptile, repugns, repulse, reputed, reputes, reredos, rerisen, rerises, reroofs, reroute, rescind, rescore, rescued, rescuer, rescues, resects, reseeds, resends, resents, reserve, resewed, reshine, reships, reshoes, reshone, reshoot, reshown, reshows, resider, resides, residue, resifts, resight, resigns, resiled, resiles, resined, resited, resites, resoled, resoles, resolve, resorts, resound, resowed, respect, respelt, respire, respite, resplit, respond, respots, resters, restful, resting, restive, restore, restudy, restyle, results, resurge, retched, retches, retenes, retests, reticle, retines, retinol, retints, retinue, retired, retiree, retirer, retires, retitle, retools, retorts, retouch, retried, retries, retting, retuned, retunes, returns, retwist, retying, retyped, retypes, reunify, reunite, reusing, reutter, reveled, reveler, revelry, revenge, revenue, revered, reverer, reveres, reverie, reverse, reverso, reverts, revests, reviews, reviled, reviler, reviles, revised, reviser, revises, revisit, revisor, revoice, revolts, revoted, revotes, revuist, reweigh, rewelds, rewiden, rewinds, rewired, rewires, rewords, rewound, rewoven, rewrite, rewrote, rhetors, rhonchi, richens, richest, ricinus, ridgels, ridgier, ridgils, ridings, ridleys, ridotto, rievers, riflers, riflery, rifling, rifting, righted, righter, rightly, rigidly, rigours, rilievo, ringers, ringlet, rinsers, rioters, rioting, riotous, ripcord, ripened, ripener, ripieno, riposte, riposts, riptide, risings, risotto, rissole, ritters, riveted, riveter, riviere, rivulet, rochets, rococos, rodents, rodless, roguery, roguish, roilier, roiling, roister, rondels, rondure, roofers, roofing, rooftop, roosers, roosing, roosted, rooster, rooters, rootier, rooting, rootlet, ropiest, roscoes, rosette, rosiest, rosined, rosinol, rosolio, rosters, rotches, rotguts, rotifer, rotters, rotting, rouches, roughed, roughen, rougher, roughly, roundel, rounder, roundly, roupier, roupily, rouping, rousers, rousing, rousted, rouster, routers, routine, routing, rovings, rowdier, rowdies, rowdily, roweled, rowings, royster, ruching, ruction, ruiners, rulings, rundles, rundlet, runless, runlets, runover, runtier, runtish, rushees, rushers, rushier, rushing, russety, russify, rustics, rustier, rustily, rusting, rustled, rustler, rustles, rutiles, ruttier, ruttily, rutting, ruttish, scenery, scented, scepter, sceptic, sceptre, schleps, schools, schorls, schrods, schuits, science, scirrhi, sciurid, scolder, sconced, sconces, scooped, scooper, scooted, scooter, scorers, scorify, scoring, scorned, scorner, scoters, scottie, scoured, scourer, scourge, scouted, scouter, scouths, scowder, scowing, scowled, scowler, screech, screeds, screens, screwed, screwer, screwup, scrieve, scripts, scrived, scrives, scrooch, scrooge, scroops, scrouge, scrunch, scruple, scrying, sculped, sculpin, sculpts, scurril, scutter, scuttle, scyphus, scythed, scythes, seceder, secedes, secerns, seclude, seconde, secondi, secondo, seconds, secrecy, secrete, secrets, sectile, section, sectors, secured, securer, secures, sedgier, seducer, seduces, seeders, seedier, seedily, seeding, seeings, seeling, seepier, seeping, seethed, seethes, seiches, seidels, seiners, seising, seisure, selects, selenic, selfing, selfish, senders, sendups, senecio, senhors, seniles, seniors, senores, sensory, septets, septics, sereins, serener, serenes, serfish, sericin, serifed, serines, serious, serpent, serpigo, serried, serries, servers, service, servile, serving, sestine, setline, setouts, settees, setters, setting, settled, settler, settles, settlor, seventh, seventy, severed, severer, seviche, sewered, sewings, sferics, sheened, sheered, sheerer, sheerly, sheeted, sheeter, sheeves, shelter, sheltie, shelved, shelver, shelves, shereef, sherifs, sheroot, sherris, sheuchs, sheughs, shewers, shewing, shields, shifted, shifter, shilpit, shindig, shindys, shiners, shingle, shingly, shinier, shinily, shirred, shivers, shivery, shoeing, shoguns, shoofly, shooing, shooled, shooter, shoring, shorted, shorten, shorter, shortie, shortly, shotgun, shotted, shotten, shouted, shouter, shovels, shovers, shoving, showers, showery, showier, showily, showing, shrewed, shrieve, shrifts, shrined, shrines, shrived, shrivel, shriven, shriver, shrives, shrouds, shtetel, shtetls, shunted, shunter, shushed, shuteye, shuting, shutter, shuttle, shyster, siccing, sidings, sidlers, sidling, sienite, sieving, sifters, sifting, sighers, sighted, sighter, sightly, signees, signers, signets, signify, signior, signore, signori, signors, signory, silence, silents, silenus, silicon, siloing, siltier, silting, silurid, silvern, silvers, silvery, silvics, sincere, sinewed, singers, singled, singles, singlet, sinopie, sinters, siphons, sirloin, sirocco, sirrees, sithens, sitters, sitting, sledges, sleeper, sleeted, sleeved, sleeves, sleighs, sleight, slender, sleuths, slewing, slicers, slicing, sliders, sliding, slights, slinger, sliping, slipout, slither, slitted, slitter, slivers, slopers, sloping, sloshed, slotted, slouchy, sloughs, sloughy, slovens, slowest, slowing, slowish, sludges, sluiced, sluices, slurped, slurred, slushed, sneered, sneerer, snidely, snidest, snifter, snipers, snivels, snooled, snooped, snooper, snooted, snorers, snorted, snorter, snouted, snowier, snowily, soccers, society, softens, softest, softies, softish, soignee, soiling, soilure, soirees, solders, soldier, soleret, solfege, solicit, solider, solidus, solions, soliton, soloing, soloist, solutes, solvent, solvers, solving, sonders, songful, sonhood, sonship, sonsier, sooners, soonest, soothed, soother, soothes, soothly, sootier, sootily, sooting, sophies, sophist, sopited, sopites, sorcery, sordine, sordini, sordino, sordors, sorghos, sorings, sorites, soritic, sorners, soroche, sorrels, sorrier, sorrily, sorrows, sorters, sortied, sorties, sorting, sottish, soughed, sounder, soundly, soupcon, soupier, souping, sources, sourest, souring, sourish, soursop, sousing, souters, southed, souther, soviets, specced, species, specify, specter, spectre, speeder, speedos, speeled, speered, speiled, speired, spelter, spencer, spences, spender, spewers, spewing, sphenes, sphenic, sphered, spheres, spheric, spicers, spicery, spicier, spicily, spicing, spicule, spiders, spidery, spiegel, spieled, spieler, spiered, spigots, spiling, spilths, spindle, spindly, spinels, spinets, spinier, spinors, spinose, spinous, spinout, spintos, spinule, spirier, spiring, spirits, spiroid, spirted, spiting, spitted, spitter, spittle, spleens, spleeny, splenic, splenii, splents, spliced, splicer, splices, splined, splines, splints, splodge, splores, splotch, splurge, splurgy, spoiled, spoiler, spondee, sponged, sponger, sponges, sponsor, spoofed, spoofer, spooled, sthingyed, sthingyey, spoored, sporing, sporoid, sported, sporter, sporule, spotlit, spotted, spotter, spoused, spouted, spouter, spriest, spright, springe, springs, springy, sprints, sprites, sprouts, spruced, sprucer, spruces, spryest, spurges, spurned, spurner, spurred, spurrer, spurrey, spurted, spurtle, sputter, steeled, steelie, steeped, steepen, steeper, steeple, steeply, steered, steerer, steeved, steeves, stelene, stenchy, stencil, stentor, stepson, stereos, sterile, sterlet, sterner, sternly, steroid, sterols, stertor, stetted, stewing, sthenic, stichic, stifled, stifler, stifles, stilted, stinger, stingos, stinted, stinter, stipels, stipend, stipule, stirpes, stirred, stirrer, stirrup, stivers, stodges, stogeys, stogies, stolons, stoners, stonier, stonily, stonish, stooged, stooges, stooled, stoolie, stooped, stooper, stopers, stoping, storeys, storied, stories, storing, stounds, stoures, stourie, stouten, stouter, stoutly, stovers, stowing, streets, stretch, strette, stretti, stretto, strewed, strewer, strider, strides, stridor, strifes, strigil, strings, stringy, striped, striper, stripes, strived, striven, striver, strives, strophe, strouds, strowed, stroyed, stroyer, strudel, strunts, stuccos, student, studier, studies, studios, stuiver, stunted, stupefy, stupids, stupors, stutter, stylers, stylets, styling, stylise, stylish, stylist, stylite, styloid, styptic, styrene, succeed, succors, succory, succoth, sucrose, suction, sudsier, sudsing, sueding, suicide, suiters, suiting, suitors, sulfide, sulfids, sulfite, sulfone, sulphid, sunders, sundews, sundogs, sunfish, sunglow, sunrise, sunroof, sunspot, sunwise, supered, supines, surfeit, surfers, surfier, surfing, surgeon, surgers, surgery, surlier, surreys, surveil, surveys, suspect, suspend, suspire, sutlers, suttees, svelter, sweeper, sweeten, sweeter, sweetie, sweetly, swelter, sweltry, swerved, swerver, swerves, swevens, swifter, swiftly, swindle, swinged, swinger, swinges, swingle, swinish, swiping, swiples, swirled, swished, swisher, swither, swithly, swivels, swivets, swiving, swooned, swooner, swooped, swooper, swotted, swotter, swounds, swouned, syenite, sylphic, sylphid, sylvine, sylvins, sylvite, synched, synchro, syncope, syndets, syndics, synfuel, synodic, syphers, syphons, syringe, syrphid, systole, techier, techily, technic, tectite, tedious, teeners, teenful, teenier, teentsy, teeters, teethed, teether, teethes, teledus, teleost, teleses, telesis, telfers, telford, telpher, telsons, tenches, tenders, tendril, tenfold, tenours, tenrecs, tensely, tensest, tensile, tensity, tensive, tensors, tenters, tenthly, tentier, tenuity, tenured, tenures, tenutos, tepidly, tercels, tercets, teredos, tergite, terpene, terreen, terrene, terrets, terrier, terries, terrify, terrine, territs, terrors, tersely, tersest, testees, testers, testier, testify, testily, testing, testons, testoon, testudo, tetched, tethers, tetrode, tetryls, tetters, teughly, theelin, thegnly, theines, theists, theolog, therein, thereof, thereon, thereto, theroid, theurgy, thewier, thieved, thieves, thighed, thiolic, thionic, thionyl, thirdly, thirled, thirsts, thirsty, thistle, thistly, thither, tholing, thonged, thorite, thorned, thorons, thorpes, thought, thouing, threeps, thrifts, thrifty, thrived, thriven, thriver, thrives, throned, thrones, throngs, through, thrower, thrusts, thunder, thyroid, thyrses, thyrsus, thyself, tictocs, tiderip, tidiers, tidiest, tidings, tidying, tieless, tiepins, tierced, tiercel, tierces, tiering, tighten, tighter, tightly, tiglons, tigress, tigrish, tilings, tilters, tilting, tincted, tinders, tindery, tineids, tinfoil, tinfuls, tingled, tingler, tingles, tiniest, tinsels, tinters, tintype, tipless, tipsier, tipsily, tipster, tiptoed, tiptoes, tireder, tiredly, tirling, tissued, tissuey, titfers, tithers, tithing, titling, titlist, titters, titties, tittles, tittups, tochers, tocsins, toehold, toeless, toeshoe, toilers, toilets, toiling, toiting, toledos, tolidin, toluene, toluide, toluids, tonetic, tonette, tongers, tongued, tongues, toniest, tonight, tonlets, tonsils, tonsure, tonuses, toolers, tooling, tooters, toothed, tooting, tootled, tootler, tootles, tootses, tootsie, topless, topside, topsoil, torched, torches, torchon, toreros, toroids, torpedo, torpids, torpors, torrefy, torrent, torrify, torsion, tortile, tortoni, torture, tossing, tosspot, totters, tottery, totting, touched, toucher, touches, toughed, toughen, tougher, toughie, toughly, toupees, tourers, touring, tourist, tourney, tousing, tousled, tousles, touters, touting, toweled, towered, towhees, towline, townees, townies, townish, townlet, towrope, toyless, toyshop, treeing, treetop, trefoil, tressed, tressel, trestle, trevets, triceps, tricing, tricorn, tricots, trident, trienes, trifled, trifler, trifles, trifold, trigons, trilogy, trindle, trinity, triodes, triolet, trioses, tripled, triples, triplet, tripods, tripody, tripoli, trisect, tritely, tritest, tritone, tritons, triunes, trivets, trochee, troches, trochil, trogons, troilus, trooped, trooper, trophic, tropics, tropine, tropins, trothed, trotted, trotter, trotyls, troughs, trounce, trouped, trouper, troupes, trouser, trovers, trowels, trowing, trowths, trucing, trudgen, trudger, trudges, trueing, trundle, trussed, trusser, trusted, trustee, truster, trustor, tryouts, trypsin, tryptic, trysted, tryster, trystes, tsooris, tufters, tuftier, tuftily, tufting, tugless, tuition, tundish, tunicle, tupelos, turdine, tureens, turfier, turfing, turgent, turgite, turgors, turners, turnery, turnips, turpeth, turrets, turtled, turtler, turtles, tusches, tushies, tushing, tussive, tussled, tussore, tutored, tutoyed, tutoyer, tutties, tutting, tuyeres, tweedle, tweeted, tweeter, twelfth, twelves, twiners, twinged, twinges, twinier, twinset, twirled, twirler, twisted, twister, twitchy, twitted, twitter, twofers, twofold, tycoons, tylosin, typeset, typhoid, typhons, typhoon, typhose, typhous, typiest, typists, tyronic, tything, ufology, ugliest, ulcered, ulsters, uncivil, unclips, unclogs, unclose, uncoils, uncover, uncross, undergo, undoers, undress, undrest, unfired, unfitly, unfolds, unfreed, unfrees, ungirds, unglove, ungodly, unhired, unhitch, unhoods, unhoped, unhorse, unified, unifier, unifies, unipods, uniters, unities, unitive, unlived, unlives, unloose, unloved, unoiled, unpiled, unpiles, unposed, unreels, unreeve, unrests, unriper, unroofs, unroots, unroped, unscrew, unsewed, unshift, unships, unshowy, unsight, unsolid, unsowed, unspilt, unsplit, unsteel, unsteps, unstops, unswept, unswore, untired, untried, untwist, unveils, unvoice, unwhite, unwiser, unwooed, upcoils, updives, updries, upfield, upfling, upflows, upfolds, upfront, upgirds, upgrown, upgrows, upholds, uphroes, uplifts, uplight, upright, uprisen, upriser, uprises, upriver, uproots, upsends, upshift, upshoot, upshots, upsides, upsilon, upstirs, upstood, upswing, upthrew, upthrow, uptight, uptilts, uptowns, uptrend, upwinds, urchins, ureides, ureters, urgency, uridine, urinose, urodele, urolith, urology, uropods, ushered, utensil, uterine, utilise, utility, utopist, utricle, uttered, utterer, utterly, uveitic, uveitis, vectors, vedette, veeries, veering, vehicle, veilers, veiling, veiners, veinier, veinlet, veinule, veliger, velites, velours, veloute, velured, velures, vendees, venders, vendors, vendues, veneers, venires, venters, venture, venturi, venules, verdict, verdins, verdure, vergers, veridic, veriest, verists, verites, vernier, versers, versets, versify, versine, versing, version, verstes, vertigo, vesicle, vespers, vespids, vespine, vestees, vestige, vesting, vesture, vetches, vetoers, vetoing, vetting, viceroy, vichies, vicious, victors, victory, vidette, vidicon, viduity, viewers, viewier, viewing, vigours, viniest, vinylic, violent, violets, violins, violist, violone, virgins, virgule, virions, viroids, viroses, virosis, virtues, viruses, viscoid, viscose, viscous, viseing, visions, visited, visiter, visitor, visored, vitesse, vitrics, vitrify, vitrine, vitriol, vittled, vittles, vocoder, vodouns, voguish, voicers, voicing, voiders, voiding, volosts, voluted, volutes, volutin, voodoos, votress, vouched, vouchee, voucher, vouches, vowless, voyeurs, vulpine, wedelns, wedgier, wedgies, weeders, weedier, weedily, weeding, weenier, weenies, weepers, weepier, weepies, weeping, weeting, weevers, weevils, weevily, weighed, weigher, weights, weighty, weiners, weirder, weirdie, weirdly, weirdos, welched, welcher, welches, welders, welding, weldors, welshed, welsher, welshes, welters, welting, wenched, wencher, wenches, wendigo, wergeld, wergelt, wergild, western, westers, westing, wethers, wetness, wetters, wettest, wetting, wettish, wheedle, wheeled, wheeler, wheelie, wheeped, wheeple, whelped, wherein, whereof, whereon, whereto, wherves, whether, whetted, whetter, wheyish, whiling, whiners, whinged, whinges, whinier, whirled, whirler, whirred, whished, whishes, whishts, whisper, whisted, whistle, whitely, whitens, whitest, whither, whitier, whiting, whitish, whitter, whittle, whoever, whoofed, whooped, whoopee, whooper, whoosis, whoring, whorish, whorled, whortle, widener, widgeon, widgets, wielder, wieners, wienies, wigeons, wigless, wiglets, wilders, wildest, wilding, wildish, wiliest, wilting, wincers, winceys, winched, wincher, winches, winders, windier, windigo, windily, windles, windups, winesop, wingers, wingier, winglet, wingtip, winiest, winless, winters, wintery, wintled, wintles, wipeout, wiriest, wirings, wisents, wishers, wishful, wishing, wispier, wispily, wisping, wispish, wissing, wistful, wisting, witched, witches, withers, withier, withies, withing, withins, without, witless, witling, witloof, witness, witneys, wittier, wittily, witting, wittols, wiverns, woeness, wolfers, wolfing, wolfish, wolvers, wonders, woodcut, woodhen, woodier, woodies, wooding, woodlot, woofers, woofing, woolens, woolers, woolier, woolies, woopsed, woopses, wooshed, wooshes, wordier, wordily, wording, worried, worrier, worries, worrits, worsens, worsets, worship, worsted, worthed, wotting, wouldst, wrested, wrester, wrestle, wrights, wringed, wringer, writers, writhed, writhen, writher, writhes, writing, written, wronged, wronger, wrongly, wrought, wryness, wyverns, ycleped, yeelins, yelpers, yelping, yessing, yestern, yielder, yirring, yodeler, yodlers, yodling, yoghurt, yoginis, yogurts, younger, youpons, youthen, yowlers, yowling, yperite
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 20:04:43 GMT -5
8-letter words ceilings, ceinture, celeries, celerity, celestes, censored, censured, censurer, censures, censused, centered, centeses, centesis, centiles, centrist, centroid, centuple, ceorlish, cepheids, cercises, cereuses, cerotype, cerusite, cervices, cesspool, cestodes, cestoids, cetology, ceviches, chedites, cheepers, cheeping, cheerers, cheerful, cheerier, cheerily, cheering, cheerios, cheerled, cheesier, cheesily, cheesing, cheloids, chenopod, cheroots, cherries, chertier, chervils, chestful, chestier, chestnut, cheveron, cheviots, chevrons, chevying, chewiest, chicness, chiefest, childing, childish, children, chilidog, chilopod, chinches, chinless, chintses, chirpers, chirpier, chirpily, chirping, chirring, chirrups, chirrupy, chiseled, chiseler, chitling, chitlins, chitters, chitties, chivying, chloride, chlorids, chlorine, chlorins, chlorite, chlorous, choicely, choicest, choiring, cholents, choleric, cholines, choosers, choosier, choosing, chopines, chording, choregus, choreoid, chorines, chorioid, chorions, choroids, chortled, chortler, chortles, chorused, choruses, chousers, choushes, chousing, chowders, chowsing, christen, christie, chronics, chthonic, chunters, churched, churches, churchly, churlish, churners, churring, chutists, chutnees, chutneys, cicelies, cicerone, ciceroni, cichlids, cicorees, cincture, cineoles, ciphered, cipolins, circlers, circlets, circling, circuits, circuity, circuses, cirriped, cisterns, cistrons, citherns, cithrens, citreous, citrines, citruses, citterns, cityfied, citywide, clefting, cleidoic, clenched, clencher, clenches, clergies, clerihew, cleveite, cleverer, clevises, clinched, clincher, clinches, clingers, clingier, clitoric, clitoris, cloister, clonuses, closeout, closeted, closings, closured, closures, clothier, clothing, clotting, clotured, clotures, cloudier, clouding, clouring, clouters, clouting, clowders, clownery, clownish, clupeids, clupeoid, clusters, clustery, clutched, clutches, clutters, cluttery, clysters, coconuts, cocooned, cocottes, codeines, codeless, coderive, codesign, codicils, codifier, codifies, codirect, codlings, codpiece, codriven, codriver, codrives, coeditor, coendure, coenures, coercers, coercing, coercion, coercive, coerects, coesites, cofounds, cogently, cognised, cognises, cognovit, cogwheel, coherent, coherers, cohering, cohesion, cohesive, coholder, cohoshes, cohosted, coincide, coinfers, coinhere, coinsure, cointers, coistrel, coistril, coitions, coituses, coldness, coleseed, colessee, colessor, coleuses, colewort, colicine, colicins, colistin, cologned, colognes, colonics, colonies, colonise, colonist, colophon, colorers, coloring, colorist, coloured, colourer, colpitis, conceder, concedes, conceits, conceive, concepts, concerti, concerto, concerts, conchies, conchoid, conciser, conclude, concords, concrete, condoler, condoles, condores, conducer, conduces, conducts, conduits, condyles, confects, conferee, confetti, confetto, confider, confides, conflict, confrere, confused, confuses, confuted, confuter, confutes, congests, congress, conicity, conifers, conioses, coniosis, conserve, consider, consoled, consoler, consoles, consorts, conspire, construe, consults, contests, contorts, contours, contrite, contrive, controls, contused, contuses, convects, converge, converse, converts, conveyed, conveyer, conveyor, convicts, convoyed, convulse, cooeeing, cooeying, cooingly, coolness, coonties, coopered, coopting, cooption, copihues, copilots, coprince, copurify, copyedit, copyhold, copyists, cordings, cordites, cordless, corduroy, coreigns, coreless, corneous, cornered, cornetcy, corniced, cornices, corniche, cornicle, corniest, cornrows, cornuses, cornuted, cornutos, corodies, coronels, coroners, coronets, coronoid, corrects, corridor, corrodes, corrupts, corselet, corseted, corsetry, corslets, corteges, cortices, cortisol, corvette, coryphee, coscript, coshered, cosigned, cosigner, cosseted, costlier, costrels, coteries, cothurni, cothurns, cottiers, cottoned, cotyloid, couchers, couching, coughers, couldest, coulisse, couloirs, coulters, councils, counsels, counters, countess, counties, couplers, couplets, coupling, couriers, coursers, coursing, courters, courtesy, courtier, courting, cousinly, cousinry, couthest, couthier, coverers, covering, coverlet, coverlid, covertly, coverups, coveters, coveting, covetous, cowering, cowflops, cowgirls, cowherds, cowhides, cowlings, cowrites, cowsheds, cowslips, credence, creditor, creeling, creepers, creepier, creepies, creepily, creeping, creeshed, creeshes, creneled, creodont, creosols, creosote, crepiest, crescent, crescive, cresting, cresylic, creviced, crevices, crewless, cricetid, cricoids, cringers, cringles, crinites, crinoids, crispens, crispers, crispest, crispier, crispily, crisping, critters, critturs, croceine, croceins, crochets, crocoite, crocuses, crofters, crooners, cropless, crosiers, crosscut, crossing, crosslet, crosstie, crotched, crotches, crotchet, crouched, crouches, croupier, croupily, crousely, croutons, crowders, crowdies, crowding, crowfeet, crowfoot, crowners, crownets, crowstep, crucifer, crudites, cruelest, cruisers, cruising, crunched, cruncher, crunches, crunodes, crushers, crushing, crustier, crustily, crusting, crustose, crutched, crutches, cryogens, cryolite, cryonics, cryotron, cudgeler, cuisines, cuittled, cuittles, culicids, culicine, culottes, culprits, cultches, cultigen, cultists, culverin, culverts, cupelers, cupeling, cupidity, cuprites, curdiest, curdlers, curdling, cureless, curetted, curettes, curliest, curlings, currency, currents, curricle, curriers, curriery, currying, curseder, cursedly, cursives, curtness, curtseys, curtsied, curtsies, curvedly, curveted, curviest, cushiest, cushions, cushiony, cuspides, cuspidor, cussedly, cussword, custodes, cutchery, cutdowns, cuteness, cutesier, cuticles, cutinise, cutlines, cutovers, cuttings, cuttling, cuvettes, cyclings, cyclists, cycloids, cyclones, cycloses, cyclosis, cylinder, cynosure, cyphered, cypreses, cyprinid, cypruses, cysteine, cysteins, cystines, cystitis, cystoids, cytidine, cytosine, cytosols, deceiver, deceives, decenter, decently, decentre, decipher, decision, decisive, decliner, declines, decolors, decolour, decorous, decouple, decoyers, decoying, decreers, decrepit, decriers, decrowns, decrying, decrypts, decuples, decuries, decurion, decurves, deepness, defector, defences, defenses, deferent, deferrer, deficits, defilers, defiling, definers, definite, deflects, deflower, deforces, deforest, defrosts, deftness, defusing, dehisces, dehorner, deifiers, deifying, deleting, deletion, delights, delivers, delivery, delouser, delouses, delusion, delusive, delusory, deluster, denotive, denticle, dentists, dentures, depicter, depictor, depletes, deplorer, deplores, depolish, deportee, deposers, deposing, deposits, depriver, deprives, deputies, deputing, derelict, deringer, derision, derisive, derisory, derivers, deriving, derriere, derrises, descents, descrier, descries, deselect, deserter, desertic, deserver, deserves, designee, designer, desilver, desirers, desiring, desirous, despiser, despites, despoils, despotic, destines, destrier, destroys, destruct, detecter, detector, detentes, deterger, deterges, deterrer, detester, dethrone, detinues, detritus, deuteric, deuteron, develing, develope, develops, deviling, devilish, deviltry, devisees, devisers, devising, devisors, devoices, devotees, devoting, devotion, devourer, devouter, devoutly, dewiness, dhoolies, dhooties, dhurries, dichotic, dichroic, dicotyls, dicrotic, dictiest, dictions, diecious, diereses, dieresis, dieretic, diesters, diestrus, dietetic, diethers, digester, digestor, diligent, diluents, diluters, diluting, dilution, dilutive, dilutors, diluvion, dinettes, dinghies, dingiest, dinguses, dioceses, dioicous, diolefin, diopters, dioptres, dioptric, diorites, diphenyl, diplonts, diploses, diplosis, dipteron, diptychs, directer, directly, director, direness, dirgeful, dirtiest, dirtying, discepts, discerns, disciple, disclose, discoing, discolor, discount, discover, discreet, discrete, discrown, disguise, disherit, dishevel, dishfuls, dishiest, dishonor, disinter, dispense, disperse, disports, disposer, disproof, disprove, disputer, disputes, disroots, disrupts, disserve, dissever, dissolve, distichs, distinct, distorts, district, distrust, disunite, disunity, disusing, ditchers, ditching, ditheist, ditherer, ditsiest, dittoing, diureses, diuresis, diuretic, diverges, diverter, divinely, diviners, divinest, divisors, divorcee, divorcer, divorces, divulger, divulges, docility, doctrine, dogeship, doghouse, dogteeth, dogtooth, dogtrots, dolerite, doloroso, dolorous, dolphins, doorless, doorpost, doorstep, doorstop, dopester, dopiness, dosseret, dotingly, dotterel, dottiest, dottrels, douching, doughier, doupioni, dourines, dourness, dovecote, dovecots, doweling, doweries, dowering, downiest, downpour, drencher, drenches, dressier, dressily, dressing, drifters, driftier, drifting, driftpin, dripless, driveler, drivings, drooling, droopier, droopily, drooping, droplets, dropouts, dropshot, dropsies, dropwort, drossier, droughts, droughty, drowners, drowsier, drowsily, drowsing, drupelet, druthers, drypoint, ductings, ductless, duecento, duelists, duetting, duettist, dungiest, duopsony, duotones, duperies, dustiest, duvetine, duvetyne, duvetyns, dysgenic, dyspneic, dyspnoic, dystonic, ecdysone, ecdysons, echelons, echinoid, echoless, eclipsed, eclipses, eclipsis, ecliptic, eclogite, eclogues, eclosion, ecocides, ecologic, ecotones, ecotypes, ecotypic, edgeless, edgewise, edginess, edifices, edifiers, edifying, editions, editress, eduction, eductive, eductors, eelpouts, eeriness, eftsoons, egestion, egestive, egoistic, egotists, egressed, eidolons, eighteen, eighthly, eighties, eightvos, eldritch, electing, election, elective, electors, electret, electric, electron, electros, elegised, elegises, elegists, elenchic, elenchus, elenctic, eleventh, elicited, elicitor, elisions, elitists, eloigned, eloigner, eloiners, elusions, elutions, elytroid, elytrous, enchoric, encipher, encircle, enclitic, enclosed, encloser, encloses, encoders, encrusts, encrypts, encysted, endorsee, endorser, endorses, endorsor, endowers, energids, energies, energise, enfetter, enfevers, enfolder, enforced, enforcer, enforces, engirdle, engulfed, enlisted, enlistee, enlister, enriched, enricher, enriches, enrooted, enserfed, enshroud, ensorcel, ensouled, ensphere, ensurers, enterers, enthetic, enthused, enthuses, enticers, entirely, entirety, entities, entitled, entitles, entoiled, entrepot, entresol, entropic, entrusts, entwists, enuresis, enuretic, envelope, envelops, enwheels, eolithic, epeeists, epergnes, ephedrin, epicenes, epicotyl, epicures, epicycle, epidotes, epidotic, epigenic, epigeous, epigones, epigonic, epigonus, epilogue, episodes, episodic, epistler, epistles, epistyle, epithets, epsilons, erecters, erectile, erecting, erection, erective, erectors, erepsins, erewhile, erigeron, eringoes, eristics, erogenic, erosions, errhines, erringly, eructing, erupting, eruption, eruptive, eryngoes, erythron, eschewed, escorted, escoting, escrowed, esculent, eserines, esoteric, espiegle, espoused, espouser, essonite, esterify, esthetes, esthetic, estovers, estriols, estrogen, estrones, esurient, etchings, eternise, eternity, ethephon, etherify, etherish, ethicist, ethinyls, ethnoses, ethology, ethylene, etiology, euchring, eucrites, eucritic, eugenics, eugenist, eugenols, eulogies, eulogise, eulogist, euphenic, euphonic, euphoric, euphotic, euphroes, euploids, euploidy, eupnoeic, eusteles, eutectic, eutrophy, evection, eventful, eventide, eversion, everting, evertors, everyone, evictees, evicting, eviction, evictors, evidence, evildoer, evilness, evolutes, evulsion, eyedness, eyeholes, eyeliner, eyepoint, eyeshots, eyesight, eyesores, eyespots, eyestone, eyetooth, feculent, feedhole, feedlots, feelings, feetless, feigners, feistier, feldsher, felicity, felinity, felonies, felsites, felsitic, felstone, feltings, felworts, fencerow, feretory, ferities, ferniest, fernless, ferocity, ferreled, ferreous, ferreted, ferreter, ferrites, ferritic, ferritin, ferruled, ferrules, ferrying, feruling, fervency, fervidly, fervours, festered, festoons, fetchers, fetching, fetiches, feticide, fetishes, fetology, fettered, fetterer, fettling, feudists, fevering, feverish, feverous, fewtrils, fictions, fideists, fidelity, fidgeter, fielders, fielding, fiendish, fiercely, fiercest, fieriest, fighters, figuline, figurers, figurine, figworts, filchers, filching, fileting, filigree, filister, filtered, filterer, filthier, fineries, finessed, fingered, fingerer, finished, finisher, finishes, finitely, finitude, finochio, firedogs, fireless, fireplug, fireside, fireweed, firewood, fisheyes, fishiest, fishings, fishline, fishnets, fishpole, fishpond, fissiped, fissured, fistnote, fitchets, fitchews, fittings, fivepins, flection, fledgier, fleecers, fleeched, fleeches, fleecier, fleecing, fleering, fleetest, fleeting, fleishig, flenched, flenches, flensers, fleshers, fleshier, fleshing, fleshpot, fletched, fletcher, fletches, flichter, flighted, flinched, flincher, flinches, flinders, flingers, flintier, flirters, flirtier, flirting, flitched, flitches, flitters, flitting, floccing, floccose, flooders, flooding, floorers, flooring, floosies, flopover, florence, florigen, florists, floruits, flossier, flossing, flounced, flounces, flounder, flouring, flourish, flouters, flouting, flowered, flowerer, floweret, fluerics, fluidics, fluidise, fluidity, fluorene, fluoride, fluorids, fluorine, fluorins, fluorite, flurried, flurries, flushers, flushest, flushing, flusters, flutiest, flutings, flutists, flutters, fluttery, flyovers, flysches, flytiers, flytings, focusers, focusing, focussed, foetuses, foghorns, foisting, foldouts, folioing, fondlers, foodless, foothold, footiest, footings, footlers, footless, footling, footnote, footrest, footrope, footsies, footslog, footsore, footstep, footworn, forcedly, forcipes, fordless, fordoing, foredoes, foredone, foregoer, foregoes, foregone, foreguts, forelegs, forensic, foreruns, foreseen, foreseer, foresees, foreshow, foreside, forested, forester, forestry, foretold, foretops, forevers, forewent, forewing, foreword, foreworn, forgiven, forgiver, forgives, forgoers, fornices, forsooth, forspent, forswore, forsworn, fortieth, fortress, fortuity, fortuned, fortunes, fossette, fostered, fosterer, foughten, foulings, foulness, founders, fourchee, fourgons, fourteen, fourthly, foveoles, foveolet, fowlings, freehold, freeness, freights, frenched, frenches, frenetic, frescoed, frescoer, frescoes, freshens, freshest, freshets, freshing, fresnels, fretless, fretters, frettier, fretting, friction, friendly, frighted, frighten, frigidly, fringier, frisette, friseurs, fritters, fritting, frivoled, frivoler, frogeyed, frogeyes, frondeur, frondose, frontier, frontlet, frosteds, frostier, frostily, frosting, frothier, frothily, frothing, frotteur, frounced, frounces, frowners, frowsier, frowsted, fructose, fruiters, fruitier, fruitily, fruiting, fruition, fruitlet, fuchsine, fuchsins, fuehrers, fuelwood, fugitive, functors, fungoids, funicles, furlongs, furriers, furriery, furriest, furriner, furrings, furrowed, furrower, furthers, furthest, fusileer, fusilier, fustiest, futhorcs, futility, geepound, gelidity, generics, generous, genetics, genettes, genitive, genitors, geniture, geniuses, genocide, genoises, genotype, gentiles, gentlest, gentrice, gentries, gentrify, geodesic, geodetic, geophone, geophyte, geoponic, gerontic, gestured, gesturer, gestures, gettered, ghettoed, ghettoes, ghostier, ghoulish, giftedly, giftless, girdlers, girlhood, girosols, gitterns, gleetier, glistens, glisters, glitches, glitters, glittery, glochids, glorious, glossier, glowered, glucinic, glucoses, glucosic, gluepots, glunched, glunches, gluttons, gluttony, glyceric, glycerin, glycines, glyconic, glyptics, gneissic, godliest, godroons, godships, goethite, goitrous, goldener, goldeyes, goldfish, goldurns, goloshes, gonocyte, gonopore, goodlier, goodness, goodwife, goofiest, goopiest, goosiest, goriness, gorsiest, gospeler, gosports, gossiped, gossiper, gossipry, gossypol, gothites, goutiest, governed, governor, greedier, greedily, greenery, greenest, greenfly, greenier, greenies, greenish, greenlet, greenths, greeters, greisens, greyhens, greyness, gridiron, grievers, grievous, grifters, grinders, grindery, gripiest, griseous, grisette, grislier, gristles, grittier, grittily, groovers, groovier, groschen, grottier, grottoes, grouched, grouches, grounder, groupers, groupies, groupoid, grousers, grouters, groutier, groveled, groveler, growlers, growlier, grownups, gruelers, grunters, gruntled, gruntles, grutched, grutches, gruyeres, gryphons, guerdons, guernsey, guilders, guiltier, gulfiest, gulfweed, gulosity, gulpiest, gunfires, gunships, gunshots, gushiest, gusseted, gustiest, gutsiest, guttered, guttiest, guttlers, gynecoid, gyplures, gypseous, gypsters, hecticly, hectored, hedgehop, hedgerow, hedgiest, hedonics, hedonist, heedless, heelings, heelpost, heftiest, heighten, heighths, heirless, heirship, heisters, heisting, helicity, helicoid, helicons, helicopt, heliport, helistop, helpings, hencoops, henhouse, heptoses, hercules, heredity, hereinto, heresies, heretics, hereunto, hereupon, herewith, heritors, heroines, herpeses, herpetic, herrings, herrying, hiccough, hiccuped, hideless, hideouts, hidroses, hidrosis, hidrotic, highlife, highness, hildings, hinderer, hindguts, hiplines, hipsters, hireling, hirpling, hirseled, hirsling, hirudins, histogen, histones, historic, hitchers, hitching, hitherto, hiveless, hocusing, hocussed, hoedowns, hognoses, hogweeds, hoisters, hoisting, holdings, holdouts, holdover, holiness, holistic, holotype, holstein, holsters, holytide, honchoed, honester, honestly, honewort, honeydew, honeyful, honorees, honorers, honoured, honourer, hoodless, hoofless, hoopless, hoopster, hoosegow, hoosgows, hootches, hootiest, hopefuls, hopeless, hoplites, hoplitic, hordeins, hornfels, horniest, hornists, hornitos, hornless, hornpout, hornwort, horologe, horology, horridly, horrific, horsefly, horsiest, hospices, hosteled, hosteler, hostelry, hostiles, hostlers, hotching, hotchpot, hotelier, hotfoots, hothouse, hotlines, hotpress, hotshots, hotspurs, hounders, housefly, houseled, housesit, housetop, housings, hoveling, hoverers, hovering, howdying, hugeness, huipiles, hungered, hungrier, hungrily, huntedly, huntress, hurdlers, hurdling, hurlings, hurriers, hurrying, hurtless, hurtling, hushedly, hustings, hustlers, hustling, huswifes, huswives, hutching, hydrogel, hydrogen, hydronic, hydropic, hydrosol, hygeists, hygieist, hygienes, hygienic, hyoscine, hypergol, hyperons, hyphened, hypnoses, hypnosis, hypnotic, hypogene, hypothec, hysteric, icehouse, ichnites, ichorous, ichthyic, icterics, identify, identity, ideology, idiolect, idleness, idoliser, idolises, idoneity, idoneous, idylists, igniters, ignitors, ignorers, incepted, inceptor, incisors, incisory, incisure, inciters, inclosed, incloser, incloses, includes, incorpse, incrusts, incurred, incurved, incurves, indevout, indictee, indicter, indictor, indigoes, indirect, inditers, indocile, indorsee, indorser, indorses, indorsor, inducers, inductee, inductor, indulger, indulges, industry, infected, infecter, infector, inferior, inferred, inferrer, infested, infester, infidels, infields, infights, inflects, inflicts, inflight, infolder, infought, infusers, infusive, ingested, ingroups, ingrowth, ingulfed, inherits, inosites, inositol, inpoured, inputted, inrushes, insculps, insecure, inserted, inserter, insetted, insetter, insiders, insights, insisted, insister, insouled, inspects, insphere, inspired, inspirer, inspires, instruct, insulted, insulter, insureds, insurers, integers, intercut, interest, interior, interred, interrow, intertie, intitled, intitles, intitule, intorted, intrepid, intrigue, introits, introrse, intruder, intrudes, intrusts, intuited, intwists, invected, inveighs, inveigle, inverity, inverses, inverted, inverter, invertor, invested, investor, invitees, inviters, invoiced, invoices, involute, iodophor, iodopsin, ironists, ironside, ironweed, ironwood, irrupted, isochore, isochors, isochron, isocline, isogenic, isogones, isogonic, isogrivs, isohyets, isolines, isologue, isophote, isopleth, isoprene, isospory, isothere, isotones, isotonic, isotopes, isotopic, isotropy, isotypes, isotypic, itchiest, itchings, lechered, lecithin, lecterns, lections, lectured, lecturer, lectures, lecythis, lecythus, ledgiest, leeching, leeriest, leftists, leftover, leftwing, legendry, legerity, leghorns, leisters, leisured, leisures, lenities, lenitive, lepidote, leporids, leporine, leprotic, leptonic, lesioned, lessened, lessoned, letching, letdowns, lettered, letterer, lettuces, leucines, leucites, leucitic, leveeing, leverets, levering, levities, levogyre, lewdness, lewisite, lewisson, licenced, licencee, licencer, licences, licensed, licensee, licenser, licenses, licensor, lichened, lichting, licorice, lientery, lightens, lighters, lightest, lightish, ligneous, lignites, ligroine, ligroins, linecuts, lingcods, lingered, lingerer, lingerie, lingiest, linguist, linocuts, linseeds, lintiest, lionfish, lionised, lioniser, lionises, lipocyte, listened, listener, listings, lithoing, littered, litterer, liturgic, liveners, liveness, liveried, liveries, liverish, locofoco, locoweed, locution, locutory, loftiest, logicise, loginess, logistic, logotype, logwoods, loitered, loiterer, longship, longspur, longwise, looniest, loopiest, loosened, loosener, lordings, lordoses, lordosis, lordotic, lordship, loriners, loudness, loungers, lousiest, louvered, lowering, lowrider, lucences, lucernes, lucidity, lucifers, lunchers, lunettes, lungfish, lungwort, lurchers, lurching, lustered, lustiest, lustring, lutenist, lutherns, luthiers, lycopene, lycopods, lynchers, lyricise, lyricist, lysogens, necropsy, necrosed, necroses, necrosis, necrotic, needfuls, neediest, needlers, needless, neglects, negroids, neoliths, neologic, neophyte, neoteric, neotypes, nephrite, nepotist, nereides, nerviest, nervules, nervures, nestlers, nettiest, nettlers, nettlier, neuritic, neuritis, neuroses, neurosis, neurotic, neutered, newsiest, newsreel, niceties, niftiest, nighties, niteries, nitrides, nitriles, nitrites, nitrolic, nitrosyl, nittiest, noctuids, noctules, noctuoid, nodosity, nodulose, noisette, noisiest, northers, nosedive, nosology, nostrils, notchers, noteless, notified, notifier, notifies, novelise, novelist, nowheres, nucleoid, nuclides, nuclidic, nudities, nutsedge, nutsiest, nuttiest, nutwoods,
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 20:07:01 GMT -5
occident, occiputs, occludes, occulted, occulter, occupied, occupier, occupies, occurred, ochering, ocherous, ochreous, octettes, octopods, octoroon, octupled, octuples, octuplet, oculists, odiously, odorless, oecology, oenology, oersteds, oestrins, oestriol, oestrone, oestrous, oftenest, ogrishly, oiliness, oilproof, oilseeds, oilstone, oiltight, oinology, oldsters, oldwives, olefines, olefinic, olivines, ologists, olorosos, oncology, oneriest, onrushes, ontology, oogenies, oologies, oologist, oophytes, oophytic, oosphere, oospores, oosporic, opercele, opercule, opsonify, opticist, optioned, optionee, opulence, opulency, orchises, orchitic, orchitis, orcinols, orderers, ordering, orective, oriented, orifices, ornerier, ornithes, ornithic, orogenic, orphreys, orreries, orthicon, orthoepy, orthotic, ossified, ossifier, osteitic, osteitis, osteoids, ostioles, otiosely, otiosity, otitides, otocysts, otoliths, otoscope, otoscopy, outchide, outcried, outcries, outcrops, outcross, outcrows, outdoers, outdoing, outdoors, outdress, outdrive, outdrops, outdrove, outfeels, outfield, outfight, outfinds, outfired, outfires, outflies, outflown, outflows, outfools, outfoots, outfrown, outgiven, outgives, outglows, outgrins, outgross, outgrown, outgrows, outhowls, outliers, outlined, outliner, outlines, outlived, outliver, outlives, outloved, outloves, outlying, outpitch, outplods, outplots, outpoint, outports, outposts, outpreen, outpress, outprice, outrider, outrides, outright, outrings, outroots, outrowed, outscold, outscoop, outscore, outscorn, outserts, outserve, outshine, outshone, outshoot, outsider, outsides, outsight, outsings, outsleep, outslept, outsnore, outsoles, outspeed, outspelt, outspend, outspent, outsteer, outstood, outstrip, outswore, outsworn, outthrew, outthrow, outtower, outtrots, outvoice, outvoted, outvotes, outvying, outweeps, outweigh, outwhirl, outwiled, outwiles, outwinds, outwrite, outwrote, outyelps, outyield, overcold, overcool, overcrop, overcure, overdoer, overdoes, overdone, overdose, overdrew, overdyes, overedit, overfeed, overfish, overflew, overflow, overfond, overfoul, overfree, overfund, overgild, overgilt, overgird, overgirt, overgrew, overgrow, overheld, overhigh, overhold, overholy, overhope, overhung, overhunt, overhype, overidle, overlend, overlent, overlets, overlewd, overlies, overlong, overlord, overloud, overlush, overnice, overpert, overplot, overplus, overrich, override, overrife, overripe, overrode, overrude, overrule, overruns, overseed, overseen, overseer, oversees, oversets, oversewn, oversews, overshoe, overshot, overside, overslip, overslow, oversoft, oversold, oversoon, oversoul, overspin, overstep, overstir, oversuds, oversups, oversure, overthin, overtips, overtire, overtoil, overtone, overtops, overture, overturn, overurge, overused, overuses, overween, overwets, overwide, overwily, overwind, overwise, overword, overwore, overworn, ovicides, oviducts, oviposit, oystered, oysterer, pecorini, pecorino, pectines, pedicels, pedicles, pedicure, pedigree, pedology, peduncle, peelings, peerless, peignoir, pelerine, peltered, peltries, pelvises, penciled, penciler, penicils, penlight, penlites, penoches, penology, pensters, pentodes, pentoses, penuches, penuchis, penuchle, penuries, perceive, percents, perchers, perching, percoids, perdures, peregrin, perfecto, perfects, perforce, perfused, perfuses, peridots, perigees, perigons, periling, perilous, perilune, periodic, periotic, perished, perishes, periwigs, perlites, perlitic, pertness, perusers, perusing, perverse, perverts, pervious, pestered, pesterer, pesthole, pestling, petering, petioled, petioles, petition, petrolic, petronel, pettedly, pettiest, pettifog, pettings, pettling, petuntse, pewterer, peytrels, phenetic, phenetol, phenolic, phenylic, philters, philtred, philtres, phonetic, phoneyed, phoniest, phoronid, phosgene, photoing, photonic, photoset, phthises, phthisic, phthisis, phyleses, phylesis, phyletic, phytonic, piccolos, picoline, picolins, picotees, picoting, picrites, pictured, pictures, piecings, piecrust, piedfort, pieforts, piercers, piercing, pierrots, pietists, pignolis, pigsneys, pigsties, pigweeds, pilewort, pilfered, pilferer, pilosity, piloting, pilsener, pilsners, pinchers, pineries, pinewood, pinfolds, pinholes, pinitols, pinochle, pinocles, pinscher, pinweeds, pinwheel, pioneers, pirogies, pirogues, pishoges, pishogue, pisolite, pistoled, pistoles, pitchers, pitchier, pitchily, pitching, pitchout, pithiest, pithless, pitiless, pittings, pivoting, plectron, pledgees, pledgeor, pledgers, pledgets, pledgors, plenches, plenists, plenties, pleurisy, pleuston, plighted, plighter, pliotron, ploidies, plosions, plosives, plotters, plottier, plotties, plotting, ploughed, plougher, plunders, plungers, plushest, plushier, plutonic, pluviose, plywoods, pocosins, podgiest, podsolic, poechore, poetised, poetiser, poetises, poetless, poetries, pointers, pointier, poisoned, poisoner, poitrels, policies, policing, polished, polisher, polishes, politest, politico, politics, polities, poloists, poltroon, polycots, polyenes, polyenic, polygene, polygons, polytene, polyuric, ponderer, pontific, pooching, poolside, poorness, poortith, porosity, porously, porridge, portends, portents, porthole, porticos, portiere, portions, portless, portlier, portress, posingly, positing, position, positive, positron, posology, postcode, postdive, postdrug, posteens, posterns, posthole, postiche, postings, postlude, postriot, postsync, postteen, posttest, postured, posturer, postures, potences, potently, potheens, pothered, potholed, potholes, pothouse, potiches, potlines, potsherd, potshots, potstone, potteens, pottered, potterer, pottiest, pouchier, pouching, poulters, poultice, pouncers, pounders, poutiest, powderer, powerful, powering, precedes, precents, precinct, precious, precised, preciser, precises, precited, preclude, precodes, precools, precured, precures, predicts, preedits, preelect, preeners, preerect, prefects, prefight, prefiled, prefiles, prefired, prefires, prefocus, prelects, prelives, preluder, preludes, prelunch, prentice, preorder, prerinse, prescind, prescore, presence, presents, preserve, preshown, preshows, presider, presides, presidio, presifts, preslice, presorts, pressing, pressrun, pressure, presters, prestige, preteens, pretence, pretends, pretense, preterit, pretests, prettied, prettier, pretties, prettify, prettily, preunite, prevents, previews, previous, prevised, previses, previsor, prevuing, priciest, prideful, priedieu, priested, priestly, princely, princess, printers, printery, printout, prioress, priories, priority, priseres, prisoned, prisoner, prissier, prissily, prissing, pristine, priviest, proceeds, prochein, proctors, procured, procurer, procures, producer, produces, products, proettes, profiled, profiler, profiles, profited, profiter, profound, prognose, progress, prolific, prolines, prologed, prologue, prolonge, prolongs, proofers, proofing, prorogue, prosects, prosiest, prosodic, prosties, prostyle, protects, protegee, proteges, proteide, proteids, proteins, protends, proteose, protests, protists, protocol, protonic, protrude, protyles, proudest, provenly, provider, provides, province, provirus, provisos, provosts, prowlers, prowling, prudence, pruinose, prurient, prurigos, pruritic, pschents, psilocin, psilotic, psychics, psyching, puccoons, pudgiest, pugilist, pulicene, pulicide, pulsions, punchers, punchier, punchily, punditic, punditry, punished, punisher, punishes, punitive, punitory, punsters, pureeing, pureness, purfling, purified, purifier, purifies, puristic, purities, purlines, purloins, pursiest, purveyed, purveyor, purviews, pushdown, pushiest, pushover, pushrods, putridly, putsches, puttered, putterer, puttiers, puttying, pycnoses, pycnosis, pycnotic, pyelitic, pyelitis, pyogenic, pyrenoid, pyridine, pyritous, pyrogens, pyrrhics, pyrroles, pyrrolic, pythonic, receding, receipts, received, receiver, receives, recenter, recently, receptor, recessed, rechewed, rechoose, rechosen, recircle, recision, reciters, reciting, reclined, recliner, reclines, reclothe, recluses, recodify, recoding, recoiled, recoiler, recoined, recolors, reconvey, recopied, recopies, recorder, recounts, recouped, recouple, recourse, recovers, recovery, recrowns, recruits, recurred, recurved, recurves, recusing, recycled, recycler, recycles, redefect, redefies, redefine, redenies, redeploy, redesign, redhorse, redigest, redirect, redlines, redolent, redriven, redrives, redroots, redrying, redshift, redshirt, reducers, reducing, reductor, redwings, redyeing, reechier, reechoed, reechoes, reediest, reedings, reedling, reefiest, reelects, reendows, reenlist, reenters, reerects, reesting, refected, refenced, refences, referent, referred, referrer, refights, refigure, refiling, refilter, refiners, refinery, refinish, refiring, refitted, reflects, refloods, reflowed, reflower, refluent, reflying, reforest, reforged, reforges, refought, refounds, refronts, refrying, refueled, refugees, refunder, refusers, refusing, refuters, refuting, regicide, register, registry, reglowed, regolith, regosols, regreens, regreets, regrinds, regroove, reground, regroups, regrowth, reguline, rehinged, rehinges, rehiring, rehoused, rehouses, reifiers, reifying, reignite, reincite, reincurs, reindeer, reindict, reinduce, reinduct, reinfect, reinfuse, reinless, reinsert, reinsure, reinters, reinvest, reinvite, reissued, reissuer, relented, reletter, relieved, reliever, relieves, relievos, relights, religion, relished, relishes, relisted, reliving, relucent, relucted, renderer, renegers, renested, renewers, renotify, rentiers, reoccupy, reoccurs, reoiling, reopened, reorders, reorient, reoutfit, reovirus, repented, repenter, repetend, repiners, repledge, replevin, replicon, repliers, replunge, replying, repolish, reported, reporter, reposers, reposing, reposits, repotted, repoured, repousse, repowers, repriced, reprices, reprieve, reprints, reprised, reprises, reproofs, reproved, reprover, reproves, reptiles, repugned, repulsed, repulser, repulses, repurify, reputing, rerecord, rereview, rerising, reroofed, rerouted, reroutes, reschool, rescinds, rescored, rescores, rescreen, rescript, rescuers, rescuing, resculpt, resected, resecure, reseeing, resented, reserved, reserver, reserves, resetter, resettle, resewing, reshined, reshines, reshoots, reshowed, resident, residers, residing, residues, resifted, resights, resigned, resigner, resiling, resilver, resinify, resinoid, resinous, resisted, resister, resistor, resiting, resolder, resoling, resolute, resolved, resolver, resolves, resorcin, resorted, resorter, resought, resounds, resource, resowing, respects, respired, respires, respited, respites, resplice, resplits, responds, response, respring, resprout, resprung, restitch, restored, restorer, restores, restrict, restring, restrive, restrove, restrung, restyled, restyles, resulted, resupine, resurged, resurges, resurvey, retching, retested, reticent, reticles, reticule, retinite, retinols, retinted, retinued, retinues, retirees, retirers, retiring, retitled, retitles, retooled, retorted, retorter, retrench, retrieve, retrofit, retrorse, retrying, returned, returnee, returner, retwists, retyping, reunited, reuniter, reunites, reutters, revehent, revelers, reveling, revenged, revenger, revenges, revenued, revenuer, revenues, reverend, reverent, reverers, reveries, reverify, revering, reversed, reverser, reverses, reversos, reverted, reverter, revested, revetted, reviewed, reviewer, revilers, reviling, revisers, revising, revision, revisits, revisors, revisory, revoiced, revoices, revolted, revolter, revolute, revoting, revuists, revulsed, reweighs, rewetted, rewidens, rewinder, rewiring, rewriter, rewrites, rheology, rheophil, rhetoric, rhonchus, rhyolite, richened, richness, richweed, ricochet, rictuses, ridgiest, ridicule, ridottos, riesling, rifeness, riflings, riftless, righters, rightest, rightful, righties, rightist, rigorist, rigorous, ringdove, ringlets, ringside, ringtoss, ripcords, ripeners, ripeness, ripienos, riposted, ripostes, riptides, risottos, riverine, riveters, riveting, rivetted, rivieres, rivulets, rivulose, roiliest, roisters, rondelet, rondures, roofings, roofless, roofline, rooftops, rooftree, roosters, roosting, roothold, rootiest, rootless, rootlets, roperies, ropiness, rosefish, roseries, roseroot, roseslug, rosettes, rosewood, rosinols, rosinous, rosolios, rotifers, rottener, rottenly, rotundly, roturier, roughdry, roughens, roughers, roughest, roughhew, roughish, roulette, roundels, rounders, roundest, roundish, roundlet, roupiest, rousters, rousting, routines, rovingly, rowdiest, rowdyish, roweling, roysters, ruchings, ructions, rudeness, rugosely, rugosity, rundlets, rungless, runovers, runtiest, rushiest, rushings, rusticly, rustiest, rustlers, rustling, ruthenic, ruthless, ruttiest,
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 20:07:49 GMT -5
scepters, sceptics, sceptred, sceptres, schedule, schliere, schooled, schooner, sciences, scilicet, scincoid, sciolist, scirrhus, sciurids, sciurine, sciuroid, sclereid, sclerite, scleroid, sclerose, sclerous, scolders, scolding, scoleces, scolices, scoopers, scoopful, scooping, scooters, scooting, scorched, scorcher, scorches, scorners, scornful, scorpion, scotched, scotches, scotopic, scotties, scourers, scourged, scourger, scourges, scouring, scouters, scouther, scouting, scowders, scowlers, scowling, screechy, screened, screener, screwers, screwier, screwing, screwups, scrieved, scrieves, scripted, scripter, scriving, scrooges, scrooped, scrootch, scrouged, scrouges, scrounge, scroungy, scrupled, scruples, scrutiny, sculping, sculpins, sculpted, sculptor, scurfier, scurried, scurries, scurrile, scurvier, scurvies, scurvily, scutched, scutcher, scutches, scutters, scuttled, scuttles, scything, seceders, seceding, secerned, secludes, seconder, secondes, secondly, secreted, secreter, secretes, secretin, secretly, secretor, sections, sectored, secundly, securely, securers, securest, securing, security, sederunt, sedgiest, sedition, seducers, seducing, seducive, sedulity, seediest, seedling, seepiest, seething, seicento, seigneur, seignior, seignory, selcouth, selected, selector, selenide, selenite, selenous, selfhood, selvedge, senecios, senhores, senility, senseful, sentries, septette, serenely, serenest, serenity, serfhood, sericins, serology, serosity, serotine, serotype, serpents, serrying, serviced, servicer, services, servings, servitor, sesterce, setlines, setscrew, settings, settlers, settling, settlors, setulose, sevenths, severely, severest, severing, severity, seviches, sewering, sheenful, sheenier, sheenies, sheepcot, sheepdog, sheepish, sheerest, sheering, sheeters, sheetfed, sheeting, shelters, shelties, shelvers, shelvier, shelving, shepherd, shereefs, sheroots, sherries, shielder, shieling, shifters, shiftier, shiftily, shifting, shindies, shindigs, shingled, shingler, shingles, shiniest, shipside, shirring, shirtier, shirting, shivered, shiverer, shoehorn, shoetree, shofroth, shooling, shooters, shooting, shootout, shopgirl, shoplift, shopworn, shorings, shortcut, shortens, shortest, shorties, shorting, shortish, shotguns, shotting, shoulder, shouldst, shouters, shouting, shoveled, shoveler, showered, showgirl, showiest, showings, shrewder, shrewdie, shrewdly, shrewing, shrewish, shrieved, shrieves, shrivels, shrivers, shriving, shtetels, shunters, shushing, shutdown, shuteyes, shutters, shutting, shuttled, shuttles, sideline, sideling, sidelong, siderite, sideshow, sideslip, sidespin, sidestep, sidewise, sienites, siftings, sighters, sightsee, signeted, signiors, signiory, signpost, silenced, silencer, silences, silenter, silicone, silicons, siltiest, silurids, siluroid, silvered, silverer, sincerer, sinciput, sinecure, singlets, sinister, sinology, sintered, sinusoid, siphoned, siphonic, sirloins, siroccos, sirvente, sistered, sisterly, sistroid, sithence, sitology, sittings, sleepers, sleepier, sleeping, sleetier, sleeting, sleeving, sleighed, sleigher, sleights, sleuthed, slighted, slighter, slingers, slipouts, slipover, slipshod, slithers, slithery, slitters, slitting, slivered, sliverer, sloshier, sloshing, slotting, slouched, sloucher, slouches, sloughed, sludgier, slugfest, sluicing, slurping, slurried, slurries, slurring, slushier, slushing, very *friendly* persontish, sneerers, sneerful, snifters, snitched, snitcher, snitches, sniveled, sniveler, snoopers, snoopier, snoopily, snootier, snootily, snorters, snottier, snottily, snoutier, snoutish, snowdrop, snowiest, snowshed, snowshoe, snowsuit, softened, softener, softwood, soilures, solderer, soldiers, soldiery, solecise, solecist, solenoid, solerets, solfeges, solicits, solidest, solidify, solidity, solitons, solitude, solonets, solstice, solution, solvency, solvents, songfest, songster, sonhoods, sonority, sonorous, soochong, soothers, soothest, soothing, sootiest, sopiting, sorcerer, sordines, soricine, soroches, sorority, sorption, sorptive, sorriest, sorrowed, sorrower, souchong, sounders, soundest, soupcons, soupiest, sourdine, sourwood, southern, southers, southing, southron, souvenir, speccing, specific, specious, specters, spectres, speeches, speeders, speedier, speedily, speeding, speeling, speering, speiling, speiring, spelters, spencers, spenders, sphenoid, spherics, spherier, sphering, spheroid, spherule, sphinges, sphingid, spiciest, spicules, spiegels, spielers, spieling, spiering, spilings, spindler, spindles, spiniest, spinouts, spinster, spinules, spiriest, spirited, spirting, spiteful, spitfire, spitters, spitting, spittles, spittoon, splendor, splenius, splicers, splicing, splinted, splinter, splitter, splodges, sploshed, splotchy, splurged, splurger, splurges, splutter, spoilers, spoiling, spondees, spongers, spongier, spongily, spoofers, spoofery, spoofing, spooling, sthingyeys, sthingyful, sthingyier, sthingyies, sthingyily, spooring, sporters, sportful, sportier, sportily, sporting, sportive, sporules, spotters, spottier, spottily, spotting, spousing, spouters, spouting, sprights, springed, springer, springes, sprinted, sprinter, sprouted, sprucely, sprucest, sprucier, sprucing, spurners, spurrers, spurreys, spurrier, spurries, spurring, spurting, spurtles, sputters, steelier, steelies, steeling, steepens, steepers, steepest, steeping, steepled, steeples, steerers, steering, steeving, stegodon, stenches, stencils, stenosed, stenotic, stentors, stepwise, stereoed, sterlets, sterling, sternest, sternite, steroids, stertors, stetting, stiction, stiflers, stifling, stiletto, stilting, stingers, stingier, stingily, stinters, stipends, stipites, stipuled, stipules, stirrers, stirring, stirrups, stitched, stitcher, stitches, stithied, stithies, stodgier, stodgily, stolider, stolonic, stolport, stonefly, stoniest, stoolies, stooling, stoopers, stooping, stopover, storeyed, storying, stoutens, stoutest, stoutish, strength, stretchy, strettos, streusel, strewers, strewing, stricter, strictly, strident, striders, striding, stridors, strigils, strigose, stringed, stringer, stripers, stripier, striping, strivers, striving, stronger, strongly, strongyl, strontic, strophes, strophic, strowing, stroyers, stroying, strudels, strunted, strutted, strutter, stuccoed, stuccoer, stuccoes, students, studfish, studiers, studying, stuivers, stultify, stupider, stupidly, sturdier, sturdies, sturdily, sturgeon, stutters, stylings, stylised, styliser, stylites, stylitic, styptics, styrenes, succeeds, succinyl, succored, succorer, suctions, suicides, suitings, sulfides, sulfites, sulfitic, sulfones, sulfonic, sulphide, sulphids, sulphite, sulphone, sultrier, sunderer, sundries, sundrops, sunglows, sunlight, sunproof, sunroofs, superego, superhit, supering, superior, superlie, supinely, surefire, sureties, surfeits, surfiest, surfings, surgeons, surliest, surplice, surprint, surprise, surveils, surveyed, surveyor, suspired, sveltest, sweenies, sweepers, sweepier, sweeping, sweetens, sweetest, sweeties, sweeting, sweetish, sweetsop, swelters, swervers, swerving, swifters, swiftest, swindler, swindles, swingers, swingier, swingled, swingles, swirlier, swirling, swishier, swishing, switched, switcher, switches, swithers, swiveled, swooners, swoopers, swooping, swooshed, swotters, swotting, syenites, syenitic, sylphids, sylphish, sylvines, sylvites, synchros, syncopes, syncopic, syndetic, synectic, synergic, synergid, synfuels, synoptic, syphered, syphilis, syphoned, syringed, syringes, syrphids, systolic, techiest, technics, tectites, tectonic, teeniest, teensier, teethers, teething, telegony, teleosts, teleport, telestic, telethon, teleview, televise, telfered, telfords, telphers, telsonic, tenderer, tenderly, tendrils, tenfolds, tenorist, tenorite, tentered, tentiest, tentless, teosinte, tepefied, tepefies, tephrite, tepidity, tercelet, tergites, terpenes, terpenic, terpinol, terreens, terrenes, terriers, terrific, terrines, testicle, testiest, testoons, testudos, tetchier, tetchily, tethered, tetrodes, theelins, theistic, thelitis, theodicy, theogony, theologs, theology, theories, theorise, theorist, therefor, theropod, theurgic, thewiest, thewless, thievery, thieving, thievish, thionyls, thiophen, thirling, thirsted, thirster, thirteen, thirties, thistles, tholepin, thorites, thornier, thornily, thorough, thoughts, thowless, threeped, threnode, threnody, threshed, thresher, threshes, thrivers, thriving, thronged, throstle, throttle, throwers, throwing, thrushes, thrusted, thruster, thrustor, thunders, thundery, thurifer, thyreoid, thyroids, thyrsoid, tideless, tiderips, tidiness, tidytips, tiercels, tigereye, tigerish, tightens, tightest, tilefish, tincture, tinfoils, tinglers, tinglier, tinseled, tintless, tintypes, tipsiest, tipsters, tiredest, tireless, tirrivee, tissuing, tithings, titlists, tittered, titterer, tittuped, tochered, tocology, toeholds, toepiece, toeshoes, together, toileted, toiletry, toilette, toilworn, tolidine, tolidins, toluenes, toluides, toluidin, toneless, tonetics, tonettes, tonicity, tonights, tonishly, tonsured, tonsures, toolings, toolshed, toothier, toothily, toothing, tootlers, tootling, tootsies, topcross, toplofty, topnotch, topology, topsider, topsides, topsoils, topstone, torchere, torchier, torching, torchons, toreutic, torosity, torpedos, torpidly, torrents, torrider, torridly, torsions, tortious, tortoise, tortonis, tortured, torturer, tortures, tottered, totterer, touchers, touchier, touchily, touching, toughens, toughest, toughies, toughish, tourings, tourists, touristy, tourneys, tousling, toweling, towerier, towering, towlines, townless, townlets, township, towropes, toyshops, trecento, treeless, treetops, trefoils, trenched, trencher, trenches, trendier, trendies, trendily, trephine, tressier, tressour, tressure, trestles, trichite, trichoid, tricolor, tricorne, tricorns, tricycle, tridents, trientes, triethyl, triflers, trifling, triglyph, trigness, trindles, triolets, triplets, tripling, triplite, triploid, tripodic, tripolis, triposes, triptych, tripwire, triscele, trisects, tristful, tristich, trithing, tritones, triunity, trochees, trochili, trochils, trochoid, troilite, troopers, trooping, trophied, trophies, tropines, trothing, trotline, trotters, trotting, trounced, trouncer, trounces, troupers, trouping, trousers, troutier, trouvere, troweled, troweler, trowsers, trudgens, trudgeon, trudgers, truelove, trueness, truistic, trundler, trundles, trussing, trusteed, trustees, trusters, trustier, trusties, trustily, trusting, trustors, trypsins, trysters, trysting, tuftiest, tuitions, tuneless, tungstic, tunicles, turfiest, turfless, turgency, turgidly, turgites, turnover, turnsole, turnspit, turpeths, turreted, turtlers, turtling, tussling, tutoress, tutoring, tutoyers, tweedier, tweedles, tweenies, tweeters, tweeting, twelfths, twenties, twigless, twilight, twiniest, twinight, twinsets, twinship, twirlers, twirlier, twirling, twisters, twistier, twisting, twitched, twitcher, twitches, twitters, twittery, twitting, twofolds, twopence, tylosins, typesets, typhoids, typhonic, typhoons, typhuses, typified, typifier, typifies, tyrosine, uglified, uglifier, uglifies, ugliness, ulcering, ulterior, unchewed, unchicly, unclosed, uncloses, unclothe, uncloyed, uncoiled, uncooled, uncovers, underlet, underlie, underlip, underlit, underset, undertow, undocile, unerotic, unfetter, unfished, unfitted, unfoiled, unfolder, unforced, unforged, unforgot, ungifted, ungloved, ungloves, ungreedy, unhelped, unheroic, unholier, unhorsed, unhorses, unicolor, unicycle, unifiers, unitedly, universe, unletted, unlevied, unlisted, unloosed, unlooses, unpitied, unplowed, unpoetic, unpoised, unpolite, unposted, unpotted, unpretty, unpriced, unproved, unreeled, unreeler, unreeved, unreeves, unrested, unrifled, unripely, unripest, unroofed, unrooted, unscrews, unserved, unsettle, unshifts, unsifted, unsights, unsliced, unsoiled, unsolder, unsolved, unsorted, unsphere, unspoilt, unsteels, unstitch, untested, untether, untidier, untidies, untidily, untilted, untitled, untwists, unveiled, unversed, unvoiced, unvoices, unweight, unwetted, unwieldy, unwifely, unwisely, unwisest, unwished, unwishes, unwitted, unworthy, upcoiled, updiving, updrying, upflings, upflowed, upgrowth, upholder, uplifted, uplifter, uplights, uprights, uprisers, uprising, uprivers, uprooted, uprooter, upsetter, upshifts, upshoots, upsilons, upswings, upthrown, upthrows, uptilted, uptossed, uptowner, uptrends, ureteric, urgently, uridines, urochord, urodeles, uroliths, urologic, uroscopy, urostyle, ushering, utensils, utilidor, utilised, utiliser, utilises, utopists, utricles, utterers, uttering, vectored, vedettes, vegetist, vehicles, veilings, veiniest, veinless, veinlets, veinules, veinulet, veligers, velocity, veloutes, veluring, vendeuse, veneries, vengeful, venosity, venously, ventless, ventured, venturer, ventures, venturis, venulose, verderer, verderor, verdicts, verditer, verdures, verecund, vergence, verified, verifier, verifies, veristic, verities, vernicle, verniers, versicle, versines, versions, vertices, verticil, vertigos, vesicles, vesseled, vestiges, vestings, vestries, vestured, vestures, viceless, viceroys, victress, videttes, vidicons, viewiest, viewings, viewless, vignette, vigorish, vigoroso, vigorous, vileness, vilipend, vineries, vinosity, vinously, violence, violists, violones, viperine, viperish, viperous, virgules, virology, virtuose, virtuosi, virtuoso, virucide, virulent, viscidly, viscount, visioned, visiters, visitors, visoring, vitreous, vitrines, vitriols, vittling, vituline, vocoders, voiceful, voidness, voleries, volition, volutins, volution, vortices, voteless, vouchees, vouchers, vouching, voussoir, wedeling, wedgiest, weediest, weedless, weeniest, weensier, weepiest, weepings, weeviled, weighers, weighted, weighter, weirdest, weirdies, weirdoes, welchers, welching, welshers, welshing, weltered, weltings, wenchers, wendigos, weregild, wergelds, wergelts, wergilds, westered, westerly, westerns, westings, wetproof, wettings, wheedler, wheedles, wheelers, wheelies, wheeling, wheeping, wheepled, wheeples, whelping, whenever, wherever, wherried, wherries, whetters, whetting, whiniest, whipcord, whirlers, whirlier, whirlies, whirling, whirried, whirries, whirring, whishing, whishted, whispers, whispery, whisting, whistled, whistler, whistles, whitefly, whitened, whitener, whiteout, whitiest, whitings, whitters, whittled, whittler, whittles, whittret, whodunit, whoofing, whoopees, whoopers, whooping, whooshed, whooshes, sleeperson, whortles, whosever, wicopies, wideners, wideness, widgeons, wielders, wieldier, wielding, wifehood, wifeless, wifelier, wildfire, wildings, wildness, wiliness, winchers, windiest, windigos, windless, wineless, wineries, wineshop, winesops, wingedly, wingiest, wingless, winglets, wingover, wingtips, wintered, winterer, winterly, wintrier, wintrily, wipeouts, wireless, wiriness, wiselier, wispiest, witchery, witchier, witching, withered, witherer, withheld, withhold, withiest, withouts, witlings, witloofs, wittiest, wittings, wonderer, wondrous, wontedly, woodcuts, woodener, woodenly, woodhens, woodiest, woodless, woodlore, woodlots, woodnote, woodpile, woodsier, wooingly, wooliest, woolshed, woopsing, wooshing, wordiest, wordings, wordless, worriers, worrited, worrying, worsened, worships, worsteds, worsting, worthful, worthier, worthies, worthily, worthing, wouldest, wrenched, wrenches, wresters, wresting, wrestled, wrestler, wrestles, wretched, wretches, wringers, wristier, wristlet, writerly, writhers, writhing, writings, wrongers, wrongest, wrongful, wrothful, yeshivot, yestreen, yielders, yielding, yodelers, yodeling, yoghourt, yoghurts, youngers, youngest, youngish, yourself, youthens, yperites, yuletide
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 20:11:05 GMT -5
9-letter words ceilinged, ceintures, celestite, censurers, centipede, centriole, centrists, centroids, centupled, centuples, centuries, cerecloth, cerotypes, certified, certifier, certifies, certitude, cerusites, cerussite, cheeriest, cheerless, cheesiest, chelipeds, chenopods, cherished, cherisher, cherishes, chertiest, chestfuls, chestiest, chestnuts, chevelure, cheverons, chicories, chiefship, chilidogs, chilopods, chinchier, chiropody, chirpiest, chirruped, chiselers, chiseling, chitinous, chitlings, chittered, chlorides, chlorines, chlorites, chloritic, chloroses, chlorosis, chlorotic, chondrite, chondrule, choosiest, chophouse, choplogic, chorioids, chorionic, chorister, chortlers, chortling, chorusing, chorussed, chowhound, christens, christies, chronicle, chuntered, churchier, churching, cicerones, cinctured, cinctures, cinereous, ciphering, ciphonies, circuited, circuitry, cirrhoses, cirrhosis, cirrhotic, cirripeds, cistronic, clenchers, clerihews, clerisies, cleveites, cleverest, cleverish, clinchers, clingiest, clipsheet, cloisters, clonicity, closedown, closeouts, closeting, closuring, clothiers, clothings, cloturing, cloudiest, clupeoids, clustered, clutching, cluttered, cocounsel, coderives, codesigns, codevelop, codfishes, codifiers, codifying, codirects, codpieces, codrivers, codriving, coediting, coeditors, coendures, coenocyte, coercions, coerected, cofounder, cogencies, cognitive, cognovits, cogwheels, coheiress, coherence, coherency, cohesions, coholders, cohosting, coincides, coinhered, coinheres, coinsured, coinsurer, coinsures, coistrels, coistrils, coleseeds, coleworts, colicines, colicroot, colistins, colitises, colocynth, colonised, colonises, colonists, colophons, colophony, colorific, colorings, colorists, colourers, colouring, coltsfoot, conceders, conceited, conceived, conceiver, conceives, conceptus, concerted, concertos, conchoids, concierge, concisely, concisest, concluder, concludes, concourse, concreted, concretes, concurred, concussed, condolers, conducers, conducive, conductor, confected, conferees, conferred, conferrer, confessed, confessor, confiders, configure, confiteor, confiture, conflicts, confreres, confuters, congeries, congested, congruity, conscious, conscript, conserved, conserver, conserves, considers, consisted, consolers, consorted, conspired, conspires, constrict, construct, construed, construes, consulted, consulter, consultor, contested, contester, contorted, contoured, contrived, contriver, contrives, convected, convector, converged, converges, conversed, converser, converses, converted, converter, convertor, conveyers, conveyors, convicted, convolute, convulsed, convulses, cooldowns, cooperies, coopering, cooptions, copesetic, copestone, copiously, coplotted, copresent, coprinces, coproduce, coproduct, coprolite, copyedits, copyholds, copyright, corduroys, coreopsis, cornetist, cornfield, corniches, cornicles, cornrowed, corpulent, corpuscle, corrected, correcter, correctly, corrector, corridors, corrodies, corroding, corrosion, corrosive, corrupted, corrupter, corruptly, corruptor, corselets, corseting, corticoid, cortisols, cortisone, corvettes, coryphees, coscripts, coshering, cosigners, cosponsor, cosseting, costively, costliest, cotrustee, cotyledon, couchings, councilor, counseled, counselee, counselor, countered, countless, countries, couplings, courgette, coursings, courtiers, courtlier, courtship, courtside, couthiest, coverings, coverless, coverlets, coverlids, coverslip, coverture, cowfishes, cowhiding, cowriting, cowritten, credences, crediting, creditors, credulity, creepiest, creeshing, creodonts, creolised, creolises, creosoted, creosotes, crepuscle, crescendi, crescendo, crescents, crestings, cretinous, cricetids, crispened, crispiest, criterion, croceines, crocheted, crocheter, crocodile, crocoites, crossover, crosstown, crosswind, crossword, crotchets, crotchety, crouching, croupiers, croupiest, crowfoots, crownless, crowsteps, crucifers, crucified, crucifies, crudeness, crudities, cruelness, cruelties, cruisings, crunchers, crunchier, crunchily, crustiest, crutching, cryogenic, cryolites, cryoscope, cryotrons, cudgelers, cuittling, culicines, cultigens, culverins, curetting, curiosity, curliness, currently, curricles, currishly, cursedest, cursively, cursorily, curtesies, curtseyed, curtsying, curveting, curvetted, cushioned, cuspidors, custodies, cutesiest, cutinised, cutinises, cutleries, cuttingly, cycleries, cyclotron, cylinders, cylindric, cynosures, cyphering, cyprinids, cysteines, cystolith, cytidines, cytologic, cytosines, cytosolic, deceitful, deceivers, deceiving, decencies, decenters, decentest, decentres, deception, deceptive, decertify, deciliter, deciphers, decisions, decliners, declivity, decocting, decoction, decolours, decongest, decontrol, decouples, decreeing, decretive, decretory, decupling, decurions, decurrent, decurving, deerflies, defecting, defection, defective, defectors, defensive, deferents, deferrers, deferring, deficient, deflector, deflowers, defocuses, deforcing, deforests, defroster, dehiscent, dehiscing, dehorners, dehorting, deletions, delicious, delighter, delirious, delisting, deliverer, delousers, delousing, delusions, delusters, denitrify, densifies, densities, denticles, dentistry, denturist, depicters, depicting, depiction, depictors, depleting, depletion, depletive, deplorers, deploring, deploying, deportees, deporting, depositor, depressor, deprivers, depriving, depthless, derelicts, derepress, deringers, derisions, derrieres, derringer, dervishes, descriers, descrying, deselects, deserters, deserting, desertion, deservers, deserving, designees, designers, desilvers, desisting, despising, despiting, despoiler, destinies, destitute, destriers, destroyer, destructs, desultory, detecters, detecting, detection, detective, detectors, detergent, detergers, deterrent, deterrers, deterring, detersive, detesters, detesting, dethroner, dethrones, detouring, detrition, deuterons, developer, developes, devesting, devilfish, devilries, deviously, devitrify, devoicing, devotions, devourers, devouring, devoutest, dewooling, dicentric, diclinous, dicyclies, dieseling, diestrous, dietetics, digenetic, digesters, digestion, digestive, digestors, diligence, dilutions, diluvions, dioecious, diolefins, diphenyls, diphthong, diplontic, diplotene, dipterous, directest, directing, direction, directive, directors, directory, dirtiness, discerner, disciples, discloser, discolors, discounts, discourse, discovers, discovery, discrowns, disfigure, disguiser, dishcloth, dishclout, disherits, dishevels, dishonest, dishonors, disinfect, disinfest, disinters, disinvest, disorient, dispenser, disperser, disposing, disposure, disproofs, disproven, disproves, disputers, disputing, disrelish, disrepute, disrupter, dissector, dissenter, dissolute, dissolver, distingue, distorter, districts, disunites, ditheists, ditherers, dithering, diuretics, divergent, diversely, diversify, diversion, diversity, diverters, diverting, divesting, divorcees, divorcers, divorcing, divulgers, doctoring, doctrines, dogeships, dogfishes, doghouses, dolerites, doleritic, doorposts, doorsteps, doorstops, dopesters, dotterels, dottiness, doughiest, doughtier, doughtily, doupionis, dovecotes, dowitcher, downcourt, downpours, downright, downriver, downshift, downslope, downspout, drenchers, driftiest, driftpins, dripstone, drivelers, driveline, driveling, droopiest, droplight, dropshots, dropworts, drouthier, drowsiest, drugstore, drupelets, drypoints, ductility, duecentos, duettists, dulcifies, duopolies, duplicity, dustcover, duvetines, duvetynes, dysphoric, ecdysones, echeloned, echinoids, echiuroid, echovirus, eclipsing, ecliptics, eclogites, eclosions, ecologies, ecologist, ecosphere, edelweiss, eductions, egestions, egotistic, egression, eighteens, eightfold, eightieth, eldership, elections, electives, electress, electrets, electrics, electrify, electrode, electroed, electrons, eledoisin, elevenths, elicitors, elocution, eloigners, enciphers, encircled, encircles, enclitics, enclosers, enclosure, encrusted, encrypted, endoergic, endophyte, endorsees, endorsers, endorsors, endoscope, endoscopy, endospore, endostyle, energetic, energised, energises, enfetters, enfolders, enforcers, engirdles, englished, englishes, englutted, engrossed, engrosser, enlistees, enlisters, enologies, enologist, enrichers, enshrouds, ensorcels, ensphered, enspheres, entelechy, enteritis, entoproct, entrecote, entrepots, entresols, entropies, entrusted, entwisted, enuretics, enveloped, envelopes, enviously, ephedrine, ephedrins, epicenter, epicotyls, epicycles, epigonous, epigynies, epigynous, epilogued, epilogues, epistlers, epistoler, epistyles, epithetic, epsilonic, erections, erectness, erewhiles, erigerons, eriophyid, erogenous, erosivity, eroticist, erroneous, errorless, erstwhile, eruditely, erudition, eruptions, eruptives, erythrite, erythroid, erythrons, eschewing, escorting, escrowing, esculents, espousing, esthetics, estrogens, esurience, eternised, eternises, ethephons, ethicists, ethnicity, ethnology, ethylenes, ethylenic, etiologic, eugenists, euglenoid, eulogised, eulogises, eulogists, euphenics, euphonies, eurytopic, eutectics, eutectoid, euthenics, euthenist, euthyroid, eutrophic, evections, eventides, eventless, eversions, evictions, evidences, evidently, evildoers, evildoing, evolution, evulsions, eyeliners, eyepoints, eyesights, eyestones, feculence, fecundity, feedholes, feistiest, feldshers, felonious, felonries, felstones, fenceless, fencerows, ferneries, ferocious, ferreling, ferreters, ferreting, ferritins, ferrocene, ferrotype, ferruling, fertility, fervently, festering, festively, festivity, festooned, feticides, fetidness, fetishist, fetoscope, fetoscopy, fetterers, fettering, fettlings, fettucine, fettucini, feverwort, fictively, fidgeters, fieriness, figulines, figurines, filigreed, filigrees, filisters, filterers, filtering, filthiest, fingerers, fingertip, finishers, finitudes, finochios, fioriture, firehouse, firelight, fireplugs, firepower, firesides, firestone, firethorn, fireweeds, firewoods, firstling, fisheries, fishlines, fishpoles, fishponds, fishwives, fissioned, fissuring, fistnotes, fittingly, flechette, flections, fledgiest, fleeching, fleeciest, fleetness, fleshiest, fleshings, fleshpots, fletchers, fletching, flichters, flightier, flinchers, flintiest, flirtiest, flitching, flittered, floorings, flophouse, flopovers, florences, floridity, florigens, floristic, floristry, flouncier, flounders, flowerers, flowerets, flowerier, flowering, flowerpot, flowstone, fluencies, fluidises, fluidness, fluorenes, fluoresce, fluorides, fluorines, fluorites, fluoroses, fluorosis, fluorotic, flurrying, flustered, fluttered, flutterer, flyweight, focussing, fooleries, foolisher, footcloth, footholds, footloose, footnoted, footnotes, footprint, footrests, footropes, footslogs, footsteps, footstone, footstool, forceless, foreclose, forecourt, foredoing, foregoers, foreigner, forensics, foreseers, foresheet, foreshore, foreshown, foreshows, foresides, foresight, foresters, foresting, foreswore, foresworn, forewings, forewords, forgeries, forgetive, forgetter, forgivers, forgotten, forlorner, forthwith, fortieths, fortitude, fortnight, fosterers, fostering, foundries, fourscore, fourteens, foveolets, freeholds, freestone, freestyle, freighted, freighter, frenetics, frescoers, frescoing, freshened, freshener, frettiest, frictions, frightens, fringiest, frisettes, frittered, fritterer, frivolers, frivoling, frivolity, frivolous, frondeurs, frontiers, frontless, frontlets, frostiest, frostings, frothiest, frotteurs, frowsiest, frowstier, frowsting, fructoses, frugivore, fruiterer, fruitiest, fruitions, fruitless, fruitlets, fruitwood, fruticose, fuchsines, fuelwoods, fugitives, fungicide, furnished, furnisher, furnishes, furriners, furrowers, furrowing, furthered, furtherer, furtively, fusileers, fusiliers, fusionist, geepounds, genitives, genitures, genocides, genotypes, genotypic, gentility, gentrices, genuflect, geodesics, geodesies, geodesist, geophones, geophytes, geotropic, gerundive, gesturers, geyserite, ghostiest, ghostlier, girlhoods, gleetiest, glistened, glistered, glittered, glorified, glorifier, glorifies, glottides, glottises, glucoside, glyceride, glycerine, glycerins, glyconics, glycoside, gneissoid, godliness, goethites, goldenest, goldeneye, goldfinch, goldstone, gondolier, gonocytes, gonophore, gonopores, goodliest, goodwives, gooeyness, goofiness, goosefish, goosefoot, gospelers, governess, governors, greediest, greeniest, greenlets, greenwood, greyhound, gridirons, grisettes, grisliest, gristlier, grittiest, groceries, grooviest, grottiest, grouchier, grouchily, grounders, groundsel, groupoids, groutiest, grovelers, growliest, growthier, gueridons, guernseys, guideline, guidepost, guildship, guiltiest, gulfweeds, gunpowder, gynophore, gyroscope, hectoring, hedgehops, hedgerows, hedonists, heelposts, heftiness, heightens, heinously, heirships, helicoids, helicopts, heliports, helistops, helotries, henhouses, hereunder, heronries, hessonite, heteroses, heterosis, heterotic, heuristic, hiccoughs, hiccuping, hideosity, hideously, hidrotics, hierodule, highflier, highflyer, highlifes, highspots, hinderers, hindsight, hirelings, hirseling, histogens, histology, histories, hocussing, hodoscope, hogfishes, holdovers, holocrine, holotypes, holotypic, holsteins, holystone, holytides, honestest, honesties, honeworts, honeydews, honorific, honourers, hoodooing, hoofprint, hoopsters, hoosegows, hopscotch, horehound, hornpouts, hornworts, horologes, horoscope, horrified, horrifies, horsehide, horsenuts, horseshod, horseshoe, horseweed, horsewhip, hosieries, hostelers, hosteling, hostility, hotchpots, hoteliers, hotfooted, hothouses, household, houseling, housetops, housewife, howsoever, hoydenish, hungriest, hurriedly, hydrocele, hydrofoil, hydrogels, hydrogens, hydropses, hydrosere, hydrosols, hygieists, hygienics, hygienist, hyoscines, hyperfine, hypergols, hypnotics, hypnotist, hypocrite, hypogeous, hypothecs, hypotonic, hysterics, hysteroid, icehouses, iconology, icteruses, ideologic, ideologue, idiolects, idolisers, inceptive, inceptors, incisures, inclosers, inclosure, inclusive, incorpsed, incorpses, incorrect, incorrupt, incrossed, incrusted, indictees, indicters, indictors, indispose, indorsees, indorsers, indorsors, inductees, inductive, inductors, indulgers, infecters, infective, infectors, inferiors, inferrers, infertile, infesters, infielder, infighter, inflected, inflicted, inflicter, inflictor, infolders, ingestive, ingrowths, inherited, inheritor, inositols, inotropic, insculped, insectile, inserters, insetters, inspected, inspector, insphered, inspheres, inspirers, institute, instructs, insulters, integrity, intercede, intercept, intercity, intercrop, intercuts, interdict, interests, interfere, interfile, interflow, interfold, interfuse, interiors, interlope, interlude, interpled, interpose, interpret, interrupt, intersect, interties, interview, interwove, intituled, intitules, intrigued, intriguer, intrigues, introduce, introfied, introfies, introvert, intruders, intrusive, intrusted, intwisted, inveighed, inveigher, inveigled, inveigler, inveigles, inversely, inverters, invertors, investors, involucre, involuted, involutes, iodophors, iodopsins, ionophore, iridology, ironsides, ironweeds, ironwoods, irrupting, irruption, irruptive, isochores, isochrone, isochrons, isoclines, isogeneic, isogenies, isogonics, isogonies, isologues, isophotes, isopleths, isoprenes, isopycnic, isotheres, isotopies, isotropic, itchiness, lecheries, lechering, lecherous, lecithins, lectotype, lecturers, lecturing, leftovers, leistered, lengthier, lenitives, lepidotes, leprosies, leptotene, letterers, lettering, lewisites, licencees, licencers, licensees, licensers, licensors, licensure, lichenous, licorices, lightened, lightener, lightered, lightness, lightship, lightwood, ligroines, lingerers, lingeries, linguists, lintwhite, lionisers, lipocytes, listeners, litheness, lithopone, litterers, littering, liturgics, liturgies, liturgist, liverwort, lividness, locofocos, locoweeds, locutions, lodestone, loftiness, logicised, logicises, logistics, logotypes, loiterers, loitering, longevity, longevous, longhouse, longitude, longships, longspurs, looseners, lordships, lorgnette, lotteries, lousewort, lowriders, lucencies, lucidness, luciferin,
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 20:11:31 GMT -5
lungworts, luridness, lustering, lustihood, lustrings, lutenists, lychnises, lycopenes, lyricised, lyricises, lyricists, lysogenic, necessity, necrology, necropoli, neglected, neglecter, negritude, neolithic, neologies, neophytes, neoterics, nephelite, nephrites, nephritic, nephritis, nephroses, nephrosis, nephrotic, nepotists, nerveless, nervosity, nervously, nettliest, neuritics, neurology, neurotics, newsreels, niccolite, nightless, nightlife, nightside, nightspot, nitrosyls, noisettes, noosphere, northerly, northwest, nosedives, nosepiece, nosewheel, nosologic, notifiers, notochord, notoriety, notorious, nourished, nourisher, nourishes, novelette, novelised, novelises, novelists, novelties, nowhither, nucleoids, nurseries, nutritive, nutsedges, occidents, occluding, occlusion, occlusive, occulters, occulting, occultist, occupiers, occupying, occurrent, occurring, octoploid, octopodes, octopuses, octoroons, octothorp, octuplets, octupling, odorously, oenophile, oestriols, oestrones, oilstones, oleoresin, olivenite, oncologic, onerously, oogeneses, oogenesis, oogenetic, oologists, oospheres, operceles, opercules, operosely, ophiuroid, opticists, optionees, opulences, orderless, orderlies, orienteer, orneriest, orogenies, orologies, orrisroot, orthicons, orthoepic, orthotics, orthotist, ossifying, ostensive, osteocyte, osteology, ostriches, otherness, otherwise, otocystic, otolithic, otologies, otoscopes, ourselves, outchides, outcrowed, outcrying, outdesign, outdoorsy, outdriven, outdrives, outechoed, outechoes, outfields, outfights, outfiring, outfished, outfishes, outfitted, outfitter, outflowed, outflying, outfooled, outfooted, outfrowns, outglowed, outgrowth, outhowled, outliners, outlivers, outliving, outloving, outpitied, outpities, outpoints, outpowers, outpreens, outpriced, outprices, outriders, outriding, outrooted, outrowing, outscolds, outscoops, outscored, outscores, outscorns, outseeing, outserved, outserves, outshined, outshines, outshoots, outsiders, outsights, outsleeps, outsnored, outsnores, outspeeds, outspends, outsprint, outsteers, outstride, outstrips, outstrode, outthrown, outthrows, outtowers, outvoiced, outvoices, outvoting, outweighs, outwhirls, outwiling, outwished, outwishes, outwitted, outwrites, outyelped, outyields, ovenproof, overcloud, overcools, overcount, overcrops, overcrowd, overcured, overcures, overdoers, overdoing, overdoses, overdress, overdries, overedits, overfeeds, overflies, overflown, overflows, overfocus, overfunds, overfussy, overgilds, overgirds, overgrown, overgrows, overholds, overhoped, overhopes, overhunts, overhyped, overhypes, overissue, overlends, overlight, overlords, overlying, overnight, overplied, overplies, overplots, overpower, overprice, overprint, overproof, overrides, overrigid, overruled, overrules, overseeds, overseers, oversewed, overshirt, overshoes, overshoot, overshots, oversides, oversight, oversleep, overslept, overslips, overslipt, oversouls, overspend, overspent, overspins, oversteer, oversteps, overstirs, overstory, overstrew, oversweet, overswing, overswung, overthrew, overthrow, overtired, overtires, overtness, overtoils, overtones, overtured, overtures, overturns, overurged, overurges, overusing, overweens, overweigh, overwinds, overwords, overwound, overwrite, overwrote, oviposits, ovotestes, ovotestis, ownership, oysterers, oystering, pecorinos, pedicures, pedigrees, pedleries, pedogenic, pedologic, peduncles, peevishly, peignoirs, pelerines, peloruses, peltering, pencilers, penholder, penlights, pensively, penthouse, penuchles, perceived, perceiver, perceives, percussed, perdition, perduring, peregrine, peregrins, perfected, perfecter, perfectly, perfectos, perfervid, perfidies, perfusing, perfusion, pericycle, peridotic, perilunes, perishing, peristyle, persecute, persisted, persister, personify, perverted, perverter, pesterers, pestering, pestholes, pesthouse, pesticide, pestilent, petitions, petrified, petrifies, petrology, petronels, pettifogs, pettiness, pettishly, pettitoes, petuntses, pewholder, pewterers, phenetics, phenetols, phenolics, phenology, philtered, philtring, phonetics, phonolite, phonology, phoronids, phosgenes, photonics, photosets, phrenetic, phrensied, phrensies, phthisics, physicist, picolines, picturing, piecewise, piecrusts, piedforts, pierogies, pigeonite, pigfishes, pileworts, pilferers, pilfering, pilotings, pilseners, pinewoods, pinfishes, pinochles, pinocytic, pinschers, pinsetter, pinwheels, pioneered, pirouette, pishogues, pisolites, pistoleer, pistoling, pitchiest, pitchouts, piteously, pithiness, plectrons, pledgeors, plenished, plenishes, plenitude, plenteous, plethoric, pleuritic, pleustons, plighters, pliotrons, plottiest, ploughers, plunderer, plushiest, poechores, poetisers, poetising, pointedly, pointiest, pointless, poisoners, poisonous, polishers, polishing, politesse, politicos, poltroons, polyester, polygenes, polygenic, polythene, ponderers, ponderous, poolsides, poorhouse, poortiths, porridges, porringer, portering, portfolio, portholes, porticoes, portieres, portioned, portliest, positions, positiver, positives, positrons, postcodes, posterior, posterity, postholes, postiches, postilion, postludes, posturers, posturing, potencies, pothering, pothouses, pothunter, potsherds, potstones, potterers, potteries, pottering, pouchiest, poulterer, poulticed, poultices, poultries, pouringly, poussette, poverties, powderers, powdering, powerless, precedent, preceding, precensor, precented, precentor, precessed, precieuse, precincts, precisely, precisest, precising, precision, precludes, precocity, precoding, precooled, precrisis, precuring, precursor, predefine, predictor, predigest, preelects, preerects, preferred, preferrer, prefigure, prefiling, prefiring, preflight, prehiring, prelected, preluders, preluding, prelusion, prelusive, prenotify, prenticed, prentices, preorders, prereturn, prereview, prerinses, preschool, prescient, prescinds, prescored, prescores, prescreen, preselect, presences, presented, presenter, presently, preserved, preserver, preserves, preshowed, president, presiders, presiding, presidios, presifted, presliced, preslices, presorted, pressured, prestiges, pretences, pretender, pretenses, preterite, preterits, pretested, prettiest, prettying, prettyish, preunited, preunites, prevented, preventer, previewed, previewer, prevising, prevision, previsors, priceless, priedieus, priesting, princelet, princesse, printless, printouts, prisoners, privilege, procedure, processed, processor, proclitic, proconsul, proctored, procurers, procuring, prodigies, producers, producing, proestrus, professed, professor, profilers, profiling, profiteer, profiters, profiting, profluent, profounds, profusely, profusion, progenies, progestin, prognosed, prognoses, prognosis, prologued, prologues, prolonged, prolonger, prolonges, prolusion, prolusory, pronuclei, prorogued, prorogues, prosected, prosector, prosecute, proselyte, prosodies, prosodist, prostyles, protected, protector, protegees, proteides, proteoses, protested, protester, protestor, proteuses, protheses, prothesis, prothetic, protocols, protrudes, proustite, provender, provident, providers, providing, provinces, provision, provisoes, provisory, provolone, prudences, prudently, pruderies, prudishly, prurience, pruriency, psilocins, psychotic, pteridine, pterygoid, pudencies, pudginess, puerility, pugilists, pulicides, pulverise, punchiest, punchless, punctilio, punishers, purflings, purifiers, purifying, purloined, purloiner, purringly, purveying, purveyors, pushdowns, pushovers, girl thingyfoot, putrefied, putrefies, putridity, putschist, putterers, puttering, puttyless, puttyroot, pyloruses, pyrenoids, pyrethrin, pyridines, pyrogenic, pythoness, receipted, receivers, receiving, recencies, recentest, reception, receptive, receptors, recertify, recessing, recession, recessive, recherche, rechewing, rechooses, recipient, recircled, recircles, recisions, recliners, reclothed, reclothes, reclusion, reclusive, recognise, recoilers, recoiling, recolored, reconcile, recondite, recontour, reconvert, reconveys, reconvict, recopying, recorders, recording, recordist, recounted, recounter, recouping, recoupled, recouples, recourses, recovered, recoverer, recrossed, recrowned, recruited, recruiter, rectified, rectifier, rectifies, rectitude, rectories, rectrices, recurrent, recurring, recursion, recursive, recurving, recutting, recyclers, recycling, redefects, redefines, redefying, redeliver, redeploys, redeposit, redesigns, redevelop, redfishes, redhorses, redigests, redingote, redirects, redispose, redolence, redresser, redriving, redshifts, redshirts, reduction, reductive, reductors, reechiest, reechoing, reedifies, reediness, reediting, reedition, reedlings, reenforce, reenlists, reentries, refecting, refection, refectory, refeeding, refeeling, referents, referrers, referring, refigured, refigures, refilters, refitting, reflected, reflector, reflowers, reflowing, refluence, refocused, refocuses, refolding, reforests, refreshed, refreshen, refresher, refreshes, refronted, refueling, refulgent, refunders, refurnish, regencies, regicides, regisseur, registers, reglossed, regoliths, regressed, regressor, regretful, regretted, regretter, regrooved, regrooves, regrouped, regrowths, reheeling, rehousing, reignited, reignites, reincited, reincites, reindeers, reindicts, reinduces, reinducts, reinfects, reinforce, reinfused, reinfuses, reinserts, reinspect, reinspire, reinsured, reinsurer, reinsures, reinvests, reinvited, reinvites, reissuing, reletters, reletting, relicense, reliction, relievers, relieving, relighted, religions, religiose, religious, relishing, relisting, relucting, renderers, reorients, reoutfits, repenters, repertory, repetends, repledges, replenish, repletion, replevied, replevies, replevins, replicons, replotted, replunged, replunges, reporters, reporting, reposeful, reposited, repotting, repouring, repowered, reprehend, represent, repressed, repressor, repricing, reprieved, reprieves, reprinted, reprinter, reprising, reprocess, reproduce, reprovers, reproving, repulsers, repulsing, repulsion, repulsive, reputedly, rerecords, reredoses, rereviews, reroofing, rerouting, reschools, rescinder, rescoring, rescreens, rescripts, resculpts, resecting, resection, resecured, resecures, reseeding, resentful, reserpine, reservers, reservice, reserving, reservist, reservoir, resetters, resetting, resettled, resettles, reshingle, reshoeing, reshowing, residence, residency, residents, resifting, resighted, resigners, resilient, resilvers, resinoids, resisting, resistive, resitting, resolders, resoluter, resolutes, resolvent, resolvers, resolving, resorcins, resorters, resorting, resources, respected, respecter, respiring, respiting, respliced, resplices, responder, respotted, resprings, resprouts, restitute, restively, restorers, restoring, restricts, restrings, restriven, restrives, restudies, restyling, resulting, resurgent, resurrect, resurveys, retentive, retesting, rethought, reticence, reticency, reticules, retighten, retinites, retinoids, retiredly, retitling, retooling, retorters, retorting, retouched, retoucher, retouches, retrieved, retriever, retrieves, retrocede, retrodict, retrofire, retrofits, retrousse, returnees, returners, retwisted, reunified, reunifies, reuniters, reuttered, revelries, revengers, revenuers, reverends, reversely, reversers, reversing, reversion, reverters, reverting, revesting, revetting, reviewers, reviewing, revisions, revisited, revoicing, revolters, revolting, revulsion, reweighed, rewelding, rewetting, rewinders, rewording, rewriters, rewriting, rewritten, rewrought, rhetorics, rhinoceri, rhodolite, rhodonite, rhodopsin, rhyolites, rhyolitic, richweeds, ricinuses, ricochets, riderless, ridership, ridgeline, ridgepole, ridiculer, ridicules, rieslings, rifleries, righteous, rightists, rightness, rigidness, rigorists, ringdoves, ringsides, riotously, riposting, riverside, rivetting, rogueries, roguishly, roistered, roisterer, rondelets, rooflines, rooftrees, rootholds, roseroots, rosewoods, rosinweed, rottenest, rotundity, roturiers, roughened, roughhewn, roughhews, roughness, roughshod, rouletted, roulettes, roundlets, rousingly, routinely, rowdiness, roystered, rufescent, rulership, rushlight, russeting, russified, rusticity, rustproof, ruttishly, sceneries, sceptered, sceptring, scheduler, schedules, scheelite, schlieren, schlieric, schnorrer, schooling, schooners, scientist, scincoids, scirrhous, sciurines, sclereids, sclerites, sclerosed, sclerotic, sclerotin, scoldings, scolecite, scoliotic, scoopfuls, scoopsful, scorchers, scorching, scorified, scorifies, scorpions, scotching, scoundrel, scourgers, scourings, scouthers, scoutings, screeched, screecher, screeches, screeding, screeners, screwiest, scrieving, scripters, scripting, scripture, scrivener, scrooched, scrooches, scrooping, scrounged, scrounger, scrounges, scrunched, scrunches, scrupling, sculpting, sculptors, scurfiest, scurrying, scurviest, scutcheon, scutchers, scutching, scuttered, scuttling, secluding, seclusion, seclusive, seconders, secrecies, secretest, secreting, secretins, secretion, secretive, secretors, secretory, sectility, sectioned, sectoring, sederunts, seditions, seditious, seduction, seductive, seedlings, seicentos, seigneurs, seigneury, seigniors, seigniory, selecting, selection, selective, selectors, selenides, selenites, selfhoods, selvedges, seniority, sensitive, sepiolite, septettes, sepulcher, sepulchre, serfhoods, sericeous, seriously, serologic, serotines, serotypes, serpigoes, serriedly, servicers, servicing, serviette, servility, servitors, servitude, settlings, sevenfold, seventies, sheeniest, sheepcote, sheepcots, sheepdogs, sheepfold, sheerlegs, sheetings, sheltered, shelterer, shelviest, shelvings, shepherds, shielders, shielding, shielings, shiftiest, shinglers, shipowner, shirrings, shirtiest, shirtings, shiverers, shivering, shoehorns, shoetrees, shooflies, shootings, shootouts, shopgirls, shophroth, shoplifts, shoreline, shoreside, shortcuts, shortened, shortener, shorthorn, shortlist, shortstop, shoulders, shouldest, shovelers, shoveling, showerers, showering, showgirls, showpiece, showrings, shrewdest, shrewdies, shrieving, shriveled, shrouding, shutdowns, shuttered, shuttling, sidelight, sideliner, sidelines, sidepiece, siderites, sideswipe, sightlier, sightseen, sightseer, signories, silencers, silentest, siliceous, silicones, siltstone, siluroids, silverers, silvering, sincerely, sincerest, sincerity, sinciputs, sinecures, singspiel, sinologue, sinuosity, sirventes, sistering, sleepiest, sleepings, sleepover, sleetiest, sleighers, slenderer, sleuthing, slightest, slingshot, slipcover, slipovers, slithered, sliverers, slivering, slouchers, slouchier, slouching, sloughier, sludgiest, slungshot, slurrying, very *friendly* persontiest, snitchers, snivelers, snoopiest, snootiest, snottiest, snoutiest, snowdrift, snowdrops, snowfield, snowshoed, snowshoer, snowslide, societies, sociology, softcover, softeners, softwoods, solderers, soldering, solecised, solenoids, solicited, solicitor, solitudes, solutions, soochongs, sophistic, sophistry, soporific, sorcerers, sorceries, sorcerous, sorptions, sorrowers, sorrowful, sorrowing, sortieing, sortilege, sortition, sostenuto, sottishly, souchongs, sourdines, sourwoods, southerly, southerns, southings, southrons, southwest, souvenirs, sovereign, specifics, specified, specifier, specifies, speechify, speediest, speedings, speedster, speerings, sphenoids, spheriest, spheroids, spherules, sphincter, sphingids, spiceries, spiderier, spiderish, spindlers, spindlier, spindrift, spinosity, spinulose, spiritoso, spiritous, spirituel, spitfires, spittoons, spleenier, splendors, splendour, splenetic, splinters, splintery, splitters, splitting, sploshing, splotched, splotches, splurgers, splurgier, splutters, spluttery, spongiest, sponsored, spoolings, sthingyfuls, sthingyiest, sthingysful, sporicide, sporocyst, sporogony, sportiest, spotlight, spottiest, sprightly, springers, springier, springily, sprinters, sprouting, spruciest, spurriers, sputtered, sputterer, steeliest, steevings, stegodons, stenchful, stenchier, stenciled, stenciler, stenotype, stepchild, stereoing, sterility, sterlings, sternites, sternpost, stevedore, stictions, stilettos, stingiest, stitchers, stitchery, stitching, stithying, stodgiest, stolidest, stolidity, stolports, stonecrop, stonefish, stonewort, stonished, stoplight, stopovers, storeship, storewide, stoutened, streeling, strengths, stretched, stretcher, stretches, strictest, stricture, stridence, stridency, stringers, stringier, stripiest, stripings, stripling, strongest, strongish, strongyle, strongyls, strouding, strutters, strutting, stuccoers, stuccoing, studhorse, studliest, stupefied, stupefies, stupidest, stupidity, sturdiest, sturgeons, stuttered, stutterer, stylising, stylistic, succedent, succeeder, succinyls, succorers, succories, succoring, suctioned, sudorific, sulphides, sulphites, sulphones, sultriest, sunderers, sunflower, sunlights, supercede, superchic, supercity, supercoil, supercool, superegos, superfine, supergene, supergood, superhero, superhits, superiors, superlies, superrich, supersede, supershow, supersoft, superthin, supervene, supervise, superwide, superwife, surcingle, surfeited, surfeiter, surfperch, surgeries, surplices, surprints, surprised, surpriser, surrender, surveying, surveyors, suspected, suspender, suspicion, suspiring, sweepiest, sweepings, sweetings, sweetshop, sweltered, sweltrier, swiftlets, swindlers, swineherd, swingiest, swinishly, swirliest, switchers, switching, swithered, swiveling, swooshing, swordfish, syncretic, synergids, synergies, synergist, synovitis, synthetic, syphering, tectonics, tectrices, tediously, teensiest, teentsier, teetering, teethings, telegenic, telephone, telephony, telephoto, teleports, telescope, telestics, telethons, televiews, televised, televises, telfering, telphered, tenderers, tenderest, tendresse, tenorists, tenorites, tensility, tensities, tenuities, teosintes, tepefying, tephrites, tepidness, tercelets, teredines, terpenoid, terpineol, terpinols, terrified, terrifies, territory, terrorise, terrorist, testicles, testified, testifier, testifies, tetchiest, tethering, thecodont, theogonic, theologic, theologue, theoretic, theorised, theorises, theorists, theosophy, therefore, thereinto, thereunto, thereupon, therewith, theropods, theurgies, theurgist, thiophene, thiophens, thirsters, thirstier, thirstily, thirsting, thirteens, thirtieth, thirtyish, thistlier, thitherto, tholeiite, tholepins, thorniest, thornless, threefold, threeping, threnodes, threnodic, threshers, threshing, threshold, thriftier, thriftily, throstles, throttled, throttler, throttles, throughly, throwster, thrusters, thrusting, thrustors, thunderer, thurifers, thyristor, tigereyes, tightened, tightener, tightness, tightrope, tightwire, tinctured, tinctures, tingliest, tiptoeing, tiredness, tirrivees, titterers, tittering, tittuping, tochering, toepieces, toileting, toilettes, tolidines, toluidine, toluidins, toolhouse, toolsheds, toothiest, toothless, toothwort, topflight, topsiders, topsoiled, topstitch, topstones, torcheres, torchiers, torchiest, torchwood, toreutics, torpedoes, torpidity, torrefied, torrefies, torridest, torridity, torrified, torrifies, tortoises, tortricid, torturers, torturing, totterers, tottering, touchdown, touchhole, touchiest, touchline, touchwood, toughened, toughness, touristic, tournedos, tourneyed, towelette, towelings, toweriest, townships, trecentos, trenchers, trendiest, trephined, trephines, tricepses, trichites, tricolors, tricornes, tricotine, tricuspid, tricycles, triflings, triglyphs, trihedron, trilogies, triplites, triploids, triploidy, tripodies, triptychs, tripwires, trisceles, trisected, trisector, tristichs, triteness, tritheist, trithings, trochilus, trochoids, troilites, troiluses, trophying, tropistic, trotlines, trouncers, troutiest, trouveres, trowelers, troweling, trudgeons, trueloves, trundlers, trustiest, tulipwood, tundishes, turgidity, turneries, turnovers, turnsoles, turnspits, turnstile, turophile, turtlings, tutorship, tutoyered, tweediest, tweedling, twentieth, twilights, twinships, twirliest, twistiest, twistings, twitchers, twitchier, twitchily, twitching, twittered, twopences, typewrite, typewrote, typifiers, tyrocidin, tyrosines, ufologies, ufologist, uglifiers, uncliched, unclothed, unclothes, uncoerced, uncolored, uncovered, uncrossed, undeceive, undercool, underfoot, undergirt, undergoes, underlets, underlies, underlips, underplot, undersets, undershot, undertows, underwool, unelected, unfertile, unfetters, unfolders, ungodlier, unhitched, unhitches, unholiest, unicycles, universes, unperfect, unpoliced, unpressed, unreelers, unreserve, unrevised, unscrewed, unselfish, unsettled, unsettles, unshifted, unsighted, unsightly, unsolders, unsphered, unspheres, unspoiled, unspotted, unsteeled, unsterile, unstylish, untethers, unthrifty, untidiest, untwisted, unvisited, unweights, unworried, upcoiling, upflowing, upfolding, upgrowths, upholders, upholding, upholster, uplifters, uplifting, uplighted, uprighted, uprightly, uprisings, uprooters, uprooting, upsetters, upsetting, upshifted, upstirred, uptilting, uptossing, uptowners, ureotelic, urgencies, urochords, urologies, urologist, urostyles, usherette, utilidors, utilisers, utopistic, uveitises, vectoring, veeringly, vegetists, veinulets, vendeuses, ventricle, venturers, verderers, verderors, verdigris, verditers, vergences, verifiers, verifying, vernicles, verrucose, versicles, versified, versifier, versifies, verticils, vertigoes, vesturing, vetchling, vicereine, viciously, victories, videlicet, viewpoint, vignetted, vignetter, vignettes, vilipends, violences, virescent, virologic, virtuosic, virtuosos, virucides, virulence, virulency, viscosity, viscounts, viscounty, viscously, vitrioled, voiceless, volitions, volunteer, volutions, voodooing, voodooist, vorticist, vorticity, vorticose, vouchered, weediness, weensiest, weighters, weightier, weightily, weirdness, weltering, weregilds, westering, wheedlers, wheedling, wheelings, wheepling, wherefore, whereinto, whereunto, whereupon, wherrying, whetstone, whichever, whipcords, whirliest, whirrying, whishting, whispered, whisperer, whistlers, whistling, whitefish, whiteners, whiteness, whiteouts, whittlers, whittling, whittrets, whodunits, wholeness, wholistic, whooshing, sleepersons, whosoever, wieldiest, wifehoods, wifeliest, wildering, wildfires, windhover, windproof, windsurfs, winepress, wineshops, wingovers, winterers, winterier, wintriest, wirephoto, wiseliest, witchiest, witchings, witherers, withering, witherite, withholds, withstood, witnessed, wittiness, wittingly, wolfhound, wolverine, wonderers, wonderful, woodenest, woodiness, woodlores, woodnotes, woodpiles, woodsiest, woodstove, woolsheds, wordiness, worriedly, worriting, worshiped, worshiper, worthiest, worthless, woundless, wrestlers, wrestling, wristiest, wristlets, wrongdoer, wulfenite, wuthering, yeshivoth, yestreens, yoghourts, youngster, youthened, yuletides
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 19, 2006 20:11:56 GMT -5
10-letter words celerities, celestites, censorious, censorship, centerfold, centerless, centiliter, centipedes, centricity, centrifuge, centrioles, cerecloths, certifiers, certifying, certitudes, cervicites, cetologies, cetologist, cheeriness, cherishers, cherishing, chevelures, chiefships, childproof, chinchiest, chirruping, chirurgeon, chittering, chlorinity, choiceness, chondrites, chondritic, chondrules, chophouses, choplogics, choreguses, choristers, chorussing, chowdering, chowhounds, christened, chronicity, chronicled, chronicler, chronicles, chronology, chrysolite, chrysotile, churchgoer, churchiest, churchings, churchless, churchlier, cirrhotics, clerestory, cleverness, clipsheets, clitorides, clitorises, cloistered, closedowns, clothespin, cloudiness, clowneries, clustering, cluttering, cocounsels, coderiving, codevelops, codicology, codirector, codiscover, coenocytes, coercively, coercivity, coerecting, cofounders, coherences, coherently, cohesively, coinferred, coinsurers, cointerred, coinvestor, colicroots, colocynths, coloristic, colorpoint, colpitises, colporteur, coltsfoots, conceivers, conceptive, concessive, conchology, concierges, concluders, conclusive, conclusory, concourses, concretely, concretist, concussive, conductive, conductors, coneflower, conferrers, configured, configures, confiteors, confitures, conflicted, confusedly, congestive, congressed, coniferous, conscripts, conservers, consistory, conspectus, constitute, constricts, constructs, consulship, consulters, consultive, consultors, contesters, contiguity, contortive, contritely, contrivers, controvert, convectors, conversely, conversers, converters, convertors, convoluted, convolutes, copestones, coplotting, copresents, coprisoner, coproducer, coproduces, coproducts, coprolites, coprolitic, copurified, copurifies, copyholder, copyrights, copywriter, cordierite, coresident, cornerwise, cornetcies, cornetists, cornettist, cornfields, cornflower, corporeity, corpulence, corpulency, corpuscles, correctest, correcting, correction, corrective, correctors, correspond, corrosions, corrosives, corrupters, corruptest, corrupting, corruption, corruptive, corruptors, corselette, corsetiere, corsetries, corticoids, cortisones, coscripted, cotrustees, cotterless, cottonseed, cottonweed, cottonwood, cotyledons, councilors, counselees, counselors, countercry, counterspy, countertop, countryish, courgettes, courtesied, courtesies, courtliest, courtships, courtsides, cousinhood, cousinries, cousinship, coverslips, covertness, covertures, covetingly, covetously, cowpuncher, creepiness, creolising, creosoting, crepuscles, crescendos, crescively, criterions, crocheters, crocheting, crocodiles, crosscourt, crosspiece, crucifying, crunchiest, crushingly, crushproof, cryogenics, cryogenies, cryophilic, cryoscopes, ctenophore, currencies, currieries, curtseying, curvetting, cutcheries, cuttlefish, cyclodiene, cyclotrons, cystitides, cystoliths, cystoscope, cytogenies, cytologies, cytologist, cytophilic, deceptions, deciliters, decipherer, decisively, decoctions, decoloring, decongests, decontrols, decorously, decoupling, decrepitly, decrescent, decrypting, decryption, defections, defectives, defensives, deficiency, deficients, definitely, deflecting, deflection, deflective, deflectors, deflowerer, defocusing, defrosters, defrosting, degressive, dehiscence, delighters, deliverers, deliveries, delivering, dentifrice, denturists, deontology, depictions, depletions, depolishes, depositing, deposition, depositors, depository, depressing, depression, depressive, derisively, derringers, descriptor, desertions, deservings, desirously, desorption, despiteful, despiteous, despoilers, despoiling, destroyers, destroying, detections, detectives, detergency, detergents, deterrents, detersives, dethroners, detritions, developers, developing, deviltries, devolution, devoutness, dicentrics, dichlorvos, dielectric, dieselings, digestions, digestives, digression, digressive, diligences, diluteness, diphosgene, diphthongs, diphyletic, diplotenes, directions, directives, directness, directress, directrice, discepting, discerners, disclosing, disclosure, disconcert, discophile, discounter, discourser, discoverer, discreeter, discreetly, discretely, discretion, discursive, disentitle, disfigures, disfurnish, disgruntle, dishcloths, dishclouts, dishonesty, dishonorer, disinfects, disorients, dispersing, dispersion, dispersive, dispiteous, displosion, disporting, disproving, disreputes, disrespect, disrooting, disrupters, disrupting, disruption, disruptive, dissecting, dissection, disserting, disservice, disserving, dissolvent, dissolving, distichous, distincter, distinctly, distorters, distorting, distortion, disulfoton, divergence, divergency, diversions, divulgence, doctorless, doctorship, doughtiest, dowitchers, downshifts, downspouts, driftingly, dripstones, drivelines, driverless, droopingly, droplights, droughtier, drouthiest, drugstores, dulcifying, duopsonies, dustcovers, dysenteric, dystrophic, echiuroids, ecologists, ecospecies, ecospheres, ecotourist, editorship, egocentric, eighteenth, eightieths, elderships, electrodes, electroing, electronic, eledoisins, elocutions, enciphered, encipherer, enclosures, endolithic, endophytes, endophytic, endoscopes, endoscopic, endospores, endostyles, energetics, enologists, enregister, ensorceled, enterocoel, enterprise, entireties, entoprocts, entrecotes, eosinophil, epeirogeny, epenthesis, epenthetic, ephedrines, epicenters, epicuticle, epicycloid, epigenesis, epigenetic, epiglottic, epiglottis, epistolers, erectility, ergodicity, ergosterol, eriophyids, eroticists, erotogenic, eruditions, eruptively, erythrites, erythrosin, escritoire, escutcheon, esterified, esterifies, estrogenic, esuriences, esuriently, eternities, etherified, etherifies, ethnologic, ethologies, ethologist, etiologies, eugenicist, euglenoids, eulogistic, euploidies, eurypterid, eutectoids, euthenists, eutrophies, everduring, everything, evildoings, evolutions, eyeletting, eyestrings, eyewitness, feculences, felicitous, fenderless, feretories, ferocities, ferretings, ferrocenes, ferrotypes, fervencies, fervidness, festoonery, fetchingly, fetologies, fetologist, fetoscopes, fettuccine, fettuccini, feverishly, feverworts, fictioneer, fieldpiece, fieldstone, fieldstrip, fiendishly, fierceness, filthiness, fingerhold, fingerpost, fingertips, firehouses, firelights, firepowers, firestones, firethorns, firstlings, flechettes, fletchings, flichtered, flightiest, flittering, flophouses, florescent, floridness, florigenic, flounciest, flourished, flourisher, flourishes, flowerette, floweriest, flowerpots, flowstones, fluoresced, fluorescer, fluoresces, flustering, flutterers, fluttering, flyweights, foolishest, footcloths, footlights, footprints, footstones, footstools, foreclosed, forecloses, forecourts, foreground, forehooves, foreigners, foreseeing, foresheets, foreshores, foreshowed, foresights, forestries, forgetters, forlornest, forthright, fortitudes, fortnights, fortressed, fortuities, fosterling, fourteener, fourteenth, freeholder, freestones, freestyler, freestyles, freighters, fresheners, friendless, friendlier, friendlies, friendship, frightened, frigidness, fritterers, frittering, frontcourt, frothiness, frowstiest, frugivores, fruiterers, fruitiness, fruitwoods, frutescent, fugitively, fungicides, furnishers, furrieries, furtherers, furthering, futileness, generosity, generously, geneticist, gentilesse, gentrified, gentrifier, gentrifies, genuflects, geocentric, geophysics, geoscience, gerundives, gesundheit, geyserites, ghostliest, ghostwrite, ghostwrote, giftedness, girlfriend, glorifiers, glucosides, glucosidic, gluttonies, glycerides, glyceridic, glycerines, glycosides, glycosidic, goldeneyes, goldfishes, goldstones, gondoliers, gonophores, gooseflesh, goosefoots, governessy, greediness, greenflies, greenhouse, greenwoods, greyhounds, grievously, grinderies, gristliest, grittiness, grouchiest, groundfish, groundless, groundsels, growliness, growthiest, guidelines, guideposts, guildships, guiltiness, gulosities, gunpowders, gynophores, gyroscopes, gyroscopic, hectoliter, hedonistic, heightened, helicopted, helicopter, heliotrope, henceforth, henotheist, herculeses, heredities, heretofore, heretrices, heritrices, herstories, hesperidin, heterocyst, heterodyne, heterogeny, heterogony, heterophil, heuristics, hiccoughed, hierodules, hieroglyph, highfliers, highflyers, hindsights, histiocyte, histologic, hodoscopes, hologynies, holophytic, holystoned, holystones, honeyguide, honorifics, hoofprints, horehounds, horologies, horologist, horoscopes, horrendous, horridness, horrifying, horseflesh, horseflies, horsehides, horsepower, horseshoed, horseshoer, horseweeds, horsewhips, hostelries, hotchpotch, hotfooting, hotpressed, houseflies, housefront, households, housewifey, housewives, hydroceles, hydrofoils, hydrologic, hydrophone, hydroponic, hydropower, hydropsies, hydroseres, hydrosolic, hygienists, hypergolic, hypersonic, hypertense, hypertonic, hyphenless, hypnotists, hypocenter, hypocrites, hypotenuse, hypotheses, hypothesis, hysteretic, iconoscope, ideologies, ideologist, ideologues, inceptives, inclosures, indecorous, indirectly, indiscreet, industries, ineptitude, infectious, inferiorly, infielders, infighters, inflective, inflicters, inflictors, inglorious, ingressive, inheritors, insecurely, insecurity, insightful, inspective, inspectors, instituted, instituter, institutes, institutor, instructed, instructor, interceder, intercedes, intercepts, intercrops, intercross, interdicts, interested, interfered, interferer, interferes, interfiled, interfiles, interfluve, interfused, interfuses, intergroup, interiorly, interloped, interloper, interlopes, interludes, interposed, interposer, interposes, interprets, interreges, interrogee, interrupts, intersects, interstice, intertroop, intertwist, interviews, intrepidly, intriguers, introducer, introduces, introspect, introverts, intrusives, inveighers, inveiglers, involucres, ionophores, ionosphere, iridescent, ironfisted, irresolute, irreverent, irruptions, isentropic, isochrones, isoleucine, isoplethic, isoprenoid, isotropies, lectotypes, lederhosen, legendries, legerities, leistering, lengthiest, lengthwise, lentivirus, leptotenes, letterings, leucocidin, licensures, licentious, lienteries, lighteners, lighthouse, lightproof, lightships, lightwoods, lintwhites, lionfishes, lithophyte, lithopones, liturgists, liverworts, liverwurst, locutories, lodestones, logorrheic, logotypies, longhouses, longitudes, lorgnettes, louseworts, luciferins, lungfishes, lustihoods, lutestring, lysogenies, lysogenise, necropoles, necropolis, necropsied, necropsies, needlefish, neglecters, negritudes, neotropics, nephelites, nephrology, nephrotics, nepotistic, neuritides, neuritises, neurologic, neutrophil, newsletter, niccolites, nidicolous, nightdress, nightlifes, nightscope, nightshirt, nightsides, nightspots, nodosities, noospheres, northwests, nosepieces, nosewheels, nosologies, noteworthy, notochords, nourishers, novelettes, novelistic, nucleoside, nucleotide, occlusions, occultists, occurrents, octoploids, octothorps, oecologies, oenologies, oenophiles, oinologies, oleoresins, oligopsony, olivenites, oncologies, oncologist, ontologies, ontologist, operettist, ophiuroids, opsonified, opsonifies, opulencies, orchitises, orienteers, ornithopod, ornithoses, ornithosis, orogeneses, orogenesis, orogenetic, orotundity, orrisroots, orthoepies, orthoepist, orthopedic, orthotists, osteitides, osteocytes, osteogenic, otherguess, otherwhere, otherwhile, otherworld, otoscopies, outchiding, outcrossed, outcrowing, outdeliver, outdesigns, outdriving, outechoing, outfeeling, outfielder, outfishing, outfitters, outfitting, outflowing, outfooling, outfooting, outfrowned, outglitter, outgrossed, outgrowths, outhitting, outhowling, outpitched, outpitches, outpitying, outplotted, outpointed, outpowered, outpreened, outpressed, outpricing, outrightly, outrooting, outscooped, outscoring, outscorned, outserving, outsitting, outsprints, outsteered, outstretch, outstrides, outtowered, outvoicing, outweeping, outweighed, outwhirled, outwishing, outwitting, outwrestle, outwriting, outwritten, outyelping, overclouds, overcooled, overcounts, overcrowds, overcuring, overdesign, overdirect, overdosing, overdrying, overdyeing, overfished, overfishes, overflight, overflowed, overflying, overgrowth, overhoping, overhunted, overhyping, overissued, overlength, overlights, overnights, overpluses, overplying, overpotent, overpowers, overpriced, overprices, overprints, overreport, overriding, overruling, overseeing, oversewing, overshirts, overshoots, oversights, oversleeps, overspends, oversteers, overstrewn, overstrews, overstride, overstrode, overstrung, overswings, overthrown, overthrows, overtiring, overtoiled, overturing, overturned, overweighs, overweight, overwetted, overwinter, overwrites, oviposited, ovipositor, ownerships, oysterings, pedicuring, pedicurist, pedologies, pedologist, penholders, penologies, penologist, penthouses, perceivers, perceiving, percentile, percussing, percussion, percussive, perditions, peregrines, perfecters, perfectest, perfecting, perfection, perfective, perfidious, perfusions, pericycles, peridotite, perigynies, perigynous, perihelion, peristyles, pernicious, persecuted, persecutes, persecutor, persistent, persisting, personhood, perversely, perversion, perversity, perverters, perverting, pesticides, pestilence, petiteness, petitioned, petitioner, petrifying, petrologic, pewholders, phenocryst, philtering, phlogistic, phlogiston, phonolites, phonologic, photoflood, photogenic, photolyses, photolysis, photolytic, phrenology, piccoloist, picosecond, piercingly, pigeonhole, pigeonites, pilothouse, pinsetters, pinwheeled, pirouetted, pirouettes, pistoleers, pitcherful, plenitudes, plentitude, pleochroic, pleurisies, pleustonic, plunderers, poisonwood, poliovirus, politeness, politicoes, polyesters, polygonies, polyhedron, polyhistor, polytenies, polytheist, polythenes, pontifices, poorhouses, porosities, porringers, portentous, portfolios, portliness, positioned, positively, positivest, posologies, posteriors, postflight, postilions, postsynced, pothunters, potshotted, poulterers, poulticing, poussetted, powderless, powerhouse, precedency, precedents, precensors, precentors, precessing, precession, preciosity, preciouses, preciously, precisions, precluding, preclusion, preclusive, precocious, preconcert, precooling, precursors, precursory, precutting, predefines, predestine, predicting, prediction, predictive, predictors, predigests, preediting, prefecture, preferrers, preferring, prefigured, prefigures, prefocused, prefocuses, prehensile, prehistory, prelecting, prelection, prelusions, preschools, prescience, prescoring, prescreens, preselects, presenters, presentist, preservers, preservice, preserving, presetting, preshowing, presidency, presidents, presifting, presignify, preslicing, presorting, pressingly, pressuring, presurgery, pretenders, preterites, pretesting, prettified, prettifier, prettifies, prettiness, preventers, previewers, previewing, previously, previsions, prewriting, priesthood, priestlier, princelets, princelier, printeries, pristinely, privileged, privileges, procedures, proceeding, procercoid, processing, procession, proclitics, proclivity, proconsuls, proctology, proctoring, prodigious, production, productive, professing, profession, proficient, profiteers, profitless, profitwise, profounder, profoundly, profundity, profusions, progenitor, progestins, proglottid, proglottis, prognostic, progressed, prolocutor, prolongers, prolusions, prosciutti, prosciutto, prosecting, prosectors, prosecuted, prosecutes, prosecutor, proselyted, proselytes, prosthetic, prostitute, protecting, protection, protective, protectors, protectory, protensive, protesters, protesting, protestors, protocoled, protostele, protruding, protrusion, protrusive, proustites, provenders, providence, proviruses, provisions, provolones, pruriences, pruriently, pseudocoel, psychotics, pteridines, pterygoids, pulverised, pulverises, punctilios, punditries, punitively, purloiners, putrefying, putrescent, putrescine, puttyroots, pyelitises, pyrethrins, pyrethroid, pyrologies, pyrolusite, pyrrhotite, receipting, receptions, rechoosing, rechristen, recipients, recircling, reclothing, reclusions, recodifies, recognised, recognises, recoloring, reconceive, reconciled, reconciler, reconciles, reconsider, recontours, reconverts, reconveyed, reconvicts, recordings, recordists, recounters, recoupling, recoverers, recoveries, recovering, recrossing, recrudesce, recruiters, recruiting, rectifiers, rectifying, rectitudes, rectorship, recurrence, recursions, redelivers, redelivery, redeposits, redevelops, redingotes, rediscount, rediscover, redissolve, redistrict, redolences, redressing, reductions, reedifying, reeditions, reelecting, reelection, reenforced, reenforces, reenlisted, reerecting, refections, refiltered, refineries, refinished, refinisher, refinishes, reflecting, reflection, reflective, reflectors, reflooding, reflowered, refluences, refocusing, refocussed, reforested, refreshens, refreshers, refreshing, refulgence, registered, registries, regression, regressive, regretters, reidentify, reincurred, reinfected, reinforced, reinforcer, reinforces, reinserted, reinspects, reinspired, reinspires, reinsurers, reinterred, reinvested, relicensed, relicenses, relictions, renotified, renotifies, reoccupied, reoccupies, reoccurred, reordering, reoriented, reoviruses, repertoire, repetition, repetitive, repletions, replevined, replevying, replotting, repolished, repolishes, reportedly, repositing, reposition, repository, repowering, reprehends, represents, repressing, repression, repressive, reprieving, reprinters, reproducer, reproduces, repulsions, repurified, repurifies, reregister, reschedule, reschooled, rescinders, resculpted, resections, resecuring, reserpines, reservedly, reserviced, reservices, reservoirs, resettling, reshingled, reshingles, reshooting, residences, resignedly, resilience, resiliency, resilvered, resittings, resolidify, resolutest, resolution, resolvents, resorcinol, resorption, resorptive, respecters, respectful, respecting, respective, resplicing, responders, responsive, responsory, respotting, resprouted, restitched, restitches, restituted, restitutes, restricted, restriving, restudying, resurgence, resurrects, resurveyed, reticences, reticently, retightens, retiringly, retouchers, retouching, retrenched, retrenches, retrievers, retrieving, retrocedes, retrodicts, retrofired, retrofires, retrogress, retrospect, retrovirus, retwisting, reuttering, revengeful, reverently, reverified, reverifies, reversions, revolution, revulsions, rheologies, rheologist, rhinoceros, rhinoscopy, rhinovirus, rhodolites, rhodonites, rhodopsins, ricocheted, riderships, ridgelines, ridgepoles, ridiculers, rigorously, rinderpest, ripsnorter, riverfront, riversides, rivetingly, roisterers, roistering, roisterous, rootedness, rosinweeds, rotisserie, rottweiler, roughdries, roughhewed, roughrider, rouletting, roystering, rugosities, rulerships, rushlights, russetting, russifying, sceptering, schedulers, scheduling, scheelites, schnorrers, schoolings, sclerosing, sclerotics, sclerotins, scolecites, scorifying, scoundrels, scouthered, scowdering, screechers, screechier, screeching, scriptures, scriveners, scrooching, scrootched, scrootches, scroungers, scroungier, scrutineer, scrutinies, scrutinise, scurrility, scutcheons, scuttering, secretions, securities, seductions, sedulities, seignories, selections, sepiolites, sepulchers, sepulchred, sepulchres, serenities, serologies, serologist, serotinous, serpigines, serviettes, servitudes, seventieth, severities, sheepcotes, sheepfolds, sheepishly, shelterers, sheltering, shipfitter, shipowners, shipwright, shirtfront, shoehorned, shoestring, shoplifted, shoplifter, shorefront, shorelines, shorteners, shorthorns, shovelnose, showpieces, shrewishly, shriveling, shuttering, sidelights, sideliners, sidepieces, siderolite, sightliest, signposted, silhouette, silverfish, silverside, silverweed, singletree, sinisterly, sinologies, sinologist, sinologues, sisterhood, sitologies, sitosterol, sleepovers, slenderest, slipcovers, slithering, slouchiest, sloughiest, snowdrifts, snowfields, sociologic, softcovers, soldieries, soldiering, solecising, solecistic, solicitors, solicitous, solicitude, solvencies, songwriter, sonorities, sonorously, soothingly, soporifics, sororities, sortileges, sortitions, soundproof, sovereigns, specifiers, specifying, speciosity, speciously, sperrylite, sphericity, spherulite, sphincters, spideriest, spiderwort, spindliest, spindrifts, spinsterly, spiritedly, spirochete, spleeniest, spleenwort, splendours, splendrous, splenetics, splintered, splotchier, splotching, splurgiest, spluttered, splutterer, spooferies, sporicides, sporogenic, sporogonic, sportingly, sportively, spotlights, sprightful, springiest, springtide, springwood, sputterers, sputtering, stenchiest, stencilers, stenotopic, stenotyped, stenotypes, stereology, stereotype, stertorous, stevedores, stilettoed, stilettoes, stitchwort, stonecrops, stoneflies, stoneworts, stoplights, storefront, storehouse, streetwise, stretchers, stretchier, stretching, strictures, stridences, stridently, stringiest, striplings, stronghold, strongyles, stroudings, stultified, stultifies, stupefying, stutterers, stuttering, succeeders, succeeding, sudorifics, sunflowers, sunporches, supercedes, supercoils, supercools, superelite, supergenes, superiorly, superlight, superliner, superlying, superorder, superseder, supersonic, superstore, supersweet, supertight, supertonic, supervened, supervenes, supervised, supervisor, superwives, surcingles, surefooted, suretyship, surfeiters, surfeiting, surprinted, surprising, surrenders, surveyings, susceptive, suspecting, sweepingly, sweetishly, sweltering, sweltriest, swineherds, swishingly, switcheroo, swithering, syncretise, syncretist, synecdoche, synergetic, synthetics, technology, teentsiest, teethridge, telecourse, telegonies, telephoned, telephoner, telephones, telephonic, telephotos, teleported, telescoped, telescopes, telescopic, televising, television, teliospore, telphering, tenderfoot, tendrilous, terpenoids, terpineols, terreplein, terrifying, terrorised, terrorises, terrorists, terrorless, testifiers, testifying, testudines, tetchiness, thecodonts, thelitises, theodicies, theodolite, theogonies, theologies, theologise, theologues, theorising, thereunder, theurgists, thieveries, thievishly, thiophenes, thirstiest, thirteenth, thirtieths, thistliest, tholeiites, thorougher, thoroughly, threescore, threnodies, threnodist, thresholds, thriftiest, thriftless, thrivingly, throttlers, throttling, throwsters, thunderers, thyristors, tigerishly, tighteners, tightropes, tightwires, tilefishes, tocologies, tocopherol, toiletries, toluidines, tongueless, toolhouses, toothworts, toploftier, topnotcher, topologies, topologist, topsoiling, torchlight, torchwoods, torosities, torpedoing, torrefying, torridness, torrifying, tortiously, tortricids, tortuosity, touchdowns, touchholes, touchiness, touchingly, touchlines, touchstone, touchwoods, towelettes, toweringly, trichinous, trichocyst, trichogyne, trichology, tricolette, tricolored, tricotines, tricuspids, triglyphic, trihedrons, triphthong, trisecting, trisection, trisectors, trisulfide, tritheists, troglodyte, tropologic, trusteeing, trustingly, tulipwoods, turgencies, turgescent, turgidness, turnstiles, turophiles, turtledove, tutorships, tutoyering, tweediness, twentieths, twitchiest, twittering, typesetter, typewriter, typewrites, typologies, typologist, tyrocidine, tyrocidins, ufologists, uncoercive, uncorseted, undeceives, undercools, undercover, undercroft, underplots, underprice, underproof, underscore, undershirt, undershoot, understeer, understory, underwools, underwrite, underwrote, unfettered, unfiltered, unforested, ungodliest, unicyclist, university, unlettered, unpolished, unrelieved, unreported, unreserved, unreserves, unresolved, unrestored, unreviewed, unschooled, unscripted, unselected, unspecific, unstitched, unstitches, untethered, untogether, unweighted, unwieldier, unworthier, unworthies, unworthily, upholsters, upholstery, upshifting, upshooting, upstirring, upthrowing, uredospore, urethrites, urethritis, uricotelic, urologists, uroscopies, usherettes, velocipede, velocities, venosities, ventricles, ventricose, ventriculi, versifiers, versifying, vertigines, vespertine, vetchlings, vicegerent, vicereines, victorious, videophile, videophone, viewership, viewfinder, viewpoints, vignetters, vignettist, vigorishes, vigorously, viperously, virescence, virologies, virologist, virtueless, virtuosity, virulences, viscountcy, vitreouses, vociferous, voiceprint, volunteers, voodooists, vorticists, vouchering, weightiest, weightless, westerlies, westernise, wheelhorse, wheelhouse, whensoever, wherefores, whetstones, whipstitch, whisperers, whispering, whistlings, whiteflies, whittlings, sleeperhouse, wifeliness, wilderness, windhovers, winteriest, wintertide, wirelessed, wirephotos, witcheries, witherites, withholder, woefulness, wolfhounds, wolverines, wondrously, woodcutter, woodstoves, worshipers, worshipful, worshiping, worthiness, wrestlings, wretcheder, wretchedly, wrongdoers, wulfenites, youngsters, yourselves
Posts: 148
Post by Donna on Jun 20, 2006 8:57:58 GMT -5
This is my list I am going to post for the challenge.
I am going to concentrate on words beginning with "u, v, w".
I compared all my words against www. and they are all there!
3-letter words udo, ugh, uns, urd, vug
4-letter words uric, vert, vugh, weel, ween
5-letter words utile, venge, virid, whorl, wrest
6-letter words ursine, vitric, wedgie, wigeon, windle
7-letter words urodele, veloute, vespine, vidette, whortle
8-letter words unsphere, urochord, volution, voussoir, whodunit
9-letter words underwool, ureotelic, virescent, wirephoto, wolfhound
10-letter words undercroft, uredospore, urethritis, vicegerent, whipstitch